The engagement at the Raisin was decisively in your favor, and General Burns is firmly of the opinion that the tide has turned. The Victorians appear to agree. They are sacrificing Savior Division and some of their infantry to buy time, and bringing everything else into last-stand mode at the Raisin Line, aside from the Lake Erie Island force, which presumably is preparing to reenact the Second World War's Pacific Front as experienced by the Empire of Japan. You cannot realistically prevent them from getting into position; the question is how you want to deal with the suicide force, and how you want to approach this last stand. The battle is almost over. How do you wish to end it?
[ ] Plan [NAME]
Savior Division appears to be choosing glory over survival, along with some of the survivors of those divisions who attempted to cross the River Raisin. How would you like to eradicate them?
-[ ] Defend with available forces. They simply cannot force the Huron with worse than two-to-one odds. Commit the Big Red One if somebody really fucks up, but otherwise just let them batter themselves to death. Head out and finish them once they're incapable of resisting you. Estimated three days to total force destruction. Uses a charge of OWE in the unlikely event that the BRO needs to step in.
-[ ] Defend with all committable forces. Bring up all of your troops and all of the Detroit Militia. You don't just want to win this one; you want to utterly smash this assault and enjoy numerical superiority for a change. Afterwards, you can wipe them out easily. With this force, you won't even hypothetically need the Big Red One. Estimated two days to total force destruction. The BRO will not in any case be needed.
After you deal with the suicide force, you will have to deal with the Victorians' last stand, which will entail resting and resupplying your forces to go on the offensive against prepared defenses. How will you approach this?
-[ ] Full assault. Commit everything you possibly can. Without the Big Red One, this would not be feasible. With them, it will merely be bloody. Uses a charge of OWE. Certainty of high casualties, possibility of extreme casualties. Three days to prepare and begin offensive operations. Swift resolution, likely within a week one way or the other.
-[ ] Limited assault. Don't try to smash them outright, but you cannot countenance just letting them be. Begin launching probing attacks across a wide area. Force them to spread their forces and strain their logistics. Wear down their supplies and weaken them for the final clash. Does not use a charge of OWE. Certainty of limited casualties. Possibility of moderate casualties. Five days to prepare and begin offensive operations. Slower resolution, likely several weeks.
-[ ] Ongoing harassment and probing attacks to force the Victorians to exhaust their supplies, followed by a decisive attack supported by Old World Equipment after they are deemed to be sufficiently weakened.
-[ ] Siege. Victorians do not get glorious last stands against you. They get run down like foxes before your tanks. They get picked apart from extreme range, useless prayers on their lips. This force will die the slow death of starvation and dwindling supplies. Only once they have lost any ability to present a threat to your forces will you close the noose on them. Does not use a charge of OWE. Possibility of light casualties. Possibility that the Victorians' nerve breaks and they resume their offensive. One week to prepare and begin offensive operations. Resolution will likely take a long time, possibly multiple months.
The Navy has a fleet of unarmed cargo vessels bearing down on them.
-[ ] Sink them. They want smoke plumes on the horizon to signal their men, they can have them.
-[ ] Capture the freighters if it appears possible to disable them without a threat to the overall safety of the fleet. Sink them if they put up too much of a fight to allow that, or if there is reason to think they are rigged as suicide bombs.
-[ ] Capture them. Start with one of the lakers, holding most of the fleet a mile or two back in case they've been rigged with extensive demolitions as "fire ships."
-[ ] Capture them. Hey, if Victoria doesn't want the tonnage, you can see some use in them.
What will the Navy do in support of the final destruction of the Victorian Army?
-[ ] Full bombardment. The Navy will commit to intense shore bombardment of Victorian positions, trying to destroy as many troops and materiel as they possibly can to burn through the Victorians supplies and manpower.
-[ ] Scouting missions. Whatever you do on land, you'll need accurate and up-to-date information to do it. With control of the sea, you might even be able to force naval landings behind the River Raisin and circumvent Victoria's main defensive barrier.
-[ ] Blockade. All of this could be undone if Victoria manages to slip transport ships to its cut-off forces. Ensure that that cannot happen.