Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Meta wise, because I am getting really annoyed that no matter what, whenever there is a art choice and there is a damage option the damage option will will. I would be glad to be proven wrong, but this kind of vote choice pisses me off because the vote is already written in stone from the get go, and it's just bad QMing.

The only reason Fang won was literally a bunch of memes about Ling-Qi-Fang. There are a lot of good reasons for the Bombastic vote:
  • Bombastic is the closest one to her own nature, and cultivation is often about reinforcing who you are. In a time of doubt and injury for Hanyi I think it's important to reinforce her own self rather than trying to inject a bunch of new ideas.
  • In a large party of Spirits it's important that they specialize to get the most bang for buck. Hanyi seems like she could easily slide into the damage dealer role.
  • Hanyi's highest stat is Presence, so she'll do best if composing based on Presence, and doing well in this hard challenge is important to her. If she tries to do something she sucks at and gets wrecked that won't do her any good.
It not necessarily copying either her mom or big sis. While composing her melody, she can devote some time to quiet contemplation. Meditating on the ways in which she needs to grow can help her mature. A bombastic song is just more of the same.
Being bombastic does not make a person not mature. Rather one can be bombastic and still be mature, it all depends on how you grow up. Trying to add an art to make her more "mature" is starting to sound like the old "We need to add element x to make LQ a more rounded person". Character development will happen anyway. We do not need to add contemplation or melancholy to somehow force Hanyi to mature.
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[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[X] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)
My main concern with the Melancholy option is how Ling Qi would narratively justify developing that type of song with Hanyi. I'm not sure if it makes sense for Ling Qi to guide her to such a song. It's fine if Hanyi decides to create such a song herself, but it's not certain that's what will happen.
If not for CRX's mom I'd be pulling for trying to get together an entire band.

Regardless I still want to eventually teach Zhengui to sing
Being bombastic does not make a person not mature. Rather one can be bombastic and still be mature, it all depends on how you grow up. Trying to add an art to make her more "mature" is starting to sound like the old "We need to add element x to make LQ a more rounded person". Character development will happen anyway. We do not need to add contemplation or melancholy to somehow force Hanyi to mature.
I agree, but the connection people are drawing right now is brattiness = bombastic. In this context...
[X] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)
[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)

Rather bombastic since it feels most like Hanyi but I also wouldn't mind seeing her own interpretation of what looks to be a pretty Zeqing option. Not a fan of melancholy though. I don't feel this challenge needs to centre on her grief nor do I think that channeling LQ's gloominess is a necessary character development.
[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[X] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)

This vote reads as much the same as Sixiang's element vote; where Sixiang was changing their elemental affinity — which part of Ling Qi's personality they inspire — here Hanyi is being taught which part of her personality to explore. In other words, her inherent nature as a spirit of a frozen-to-death joyful child, her inherent nature as an inexorable spirit of blizzards, or her inherent nature as a spirit of loss and endings.

I like her Yang-ness best, as another contrast to Ling Qi's Yin. (But, tbh, this is mostly a spite vote against the idea that wallowing in sadness is the only way to process grief.)
That is wrong though, Hanyi is a brat because she is a teen that spent her life on a mountain never learning social boundaries and rules not because she is bombastic. Heck GG can come of as bombastic and he is fairly mature.

Hence the argument that the idea that bombastic "feels more like Hanyi" is misguided, because it derives from a superficial impression of her behaviour that is really a function of something completely different.
Due to how music works in this setting, whatever option we choose will be reflective of Hanyi's own feelings. Hanyi will not compose a song she isn't personally connected to. This means that the Melancholy option is actually very likely to deal with Hanyi's grief over Zeqing. Since her song has to be reflective of herself, she should start to organically deal with her grief if we choose this option.

[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
Due to how music works in this setting, whatever option we choose will be reflective of Hanyi's own feelings. Hanyi will not compose a song she isn't personally connected to. This means that the Melancholy option is actually very likely to deal with Hanyi's grief over Zeqing. Since her song has to be reflective of herself, she should start to organically deal with her grief if we choose this option.

[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
She does not need to wallow in sadness to express her grief, bombastic can easily deal with it by having her remember all the things she loved about her mother
She does not need to wallow in sadness to express her grief, bombastic can easily deal with it by having her remember all the things she loved about her mother

The main issue with this is that there is no guarantee that the other options will deal with Hanyi's loss or grief over Zeqing. Hanyi is not defined solely by that after all. However, it's hard to think of anything else that would fit the Melancholy option.
The main issue with this is that there is no guarantee that the other options will deal with Hanyi's loss or grief over Zeqing. Hanyi is not defined solely by that after all. However, it's hard to think of anything else that would fit the Melancholy option.
Still runs into the question of why Hanyi and LQ would work on an song/art about the death of Hanyi's mother for what is a friendly duel. Seriously doubt they will throw themselves into such deep issues over something so small.
[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)

Going with this one. No time for a full length explanation, but what I will say is: I don't want Hanyi to express her grief by being overly energetic. The way I see it, in terms of being Yang and happy, doesn't Six already fill that role.
Still runs into the question of why Hanyi and LQ would work on an song/art about the death of Hanyi's mother for what is a friendly duel. Seriously doubt they will throw themselves into such deep issues over something so small.

Ling Qi likely won't have much of a role in deciding what themes Hanyi decides to pursue. It's Hanyi's own song - she has to feel personally connected to it to develop it, especially if she's going to use it in a competition. Hanyi deciding to develop such a song on her own as an outlet for feelings she's kept bottled up would be a powerful character moment. I'm not sure if this is guaranteed to happen, but it does seem very likely based on how music works in this setting.
[X] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)

Narratively this would be because I am wary that Bombastic would basically be the NOTHING IS WRONG HERE WOOHOO choice of denialdenialdenial. Maybe it will be a beautiful bombastic send off for Zeqing, but... that doesn't seem to fit what I believe her character to be, while DENIAL is.
That's a strange reading of the situation. You are voting for the "wallow in self-pity" and "be like Mum" options, which both imply that she cannot accept her mother's death. They are the denial options, while a more bombastic approach might actually help her get past her sorrow.