Damn, the Misfits have been doing a lot of fighting. I'm glad we geared them up as well as we did.

Harrenhal would have been a serious dungeon for us a few levels back. The place is infested with Undead.
The endboss is designed not to fall to Mel too quickly and she in turn was supposed to be threat to the current Viserys just months ago, so I wouldn't underestimate Harrenhall.

:corgi: :munchkin: :quokka: :pikachu: :wyrmling: :leshy:

Edit: Leshy, you failed me... Whyyyyyyy!
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Winning vote

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jul 13, 2019 at 6:59 PM, finished with 88 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dungeon Delve!
    -[X] Viserys tests the efficacy of magical flame on the slime by using his Fiery Burst ability to attempt to burn away a patch of it. If it is successful, Vee will use a 6th level spell slot to Summon 1d4+2 Large Fire Elementals (30 round duration) and set them to burning away the heavier concentrations of slime while we proceed directly to the location where Valaena's group was forced to stop.
    --[X] Before moving further into the Necropolis;
    ---[X] Viserys casts Mirror Image and False Life.
    ---[X] Dany will cast Greater Magic Fang on Viserys, then cast Detect Secret Doors.
    ---[X] Malarys will cast Defending Bone, Battlemagic Perception, and Magic Circle Against Chaos.
    ---[X] Everyone (except Richard) will cast Divine Insight, either from a spell slot, prepared spell, or using a Page of Spell Knowledge.
    ---[X] Lya casts Life Bubble, Mass Aid, and Mass Resist Energy(Acid) and Mass Resist Energ(Cold) on everyone, then Mirror Image and False Life.
    ---[X] Vee will cast Invisibility Purge, Mass Resist Energy(Fire), and Mass Resist Energy(Electricity) on everyone, plus True Seeing on herself and Viserys.
    ---[X] Varys activates her Tailring, Belt, and Ring of Venomfire, along with the Cloud Wings power from her Anklets, becoming Super Varys, Ninja-Assassin Queen of the Pseudodragons. She will keep a lookout using her Telepathic Mindsight to warn us if she detects any non-mindless creatures in the Necropolis.
    -[X] Before we head further into the Necropolis, Viserys uses the set of Titan's Tools borrowed from the Golden Fields road project to place a stone wall blocking the entrance to the structure. It will be six feet thick and composed of crystal clear quartz.
Part MMCMLIII: Hand of the Past
Hand of the Past

Eleventh Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

"I think we need to seal this place before we go any further," you say, depositing the enchanted tools you had borrowed from the work crew in Golden Fields onto the floor of the chamber with a clatter. Ripples go through the pools of slime, more than the impact should have caused, you are certain now. The six of you take up the tools and quickly leave the chamber to erect a wall of quartz six feet thick and twenty feet high from the surrounding stone.

"Doubt it'll keep out anything determined, Your Grace," Ser Richard says, looking at the vine-shrouded trees that still tower above the wall providing easy access for any climbers willing to dare the strangling vines.

"It should dissuade the larger Painted Lizards at least. With no one left to guard the ruins they could shake apart the foundations," you reply before turning back to the entrance of the ruins. As you had half-expected it was again covered in a shimmering veil of black, though this time you are more direct in dealing with it.

Fire lights your way, scouring the stone of the strange liquid with every step. In Vrath's footsteps you banish more of the strange blight, shrouding yourself in spells to ward away the cold, to turn blades aside, and to see the truth of the ruins whether they be hidden door or veiled foe, while Varys flies off from your shoulder on wings of blessed ether with a satisfied hiss, finally being able to use her new spell-wrought talismans for another purpose than showing off. Not that there is no pleasure in demonstrations of skill, but peril is a spice upon the tongue, she sends back for all to hear as she coils around worn stone serpents and peers into darkened cracks, left behind by time and water.

"A familiar shares the character of her master, does it not?" Ser Richard asks Malarys, just loud enough for you to hear.

"Yes, though without many of the restraints a mage might place upon his nature and desires," the dragonlord replies absently as he carefully crosses a crude wooden ramp placed in the center of the long low corridor to bridge a crevice formed, you suspect, by rushing water.

"That explains a great deal," the knight sighs, drawing a laugh from Dany and a smile from Vee.

"Well of course it does," Varys proclaims before she fearlessly dives down into the crevice. "All the brilliance of a dragon, unburdened by the dreary tasks of herding mortals hither and yon..." The thought breaks off for a long moment, then comes the sense of a wordless surge of exertion. "There's a crack down here, and it leads to a corridor that seems to have been undisturbed. Thirty-five feet southwest by ninety feet down. Best reached by translocation. The passage I took was too narrow for anyone besides Daenerys."

Following the instructions, you find yourselves in a corridor identical in proportion to the one above, as indeed is common throughout the temple's architecture. Rather than the unrelieved blackness that had greeted you thus far, you instead find the walls marked by delicate veins of what Vrath calls 'serpent-stone'.

The black-scale reaches out towards one of the filaments and scratches it with a claw. "Almost dead, not worth harvesting," he hisses in disappointment.

Swallowing your own disappointment, you fix your eyes to the tunnel ahead. That you had found even this much is encouraging in a place so long trod by Riz'Neth and his folk.

Soon you come to a great stone door like a cork in a bottle, its mechanism long since fused solid, though with another spell of translocation, this time from Vee, you bypass it to find yourselves in a hexagonal chamber some forty feet across and seven feet high. Carved upon each of the six walls is a representation of a child of Yss, though too worn by the passage of time to tell much more of them than that half stood on two feet and others had a serpent's tail. Judging by the fragments of stone littering the floor below them, some of the figures may once have held weapons of various sorts—spears and axes, mage's staffs, and heavy flails. In the center of the chamber is a single perfectly proportioned clawed hand strangely intact and reaching out to the ceiling. As second look confirms that it has been preserved by sorcery, an aura of potent transmutation twirling around it.

"There's something written on it," Malarys says, drawing close, eyes already alight with magic by which to unravel the ancient script that coiled around the hand. "Place here the most fearsome weapon, that king's covet and brings warriors to their knees, and be recognized..."

"This looks like it may have been a counsel chamber of some kind, with the speaker recognized after he or she placed something into the hand," Lya suggests. "Maybe just whatever weapon they had, in ritualistic disarming."

What do you do?

[] Write in

OOC: It's been a while since I wrote up this kind of dungeon riddle. I hope it works.
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[X] Place the Rod of Quickening there, scrupulously "restoring" it to it's proper shape of Greater Rod via Fabricate and such beforehand.

We got it here, yes?
And it seems to me that " the most fearsome weapon, that king's covet and brings warriors to their knees" can be neatly answered by "time"-ish narrative of said artifact.

May not work, but like hell are we disarming.
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The "similar threads" feature is a shitshow, as expected.

@egoo, this feels foolhardy. What if it's destroyed by the thing? A mere malfunction could make us lose an amazing magic item.
I suggest putting all our visible weapons into the cloak, and putting a less impressive weapon into the hand.
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[X] Place the Rod of Quickening there, scrupulously "restoring" it to it's proper shape of Greater Rod via Fabricate and such beforehand.

We got it here, yes?
And it seems to me that " the most fearsome weapon, that king's covet and brings warriors to their knees" can be neatly answered by "time"-ish narrative of said artifact.

May not work, but like hell are we disarming.

I like the thought process, though it is broken and I feel Fabrication would be a mistake worse than it's broken state.
Cute, but the answer here, is I believe fittingly enough, time, - as @egoo already suggested.

All Kings would love to have more and age has been the end of many a fine warrior.

Either give such the rod, or clasp the hand with Viserys' hand and cast something like Celerity.
Keep in mind that this is not a kingdom of men.

Snakemen live centuries, the great Sorcerers among them much longer.
And Naga are immortal.

Hm. Relative perspective can still be the answer, but you got me wavering. Could be something like 'Order/Purpose'. Warriors kneeling to oaths of fealty and kings coveting more leal subjects.
Hand of the Past

Eleventh Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

"I think we need to seal this place before we go any further," you say depositing the enchanted tools you had borrowed from the work crew in Golden Fields onto the floor of the chamber with a clatter. Ripples go though the pools of slime, more than the impact should have caused, you are certain now. The six of you take up the tools and quickly leave the chamber to erect a wall of quartz six feet thick and twenty feet high from the surrounding stone.

"Doubt it'll keep out anything determined, Your Grace," Ser Richard, says looking at the vine-shrouded trees that still tower above the wall providing easy access for any climbers willing to dare the strangling vines.

"It should dissuade the larger painted lizards at least, with no one left to guard the ruins they could shake apart the foundations," you reply before turning back to the entrance of the ruins. As you had half-expected it was again covered in a shimmering veil of black, though this time you are more direct in dealing with it.

Fire lights your way, scouring the stone of the strange liquid with every step. In Vrath's footsteps you banish more of the strange blight, shrouding yourself in spells to ward away the cold, to turn blades aside and to see the truth of the runs whether they be hidden door or veiled foe, while Varys flies off from your shoulder on wings of blessed ether with a satisfied hiss, finally being able to use her new spell-wrought talismans for another purpose than showing off. Not that there is no pleasure in demonstrations of skill, but peril is a spice upon the tongue, she sends back for all to hear as she coils around worn stone serpents and peers into darkened cracks, left behind by time and water.

"A familiar shares the character of her master, does it not?" Ser Richard asks Malarys, just loud enough for you to hear.

"Yes, though without many of the restraints a mage might place upon his nature and desires," the dragon lords replies absently as he carefully crossed a crude wooden ramp placed in the center of the long low corridor to bridge a crevice formed, you suspect, by rushing water.

"That explains a great deal," the knight sighs, drawing a laugh from Dany and a smile from Vee.

"Well of course it does," Varys proclaims before she fearlessly dives down into the crevice. "All the brilliance of a dragon, unburdened by the dreary tasks of herding mortals hither and yon..." The thought breaks off for a long moment, then comes the sense of a wordless surge of exertion. "There's a crack down here, and it leads to a corridor that seems to have been undisturbed. Thirty five feet southwest by ninety feet down. Best reached by translocation. The passage I took was too narrow for anyone besides Daenerys."

Following the instructions, you find yourselves in a corridor identical in proportional to the one above, as indeed is common throughout the temple's architecture. Rather than the unrelieved blackness that had greeted you thus far, you instead find the walls marked by delicate veins of what Vrath calls 'serpent stone'.

The black-scale reaches out towards one of the filaments and scratches it with a claw. "Almost dead, not worth harvesting," he hisses in disappointment.

Swallowing your own disappointment, you fix your eyes to the tunnel ahead. That you had found even this much is encouraging in a place so long trod by Riz'neth and his folk.

Soon you come to a great stone door like a corks in a bottle, its mechanism long since fused solid, though with another spell of translocation, this time from Vee, you bypass it to find yourselves in a hexagonal chamber some forty feet across and seven feet high. Carved upon each of the six walls is a representation of a child of Yss, though too worn by the passage of time to tell much more of them than that half stood on two feet and others had a serpent's tail. Judging by the fragments of stone littering the floor below them, some of the figures may once have held weapons of various sorts, spears and axes, mage's staffs and heavy flails. In the center of the chamber is a single perfectly proportioned clawed hand strangely intact reaching out to the ceiling. As second look confirms that it has been preserved by sorcery, an aura of potent transmutation twirling around it.

"There's something written on it," Dany says drawing close, eyes already alight with magic by which to unravel the ancient script that coiled around the hand. "Place here the most fearsome weapon, that king's covet and brings warriors to their knees and be recognized..."

"This looks like it may have been a counsel chamber of some kind, with the speaker recognized after he or she placed something into the hand," Lya suggests. "Maybe just whatever weapon they had, in ritualistic disarming."

What do you do?

[] Write in

OOC: It's been a while since I wrote up this kind of dungeon riddle. I hope it works.
Made some edits to the chapter, DP.

Also, I made a slight update to the vote last night, but the tally absolutely refused to acknowledge it, despite running it a dozen times or more. The only difference was that Viserys was to use his new Greensight PoSK to help see through the slime.

So Serpent Stone is grown? Is it a living creature of some sort, or a supernatural material that mimics life to some extent? Can we grow it ourselves?

EDIT: Also, Dany didn't have Comprehend Languages prepared and we wouldn't want her to waste Ideas Dreamcasting it right now. Malarys does have it prepared, however, and Viserys can cast it using a PoSK.
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"Place here the most fearsome weapon, that king's covet and brings warriors to their knees and be recognized..."
I think the answer is "time".

But what would be the best representation for "time" we could put in the clawed hand? Sand?
@Goldfish @TotallyNotEvil
There is a short booklet called Pathfinder Monster Classes: Erinyes.
Not linking it here, but I think you can find it.

Continuing that class progression for our Erinyes beyond the ninth HD is propably easier than starting a new progression free-handed, if the idea of a few boni for more RHD is still on the table for Leto and the likes of her?
Made some edits to the chapter, DP.

Also, I made a slight update to the vote last night, but the tally absolutely refused to acknowledge it, despite running it a dozen times or more. The only difference was that Viserys was to use his new Greensight PoSK to help see through the slime.

So Serpent Stone is grown? Is it a living creature of some sort, or a supernatural material that mimics life to some extent? Can we grow it ourselves?

EDIT: Also, Dany didn't have Comprehend Languages prepared and we wouldn't want her to waste Ideas Dreamcasting it right now. Malarys does have it prepared, however, and Viserys can cast it using a PoSK.

OK, editing out the Comprehend languages on Dany and onto Malarys. Greensight would not have helped see though the slime though.It's not natural enough.
@Goldfish @TotallyNotEvil
There is a short booklet called Pathfinder Monster Classes: Erinyes.
Not linking it here, but I think you can find it.

Continuing that class progression for our Erinyes beyond the ninth HD is propably easier than starting a new progression free-handed, if the idea of a few boni for more RHD is still on the table for Leto and the likes of her?
That class progression is kinda wonky for some reason, though you do end up with a standard Erinyes by the time you reach 9 HD.

Keeping something in line with that progression would generally be superior to ever having them take regular class levels.

They should probably stop accruing such huge attribute bonuses. Maybe get another +2 Natural Armor, an extra facet to the DR (such as Silver or Adamantine) or improved flight speed/maneuverability, and a new or improved SLA (such as 1/Day Plane Shift).
That class progression is kinda wonky for some reason, though you do end up with a standard Erinyes by the time you reach 9 HD.

Keeping something in line with that progression would generally be superior to ever having them take regular class levels.

They should probably stop accruing such huge attribute bonuses. Maybe get another +2 Natural Armor, an extra facet to the DR (such as Silver or Adamantine) or improved flight speed/maneuverability, and a new or improved SLA (such as 1/Day Plane Shift).

Plane shift would have pretty massive metaphysical implications,since it ouldmean they would be able to leave Hell at will with no summoning. Maybe something more combat-oriented would work?
Plane shift would have pretty massive metaphysical implications,since it ouldmean they would be able to leave Hell at will with no summoning. Maybe something more combat-oriented would work?
But don't that make thematical sense, these aren't normal Erinyes, these are Erinyes that has had their bond to hell broken, it makes sense that no longer being bound to a plane, unlock the ability for them to travel the planes by their own power.
Plane shift would have pretty massive metaphysical implications,since it ouldmean they would be able to leave Hell at will with no summoning. Maybe something more combat-oriented would work?
I suggested Plane Shift because it's one of the SLAs Brachinas have, which would kinda got because they are supposed to be a direct upgrade from the Erinyes chassis, right?

What about something a bit more thematically fitting for our Erinyes, such as 3/Day Voice of the Dragon? Not super useful in combat, but a nice upgrade nonetheless.

Or if we want to focus more on combat, 3/Day Bane Bow would be neat.
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