Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Rather than get in the middle of the fairies' argument, you use the coordinates Dragon relayed to your Device to head to Canberra. You land on top of a building and look west towards the setting sun, then east towards the storm clouds that are rapidly building. Are you really going to have to fight Leviathan in a thunderstorm at night? Visibility is going to go down the toilet. You are going to need all the help you can get.

Doesn't Leviathan always bring a storm with him? That's how Dragon was tracking Leviathan's approach in canon, by looking for storms behaving unusually.

[ ] Impact group – With Flare Blade and an upgraded Barrier Jacket, you have a better chance to survive going hand-to-hand than you did in the last Endbringer fight.

... Yeah, no.

[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

Combined with using a Recursion Field to corral Leviathan, we could keep him out of the way while the other groups did their things, as even without sandbagging, I doubt Leviathan can manipulate water outside of the field. The biggest downside to doing this is that Leviathan will know about this the next time around. On the other hand, neither he nor Behemoth are receiving further commands from Eidolon, Scion isn't around to change their orders, and Cassiel claims that she was only self aware as a side effect of needing to be able to understand human minds. Levi may not be capable of deciding to fight at a higher level when it isn't accompanied by a more direct effect that could actually hurt it.

If we do go the RF path, there are only two spots/roles that fit for us, as Taylor and Sam are certainly necessary to have enough mages. There's no way SW would let us get away with sending somebody else to deal with Levi while we took a lesser role, not at this stage in the game. We were rank n00bs when we had the Simurgh fight. Going with S&R now just doesn't fit the character, and I doubt we could be all that effective at wave control without throwing some Ragnaroks around. The amount of water Leviathan brings with him is too much to be fazed with anything under tactical nuke strength, not with our specific skill set.

The only other option I consider viable is the one we can do AND do the other stuff, that is:
[ ] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.
We should probably work with the leadership and Enforcers to prepare a specific plan, but helping people get to the staging ground is an acceptable alternate use for that half hour~ish, as we aren't certain we have that much time.
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[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

It's reasonably safe, it's something we're really good at and it gives us plenty of leeway to swap into another role as required.

Has anyone contacted the TSAB for assistance? I think they offered to help with Endbringers though I could very well be wrong.

@Wyrd you left a space after the X in your vote.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
Why should Leviathan be unable to manipulate steam? He likely wouldn't unless he stops sandbagging, but still.

He controls specifically water molecules. Ice and steam are still water.
Oh yeah, Leviathan is immensely powerful when he stops sandbagging. Which is why we need to aim to drive him off and not try to inflict real damage. That may cause the sandbagging to lessen.
Yeah. Until such time as we have 6 or so Breaker capable mages that can fire 5 breakers each without dying we should keep Ragnorak under wraps.

Unless the Enforcers have enough mages that can cast Breaker anyways. Teanna can fire off one but we don't know how many other of her group can. So we should tell her to hold off on Breakers.
Has anyone contacted the TSAB for assistance? I think they offered to help with Endbringers though I could very well be wrong.
See the next quote:
"Prepare to send a message," you tell Perfect Storm.


"The Enforcers." Your Device beeps, and a blank screen appears. "It's Taylor. You guys said you wanted to help against the Endbringers. If that's still true, everyone's meeting up at the following coordinates. Storm, add the coordinates to the end of the message and send."

"Message transmitted, Mistress."

The problem may be that you were looking for TSAB rather than Enforcer.

@Wyrd you left a space after the X in your vote.

Thanks for the catch. I thought I'd checked that adequately, but my keyboard or my brain has been doing funky things today. Stuff I'm typing has been doing all kinds of funky stuff, necessitating many revisions.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

Anyway. while I want to unload on Levi with our Wrath and portable tac nuke spells, we need to make sure the first time we do so is the last. I have a suspicion that if we don't and the EB survives, we either get moved to the top of the target list next go around or Levi blitzes us after the tac nuke spell is used and we die horribly.

[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

She clearly DOESN'T want to be there in any capacity. The rest are ready to run into danger and Lacey just wants to be as far away from the action as possible.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
She clearly DOESN'T want to be there in any capacity. The rest are ready to run into danger and Lacey just wants to be as far away from the action as possible.

Working with the healer group means that she can be on the other side of the planet*, completely safe, while saving lives. She's not being pressured at all to go, beyond the pressures that society puts on parahumans to step up when and if they can. She won't be in any of the groups we could join, and with good reason, as she isn't suited to those roles.

*Thanks to teleport beacons in the armbands and those teleport pads Dragon mentioned.
We make it short and sweet everyone else works on locking the bastard down, and then we hit it with a Ragnarök followed by getting teleported the fuck out ASAP.

@Silently Watches can we fuse with Dragon given what she is and how would that effect our ability to fight?
@Silently Watches can we fuse with Dragon given what she is and how would that effect our ability to fight?
You could, but if you look at her character sheet, you'll find that she doesn't have many skills that are combat useful. About the only one that could be useful would be the multiple trains of thought to increase the number of spells Taylor can keep active at one time.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
Found the quest during the hiatus, looking forward to where things will go from here.

That said, I'm going for the closest thing to "nuke it from orbit".

[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

I got to agree with Kejmur on this one keeping the waves out of the area is the most important. I does the most damage and hampers fighters with the flooding. Vista would be helpful in this group too. And we should ask Cassiel if we can call her to unison if things go FUBAR, for the relationship if nothing else.
We make it short and sweet everyone else works on locking the bastard down, and then we hit it with a Ragnarök followed by getting teleported the fuck out ASAP.

@Silently Watches can we fuse with Dragon given what she is and how would that effect our ability to fight?
Problem is we need 30 Ragnaroks to kill a Endbringer. Taylor can't fire off that many without dying. In fact she'll die well before reaching that number.

What we should focus on is minimizing damage this round around and work on getting our group strength up for killing the EB next battle.

We need to focus on recruiting for template mages to get the skill and number needed for killing EBs.

Iirc Silently stated that a Ragnorak will stun a Endbringer. We just need to have the numbers to constantly hit a EB with it or equivalent breaker spells for 30 consecutive strikes and we can kill it.

Which again we need to recruit magic capable persons into Taylor's team to accomplish.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

Lets not get into melee with the high speed murderlizard.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

Keeping Ragnarok under wraps is more important right now. I'm also kind off disappointed we're not bringing Cassiel along. An endbringer fight would be a perfect time to enter unison. On the other hand we haven't practised unison enough to reliably use it.