Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

The Protectorate was already upset at Vista having a combat arm (and I don't think they know she has a plasma cannon in it). Kek at them seeing her in full iron man armour.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
I'm going to tentatively say

[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

because this puts Taylor in a more reactive position. If there's a later vote the change jobs, I would vote for bombardment then, because it would be an easy transition, while keeping our PC out of Leviathan's grab range. Leviathan may not have Behemoth's raw power, but he is crazy fast. I wouldn't put it past him to swat bombardment people out of the sky with just his water-afterimage trick. He may not usually jump, but he hasn't had to. Better to play it safe at first and move in to active when we have a better grasp of the situation.

For this reason, Impact Group is to be avoided at all costs, except if Sam goes there without Taylor. The Barrier Jacket may be strong, but there's no way it can tank a Brute 9 hit when an RPG knocked Taylor unconscious.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.
Are our shields even worthwhile against tidal waves? We really aren't specced for defense.

[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

And for Ragnorak, shouldn't we meet up with TSAB to prepare that? They'll probably join the blasters if they don't decide to stay on their own. If it takes multiple we'll need to coordinate and save our energy, as well as warn Legend to get everyone out of the line of Fire.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

We don't have the capability to kill him this time, so let's go for the fastest repel that we can. Via nuking things.
Dunno if doing Ragnarok is a wise thing until we've got the 5+ mages capable of sequentially blasting the Endbringer until its dead. We don't want Leviathan or Behemoth to get serious at all until we've got them dead to rights. Right now neither of the beasts know of Ragnorak. If they experience it they will get serious the next fight and make it far harder to lock them down and kill them.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

IT was either this or the gofer group. Our spells are almost more dangerous to our allies than they are to the Endbringers, and we would serve well in other positions. This position will help cut down on the environmental effects of Levi, while gofer gives us the ability to rapid response as needed.
Remember what I said about not updating for a while? Apparently I lied. :oops: Updates will be slow, just FYI, but it looks like they'll keep coming nonetheless.
Oh, no! You lying updater, I could never forgive you for this! SW, YOU DASTARDLY FIEND! *shakes fist angrily*

"Why not? If there is anyone in this world who could predict the First and Second's next moves, it would be me—" Cassiel narrows her eyes, and her wings flutter. "You think I would betray you and aid the Second if I went."
Is she getting into her rebellious teenager phase? Oh, they grow up so fast! It seems just a year ago she was a mass-murdering gigantic naked lady, and now look at her!

[ ] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.
Much as I'd like to just go nuts with Ragnarok to his face, I'm thinking this group at first? Our free-teleporting could really help a lot with teleporting.
[X] Impact group – With Flare Blade and an upgraded Barrier Jacket, you have a better chance to survive going hand-to-hand than you did in the last Endbringer fight.

Should'a left Lacey's ass at home. And Vista can't wait to be in the thick of it.:D
I wouldn't put it past him to swat bombardment people out of the sky with just his water-afterimage trick
IIRC he did just that in canon.
The Barrier Jacket may be strong, but there's no way it can tank a Brute 9 hit when an RPG knocked Taylor unconscious.
Keep in mind that event occurred before you upgraded to Knight Armor.
Are our shields even worthwhile against tidal waves? We really aren't specced for defense.
Knight Armor – Full-body forcefield that greatly reduces damage received. This will upgrade your Barrier Jacket and all spells associated with it.
Shell Barrier (4/4 Master) – Create a translucent shield over yourself and those nearby in a circle with a 15 foot diameter. Shield can resist five times as much damage as your Barrier Jacket, but it is immobile once cast.
Strong Shield (4/4 Master) – Create a shield of magical energy. Shield can resist five times as much damage as your Barrier Jacket.
you generally can hold three spells at a time assuming you have them mastered, so a Shell Barrier with flanking Strong Shields is one possible strategy.
And for Ragnorak, shouldn't we meet up with TSAB to prepare that? They'll probably join the blasters if they don't decide to stay on their own. If it takes multiple we'll need to coordinate and save our energy, as well as warn Legend to get everyone out of the line of Fire.
Assuming you go Blaster, there will be another vote to figure out exactly how you want to approach the duties.
Can buster spells disrupt the waves by converting large sections of them into steam?
You… could try it, I suppose. :shrug:
Well in that case I'm really feeling we go meet up with the blasters and coordinate the TSAB with Legend.

We really can't afford to waste any magic, or we won't be able to use Ragnorak.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

Doesn't seem like there's a great deal of value in throwing out Ragnarök unless we straight-up open with it; we'd practically be doing his job for him once he gets closer to his target.

On the other hand, I suppose tossing it out right at the start is potentially a way to shorten the battle...
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
The only thing that's killing him is a coordinated Ragnorak group, and that's not happening unless we go coordinate TSAB with the Triumvirate and save our magic to prevent any screwups and miscommunications.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

To be honest, I'm not sure this is the best choice. I just want to see a kaboom.

Edit: @Gino The goal isn't to kill him, it's to make him back the fuck off.
Should'a left Lacey's ass at home.

Anyway. while I want to unload on Levi with our Wrath and portable tac nuke spells, we need to make sure the first time we do so is the last. I have a suspicion that if we don't and the EB survives, we either get moved to the top of the target list next go around or Levi blitzes us after the tac nuke spell is used and we die horribly.

[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.
I'm sure we're already at the top of the Endbringers shit list if they still know what's going on without Zizs guidance.

Considering her current state.
My understanding was that Ziz was the one who always planned which EB attacked where.
But I am not sure if anyone ever noticed any difference (in attacks or where they hit) from before she arrive and it was just Behemoth or Levi, to when it was the three of them.