Okay is they are part of the Clergy so they might know how to read...probably they do know but then again it depends on how long they have been members.

@DragonParadox has Danielle always been part of the Clergy? Did Lucan gain his "Ser" title recently?

Danelle has been a Chosen for longer than she has known how to read as seen in her first interlude, Lucan is not a knight though he too can read and in his case he has been able to do it since his youth fighting for the crown.
No that's unacceptable, and common sense clause covers it.

There is a license that stock brokers can take stating that they have a fundamental level of knowledge in the Arcane, it's a lot of study but nothing insurmountable and not equal to the level of knowledge necessary for managing transactions at that level anyway. So a broker can actually make their portfolio management seem more appealing via secondary education, just like applying for a stamp to prove any books you keep are in accordance with the legal code for safety and tax reasons.

If a private investor wants to invest in something, they can have a broker manage the profile in their stead. The conceit is that the broker would have to in full knowledge inform the prospective private investor if there is something hoax-y or fraudulent regarding the company they want to invest in, and failure to do so can at best result in revocation of the accreditation, to forfeiture of their license.

Similar licensing will exist for solicitors, though is not strictly a requirement to defend someone, merely to gain access to resources deemed necessary for their trade.

And so on, especially in the case for trade and private enterprise, or research being performed, in addition to safety requirements tracked by a panel of their peers.

I will write an in-depth plan when I get home.

I can already see people purposefully skirting around making something that's technically a ritual and just leave the un-assembled pieces around.

But the distinction is useful, yes.
I can already see people purposefully skirting around making something that's technically a ritual and just leave the un-assembled pieces around.
Leaving partially completed ritual bits lying around is incredibly likely to get you killed. Given the risk of wild magic and backlash.


*sigh* Basically anything could be used as a component for a ritual couldn't it?


That probably contributes to a lot of the random bad stuff that happens in DnD.
I'm waiting to see what @Crake comes up with, but for now here's what I have;

[X] Addendum to Scholarium Laws
-[X] General lore, that which pertains to simple knowledge, such as anyone might learn from reading a commonly available Knowledge(Arcana) primer from our library, is in no way regulated, nor is it necessary to share it with the Scholarium. If one does share the information, however, and it proves valuable, fair compensation will be provided on a case by case basis.
-[X] Ritual lore, on the other hand, is essentially an alternative method of practicing magic. Possession of ritual lore is not illegal, but you are legally required to submit a copy of it to the Scholarium for review and archival purposes. If it is a legitimate ritual that is unknown to the Scholarium, the owner is compensated fairly for their contribution, based on the power of the ritual.
-[X] Those who possess ritual lore, along with the skills and background knowledge necessary to utilize it, are essentially mages themselves, known most commonly as Ritualists, and thus they would fall under the purview of the Scholarium, with all of the associated rights and responsibilities.
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I'm waiting to see what @Crake comes up with, but for now here's what I have;

[X] Addendum to Scholarium Laws
-[X] General esoteric lore, that which pertains to simple knowledge, such as anyone might learn from reading a commonly available Knowledge(Arcana) primer from our library, is in no way regulated, nor is it necessary to share it with the Scholarium. If one does share the information, however, and it proves valuable, fair compensation will be provided on a case by case basis.
-[X] Ritual lore, on the other hand, is essentially an alternative method of practicing magic. Possession of ritual lore is not illegal, but you are legally required to submit a copy of it to the Scholarium for review and archival purposes. If it is a legitimate ritual that is unknown to the Scholarium, the owner is compensated fairly for their contribution, based on the power of the ritual.
-[X] Those who possess ritual lore, along with the skills and background knowledge necessary to utilize it, are essentially mages themselves, known most commonly as Ritualists, and thus they would fall under the purview of the Scholarium, with all of the associated rights and responsibilities.
What about esoteric knowledge which isn't simple, but isn't actual ritual lore?
We should have two separate categories of "lore".

General lore, that which pertains to simple knowledge, such as anyone might learn from reading a commonly available Knoeledge(Arcana) primer from our library. Possession of this knowledge is in no way regulated.

Ritual lore, on the other hand, is essentially a method of practicing magic that is too time consuming and delicate for combat purposes or quick on-the-go spellcasting, but which when used properly allows anyone to attempt to cast a spell. This should be regulated; possession of ritual lore is not illegal, but you are legally required to submit a copy of it to the Scholarium for review and archival purposes. If it is a legitimate ritual that is unknown to the Scholarium, the owner is compensated fairly for their contribution, based on the power of the ritual.

Those who possess ritual lore, along with the skills and background knowledge necessary to utilize it, are essentially mages themselves, if only Ritualists, and thus they would fall under the purview of the Scholarium.


[X] Viserys, Legislation and the World That Wept
--[X] It occurs to you, in that moment, sitting across a well-appointed parlor room from the Archon you had placed in her seat, that you could be out enjoying a play at the Silver Dome right now, Lya by your side, instead of being on the cusp of surrendering an evening to combing over laws that you had already written and which you rightfully think in intent address every concern raised on the matter.
--[X] Oh you realize Lady Dorera is simply looking after the best interests of those who fall under the purview of her responsibility.
--[X] But the shit-eating grin that stretches across your face yet doesn't meet your eyes might speak otherwise: "I hope you understand, of course, that what follows is only what you requested."
--[X] You empty out of your cloak your Calligraphy Wyrm, reams upon reams of fresh parchment and the entirety of your legal code from which to cross check using magic and good memory. And something interesting for Lya to read.
--[X] "But very well... ask and you shall receive." Begin the first draft of what will clarify legal code that already exists, was clarified, re-written, or will now be added based upon current needs. And if the subtle twitch of your brow signals perhaps you aren't entirely above a small bout of petty spite as you enlist Lady Dorera to assist you in the endeavor, and someone should just so happen to catch it, well, that's not really a problem for a King, now is it?
---[X] The Law Mark Two, Electric Boogaloo

---[X] Firstly, the distinction between General Lore and Ritual Lore.
----[X] The first of which shall follow no distinct formula and does not tread too closely upon conceptual bonds which might use material or spiritual components to summon power to direct purpose, but merely information which can be compiled, archived and used as sources in both research, non-fictional publication, and business.
----[X] Often codified under the system of licensing, applied for either at the Scholarum directly when it would be an endeavor which directly relates to research, economic activity or scholarly activity which focuses singularly upon magical information, or else an appropriate Bureau, such as the Bureau of Transportation which regulates commercial and private bulk shipping and passenger transport that utilizes magic as a significant component to its service.

---[X] The second of which regulates all spell-formula and can only be applied for at the Scholarum, during an examination overseen by an accredited mage, for the practice of Low Magic for economic purposes and confers the title of Ritualist upon the user, not used as a mark of honor or formal status any more than a distinction between a Journeyman and a Master would mark the difference between them and a real mage.
----[X] Often codified by what can be used to easily create a spell-structure based upon common understanding of systematized Low Magic which you have many examples of and laws drafted for which are already clear and concise as to what exactly constitutes "a ritual" and what exactly constitutes "a spell".
----[X] Given that it is possible to determine if a caster possesses an internal mental reservoir of spell-matrices and even roughly what type of caster they are through use of readily available spells, that part of the system at least is as robust as it ever was. If at any point someone manages to cobble together a new ritual from scraps of other lore, so long as they submit the example ritual to the Scholarum for inspection and fill out the appropriate paperwork, no ill should come of it. Otherwise they will be accounted for fully within the confines of the law.

-[X] A number of safety codes, common sense clauses and even a couple of bureaus to be formed after this meeting over the course of the next month, including licenses for stock brokers who wish to act as an intermediate in such transactions that require specific knowledge to guard investors against fraudulent activity, licensing for Solicitors who may need specific resources or knowledge pertinent in making distinctions in their cases such that not having access to Low Magic is an active detriment to their clients, and licenses for entertainers or other small service-based businesses who do not fall under the umbrella of an organization who is subject to such fines or levies when partaking in such egregious breaches that demand legal action be taken against them, all with specific spell formula available to them which suits the purpose of their economic activity and no further.
-[X] Finally, it behooves you to reinforce that both businesses and private interests in possession of such lore, upon submission to the Scholarum for inspection and codification, will be appropriately compensated according to the practical value of the knowledge provided, or else by the Crown if they should possess merely cultural or academic value on a case-by-case basis, handled formally by a functionary suited to the task.
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[X] Viserys, Legislation and the World That Wept
--[X] It occurs to you, in that moment, sitting across a well-appointed parlor room from the Archon you had placed in her seat, that you could be out enjoying a play at the Silver Dome right now, Lya by your side, instead of being on the cusp of surrendering an evening to combing over laws that you had already written and which you rightfully think in intent address every concern raised on the matter.
--[X] Oh you realize Lady Dorera is simply looking after the best interests of those who fall under the purview of her responsibility.
--[X] But the shit-eating grin that stretches across your face yet doesn't meet your eyes might speak otherwise: "I hope you understand, of course, that what follows is only what you requested."
--[X] You empty out of your cloak your Calligraphy Wyrm, reams upon reams of fresh parchment and the entirety of your legal code from which to cross check using magic and good memory. And something interestingT for Lya to read.
--[X] "But very well... ask and you shall receive." Begin the first draft of what will clarify legal code that already exists, was clarified, re-written, or will now be added based upon current needs. And if the subtle twitch of your brow signals perhaps you aren't entirely above a small bout of petty spite as you enlist Lady Dorera to assist you in the endeavor, and someone should just so happen to catch it, well, that's not really a problem for a King, now is it?
---[X] The Law Mark Two, Electric Boogaloo

---[X] Firstly, the distinction between General Lore and Ritual Lore.
----[X] The first of which shall follow no distinct formula and does not tread too closely upon conceptual bonds which might use material or spiritual components to summon power to direct purpose, but merely information which can be compiled, archived and used as sources in both research, non-fictional publication, and business.
----[X] Often codified under the system of licensing, applied for either at the Scholarum directly when it would be an endeavor which directly relates to research, economic activity or scholarly activity which focuses singularly upon magical information, or else an appropriate Bureau, such as the Bureau of Transportation which regulates commercial and private bulk shipping and passenger transport that utilizes magic as a significant component to its service.

---[X] The second of which regulates all spell-formula and can only be applied for at the Scholarum, during an examination overseen by an accredited mage, for the practice of Low Magic for economic purposes and confers the title of Ritualist upon the user, not used as a mark of honor or formal status any more than a distinction between a Journeyman and a Master would mark the difference between them and a real mage.
----[X] Often codified by what can be used to easily create a spell-structure based upon common understanding of systematized Low Magic which you have many examples of and laws drafted for which are already clear and concise as to what exactly constitutes "a ritual" and what exactly constitutes "a spell".
----[X] Given that it is possible to determine if a caster possess an internal mental reservoir of spell-matrices and even roughly what type of caster they are through use of readily available spells, that part of the system at least is as robust as it ever was. If at any point someone manages to cobble together a new ritual from scraps of other lore, so long as the submit the work to the Scholarum for inspection and fill out the appropriate paperwork, no ill should come of it. Otherwise they will be accounted for fully within the confines of the law.

-[X] A number of safety codes, common sense clauses and even a couple of bureaus to be formed after this meeting over the course of the next month, including licenses for stock brokers who wish to act as an intermediate in such transactions that require specific knowledge to guard investors against fraudulent activity, licensing for Solicitors who may need specific resources or knowledge pertinent in making distinctions in their cases such that not having access to Low Magic is an active detriment to their clients, and licenses for entertainers or other small service-based businesses who do not fall under the umbrella of an organization who is subject to such fines or levies when partaking in such egregious breaches that demand legal action be taken against them, all with specific spell formula available to them which suits the purpose of their economic activity and no further.
-[X] Finally, it behooves you to reinforce that both businesses and private interests in possession of such lore, upon submission to the Scholarum for inspection and codification, will be appropriately compensated according to the practical value of the knowledge provided, or else by the Crown if they should possess merely cultural or academic value on a case-by-case basis, handled formally by a functionary suited to the task.
I choose to believe that my posting of a plan was in fact a Ritual Summoning to call forth Crake's much better offering. :whistle:

[X] Crake
The is probably the most legal heavy quest I have ever read. And why are we doing all this legal drafting ourselves and not have a crack team of adjudicators doing the nuances?
[Library can no longer be ungraded by widely available texts in inter-planar markets]
So the planes has no knowledge greater than +8 on Architecture, +7 Nature or +9 War?

That seems...odd.
Knowledge (Alchemy) +6
Knowledge (Arcana) +27
Knowledge (Architecture) +8
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +15
Knowledge (Economics) +12
Knowledge (Geography) +13
Knowledge (History) +21
Knowledge (Law) +23
Knowledge (Mathematics) +13
Knowledge (Nature) +7
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +10
Knowledge (Religion) +19
Knowledge (The Planes) +25
Knowledge (War) +9
The is probably the most legal heavy quest I have ever read. And why are we doing all this legal drafting ourselves and not have a crack team of adjudicators doing the nuances?

This is a first draft. Malarys is the head of our legislative and law enforcement branch of government. Laws can naturally end up being discussed at the lowest level by the Councils, wind their way up district, then provincial, then territorial courts, then finally wind up subject to scrutiny by the Crown with either heavy revision by his or our hand, or merely a stamp that says "Viserys read this bill and let it pass".

We do work, if that's your question, because we're a perfectionist and a workaholic.
The is probably the most legal heavy quest I have ever read. And why are we doing all this legal drafting ourselves and not have a crack team of adjudicators doing the nuances?
It's the product of various contributors over the years, especially Azel, combined with Viserys' personality. He's a workaholic of the first order. Considering that we're starting an empire from scratch and trying to build up a functional bureaucracy, with a sensible and fair legal system, as opposed to the mess that is Planetos' hodgepodge of 'laws', I think it is understandable that we err on the side of specificity.

As for why we're doing this in person, it's pretty simple. Lady Pharsen is the appointed governor of Myr and the leader of a powerful guild whom we wish to maintain good relations with while getting the knowledge of crafting Glass Golems cheaply and easily without undue fuss. For topics this important, and with travel magic making distance meaningless, it's just easier and more productive than sending underlings.
It's the product of various contributors over the years, especially Azel, combined with Viserys' personality. He's a workaholic of the first order. Considering that we're starting an empire from scratch and trying to build up a functional bureaucracy, with a sensible and fair legal system, as opposed to the mess that is Planetos' hodgepodge of 'laws', I think it is understandable that we err on the side of specificity.

As for why we're doing this in person, it's pretty simple. Lady Pharsen is the appointed governor of Myr and the leader of a powerful guild whom we wish to maintain good relations with while getting the knowledge of crafting Glass Golems cheaply and easily without undue fuss. For topics this important, and with travel magic making distance meaningless, it's just easier and more productive than sending underlings.

Also while we can proofread any legislation and keep our hands off it until the last minute, for subjects upon which we are directly and personally invested in, it doesn't make sense to put it off when we personally want to view the results now. And at that rate, we might as well go the whole nine yards on it.
where some of the mightiest on the island were partly responsible for sights like he saw before him, were women
where some of the mightiest on the island partly responsible for sights like he saw before him, were women*
The first "were" reads clunkily.
tending the account as a surprise for Gael when she was ready to leave the Public School she attended and go onto the University when it opened. When he had learned that she was going to enlist in that new Military Academy instead because she couldn't afford to go to the former,
I was under the impression all of our schooling was free.

If this is not the case then I want to change it immediately regardless of the cost, there are just far too many positive externalities to free education to the level of the individuals capability and inclination for us not to do so.

Overall I am loving these Infomakes @Crake, this one is my favourite so far, it's always good to see things from the perspective of our people, even if they're not entirely comfortable with the process or unsure of the why at times they know that things were better than they were yesterday.

More importantly they have faith in a better tomorrow.
where some of the mightiest on the island partly responsible for sights like he saw before him, were women*
The first "were" reads clunkily.

I was under the impression all of our schooling was free.

If this is not the case then I want to change it immediately regardless of the cost, there are just far too many positive externalities to free education to the level of the individuals capability and inclination for us not to do so.

Overall I am loving these Infomakes @Crake, this one is my favourite so far, it's always good to see things from the perspective of our people, even if they're not entirely comfortable with the process or unsure of the why at times they know that things were better than they were yesterday.

More importantly they have faith in a better tomorrow.

That's... valid. Secondary education is not free, but there's a reason for that. The Imperial Military Academy teaches a variety of careers, but some of them have occupational hazards and they do require a five year term of service. In exchange the state heavily subsidizes their education to the point where it isn't just free, but they are actually earning money from it.

The impetus behind it is to direct draw the poor but talented into our hungry military machine, in exchange the State looks out for them.

And the university isn't ruinously expensive, as posited by the fact that a thrifty but somewhat wealthy share cropper slash lifestock herder can afford to put together the gold and silver to send his niece there.

Of course the guy is wealthy by farmer standards so that's basically his life's savings. Anyone else who has the inclination to get secondary education can easily afford that amount.

I don't think it needs to be said, but the Djinn took a look during an economic council and has heavily encouraged non-predatory loans to people in that lower-income bracket range who can afford to pay a loan off in the first place and actually have cause to take one, which the Shaitan largely agreed with, and the Braavosi thirded based on the fact that you don't shoot the goose that lays golden eggs.
I don't think it needs to be said, but the Djinn took a look during an economic council and has heavily encouraged non-predatory loans to people in that lower-income bracket range who can afford to pay a loan off in the first place and actually have cause to take one, which the Shaitan largely agreed with, and the Braavosi thirded based on the fact that you don't shoot the goose that lays golden eggs.

Now that I think about it, one of these Financial Institution councils is probably what my next Infomake is going to be. This part especially is extremely pertinent due to Braavos' recent integration into our realm and the Iron Bank's new role within it. Braavos is generally in the business of toppling states and funding kingdoms, not cutting the little guy a check, and the most interaction people of the lower income bracket would have with them is storing the gold and silver if they were gentry or especially fortunate fishermen.

Now they will be offering small business loans to the numerous former slaves and enterprising freemen who formerly did not have much opportunity to rise above their stations, in some cases even less chance to eke out a better living than some Slaves, esp. in Pentos to get the economy rolling there.