Good job.

What right does the Lady Valena have to rule anything she can't keep control of?
What right to set herself above an enchanter whos spells she can't resist?

[X] Recommend to accept what happened. Clearly the better sister got the position, she and her co-conspirator deserve their victory.
Good job.

What right does the Lady Valena have to rule anything she can't keep control of?
What right to set herself above an enchanter whos spells she can't resist?

[X] Recommend to accept what happened. Clearly the better sister got the position, she and her co-conspirator deserve their victory.

This is shaky logic and you know it.
[X] Crake

You know given what we suspect Tywin has been doing to his Vassals. This might actually be a very good chance to get some suspicion about that going. Get a culture of periodic checking for mind manipulation going.
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I have never hidden my desire for a total magocracy though?

A lord or lady should not rule over his/her betters, as proven here by falling to Uron's magic.

The problem isn't even in holding this point of view, it's the idea that it won't be discovered and continually undermine our authority. People should seek to advance within the bounds of the law--ways in which are numerous for those who display talent at just about anything under our system. To undermine that conceit simply undermines us.

That said letting it go isn't 'unacceptable' by any means, but if it were to be made public after we became ruler, that just proves under your own basic conceit that he or she 'doesn't deserve to keep her/his title if she/he can't keep to basic InfoSec'.
You could yes, though having every lord agree to that sort of scrutiny would be far from easy.

Submitting yourself to examination by an accredited mage is surely less invasive than having a crown agent posted nearby specifically to spot this type of... 'mishap', no?

Of course, a crown agent that they know about. :V
Though Prince Doran greets you not only with the respect due a king but cordially as the goodbrtothers you might have been had fate turned differently, you can read in the stiffness of his walk and the crease upon his brow that he is troubled. Not from your visit at least, this is something more peristent.
Aren't Viserys and Doran still goodbrothers? As far as I know such relationships aren't dissolved, when the people who married dies, at least not when a child was produced, so seeing as Elia and Rhaenys live once again, Doran should still be Viserys Goodbrother on account of Rhaenys.
Aren't Viserys and Doran still goodbrothers? As far as I know such relationships aren't dissolved, when the people who married dies, at least not when a child was produced, so seeing as Elia and Rhaenys live once again, Doran should still be Viserys Goodbrother on account of Rhaenys.

The relationship is somewhat politically charged, because feudalism. Without a marriage tie that is explicitly resultant in an alliance, it doesn't really matter that much. But I mean, Viserys still treats Doran like family, so the title doesn't matter much anyway.
The relationship is somewhat politically charged, because feudalism. Without a marriage tie that is explicitly resultant in an alliance, it doesn't really matter that much. But I mean, Viserys still treats Doran like family, so the title doesn't matter much anyway.
But Rhaenys still lives, which mean there is a family alliance between the Martells and Targaryans, if she didn't live it would be different, but since she was revived, I would say they should officially count as Goodbrothers again.
So if someone divines "how did jon arryn die" they get "he fell off his horse and broke his neck." If they divine "why did he fall off" they get "it threw him in a panic." If they divine "why did his horse panic" they get "there was a snake in the path." Only if they divine as far as "why was there a snake in the forest path" do they finally get a blank answer. Accurate, or is Bloodraven even more fine-tuned and behind even more proxy steps?
Oh yeah, what about the stuff found searching in the Brazen Throne markets? We getting that at the end of the month? If so is there more rolls since it's just a month of checking whatvstuff is there then and again?

So if someone divines "how did jon arryn die" they get "he fell off his horse and broke his neck." If they divine "why did he fall off" they get "it threw him in a panic." If they divine "why did his horse panic" they get "there was a snake in the path." Only if they divine as far as "why was there a snake in the forest path" do they finally get a blank answer. Accurate, or is Bloodraven even more fine-tuned and behind even more proxy steps?
Nah they would probably get it was trying to cross the street. And then itd be a question of why did the snake try to
cross the street. At that point diviners realize they are in a joke and stop.

Or get its nest was there or it was chasing some mouse or something.
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He used a Salient Divine Ability, even so he had to be very careful to only make the smallest of changes since he did not wnat to leave a mind-blank-like after effect.

And this is why Doran should not let this thread lie unwound in the end, because it takes literally 9th Level Magic used in a skillful and clever manner to avoid just what he fears happening. Meaning what he wants to do is impractical generally speaking when the problem he presents is systematic. It could, hypothetically, be resolved in that manner that Brynden used in some way once, but for every occasion? This is as much policy and common sense as it is dealing with a scandal.
I have never hidden my desire for a total magocracy though?

A lord or lady should not rule over his/her betters, as proven here by falling to Uron's magic.
Betters. That is not the case here. Its just stupid move that as you see is going to get her killed. Its not she couldnt be found out. The mage and her knew it. They still did it. Thats stupid.
Before we leave Dorne, I would like to hear from Doran what he thinks of Oberyn's good fortune in gaining land and a title of his own in the Imperium.
I expect there will be a stark difference in products offered. Like Hellven there will probably just be the most jarring stuff. It is the middle of the Heaven Hell trade lane afterall. The Dawn Fruit was technically in the cities outer markets. So there is a good chance for more spoils from crumbling Nirvana. Maybe fresh from newly despoiled remnant shards.

God the Magpie wars with the Feels here.
Alright, for real.

@Crake, seing as that proposal you mentioned making seems to be the last chance to push through any meaningful additions to "extended turnvote", I would apprecaite you dropping the following individuals:
1) Amrealth,
2) Nettles & Sheepstealer,
3) Shadow Tor,
4) Softstrider
Onto hinting out Winter-touched barrows udner Bloodraven's guidance.
Maybe a few Erynies, too.

We have literally no one else avaliable for doign that :confused: