Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Curious Diviner's Eye

The pool allows us to display to others as well, right?

And we really should try and build a real relationship with our dress spirit. It's kinda saved our life more than any of the others, and using it as a growing armor technique instead of trying to use meridians seems like it would synergize well with our path.
Clarifications relevant to the discussion:
  • CDE scry requires familiarity with either the person or the target place, does not allow scrying on unfamiliar locations.
    me said:
    which is the correct reading:
    familiar <person or place>
    <familiar person> or <place>
    yrs said:
  • Persistent tech duration is the same as scene duration, and last through a normal fight scene or a few minutes in general.
    yrs said:
    Erg, it looks like I went and made a few redundent categories.

    Persistent type techs should last through any normal length fight scene, or for several minutes in general, the upkeep techs are meant to be the always on ones. I'll have to go back and edit later.
As someone who's skimmed through most of the discussion, what are the pros and cons between SCS and CDE? I'm seeing a lot of people switching to CDE all of a sudden.

So it's a scouting mission, and they affect that skillset more than TRF.

SCS is our only stealth art at this point, though it's pulling quadruple duty with mobility, defense, and backstab offense.

Leveling it would help mechanically with the mobility part of scouting, and narratively with the Stealth part. Even though there's no mechanical buff to its stealth mechanics at last rank it will probably make it much more likely that we get a stealth advanced skill(personally I think that's likely anyway)

CDE is one of our two Sensory arts alongside HDW, and is the one between those two we're most likely to keep for longer in the form of successors as though it tops out at Green 2 it's explicitly stated to be a "starting point for inquisitive youths".

While the Close range on those Eyes is a harsh limitation, I would bet good AP on meridian squishing that there's a range specific upgrade we can find.

The relavant upgrades for this last level are a 5km scrying capability, a one stage upgrade to its attack buffer, and upgrades to the statblocks for the Eyes.

I like it in our build because it adds new capability for it in that scrying pool action.

I like it narratively because we have three patrons, and it behooves us to develop all of them. Dreaming (PLR), Grinning (SCS), and Hidden (CDE).

Yeah, but it has to be a person that you are familiar with, and the only person that would apply for this exercise is our trainer. It wouldn't work all that well when we are trying to do some scouting and finding people we are unfamiliar with.

There were other members of the scouting team in those training actions, and checking prior stops to see if someone is on your tail is good capability. Sure, Senpai can probably do that, but I would be surprised if he sandbags a little for testing.

The barbarians are all cultivators. They don't need to eat or drink.

Yep, but just extend that logic to things they do need. Caches of medicine, caches of food and water for when they do eat, shelter, things like that.

SCS is also our only art that's related to stealth. Hitting mastery with it should logically improve our stealth, which is kind of the first thing you need as a scout: not getting captured by whatever enemies you're send to scout.

I would point out the Bai Scout we just killed. His stealth was perfect, he died because his alphastrike wasn't as boss as he thought and because he failed to SEE us in time.
There were other members of the scouting team in those training actions, and checking prior stops to see if someone is on your tail is good capability. Sure, Senpai can probably do that, but I would be surprised if he sandbags a little for testing.
First what qualifies as "familiar" is a tad ambiguous, but I would be surprised if it was; well I've seen that person/place once or twice guess I'm familiar now

Second if you are suggesting using CDE as a tool to check in with other members of the group it is a horribly inefficient tool at doing so, CDE is no communication art
Stopping to scry behind us to see if we are being tailed is also a pretty inefficient idea in general
As well as rather unlikely to be effective unless we somehow already know the spot where this supposed stalker is currently as they follow our trail, and if we know that why the hell would we scry it?
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Stopping to scry behind us to see if we are being tailed is also a pretty inefficient idea in general
As well as rather unlikely to be effective unless we somehow already know the spot where this supposed stalker is currently as they follow our trail, and if we know that why the hell would we scry it?

I'm not sure what you mean by inefficient.

It's at Rank-2 and is noncombat, so it's cost is essentially negligible.

It makes no note of taking time.

It requires a small bowl with water. We have a storage ring.

It's as simple as seeing if stuff is as we left it. I'm not saying that it would be foolproof, but it's a great capability to add to our team, and it's a new capability instead of "Kinda faster, pretty dodgier, pretty stabier (but I don't really stab)

Given the gown puppeting LQ thing, I think it was asked before but does the gown has a spirit and can LQ talk to it?

Ling Qi: Hello?
Gown-chan: Ahhhhh wash me already!

The gown does have a spirit, but it's unknown if it has developed any actual intelligence/mind of it's own.

I think the gown doesn't yet have a spirit, but will be growing one faster than the normal >100 years time frame we heard from Meizhen.

After all, one of the very few commands we ever received from Renxiang was to keep secret her placing the thread from Liming in our Gown.

I think we're wearing Liming's still fetal daughter, and that she's soaking up our qi and decisions like a YuYu Hakusho egg thingy.
Second if you are suggesting using CDE as a tool to check in with other members of the group it is a horribly inefficient tool at doing so, CDE is no communication art

Yeah, I saw some people suggesting that and it seems pretty silly to new for two reasons.

1: You're trying to force a square leg into a round hole. Just use a dedicated tool for that unless your squads primary and secondary communication assets got sniped or something.

2: You and the person you're talking to have to take down any scrying defenses you have. I played a LOT of "Mage: The Awakening" LARP in college so I probably have more of a kneejerk revulsion to this than most but hot damn that is stupid.

Especially when the capabilities of southern mountain barbarian shamans are mowed to include long range effects? Fuck that.
I'm not sure what you mean by inefficient.
Let me put it this way

Lets say that we are scouting out... 50km of distance or so, the equivalent of a real world marathon
We have no idea how big a view this scry lets us see but lets say it gives a FOV with a radius of 100 meters, that seems pretty generous
If we are to use this scry to check behind us for threats "effectively" we either need to
1. Stop once or twice the at either the midway point or every third of the way and do a scan of 25 or 16.6 km which is beyond tedious
2. Stop repeatedly every few kilometers or so and retrace our footsteps via scrying which is even worse

And that's not taking into account whether it's even possible, ie. the whole ambiguity around the phrase "familiar"
Actually now that I remember, scenario 1 isn't even possible, as the scry has a limit of 5 km

The one possible use of this scry during a scouting mission is if we somehow knew or at least suspected someone was on our tail and wanted to check
But that's essentially using the scry for something unnecessary, if you already know you are being followed then scrying is just a confirmation
Trying to blindly scry behind you to see if anyone is following you is just an exercise in futility and frustration
But that's essentially using the scry for something unnecessary, if you already know you are being followed then scrying is just a confirmation
Trying to blindly scry behind you to see if anyone is following you is just an exercise in futility and frustration

You can suspect you're being followed without knowing.

You can know you're being followed without knowing enemy force composition.

More information is very rarely useless.

Hell, we could leapfrog one "familiarity" to the next to the limit of our 5km range in a siege situation.

It's a pretty versatile recon tool, and gives us something cheap to do while the formations guys set up camp besides twiddle our thumbs.
You can suspect you're being followed without knowing.

You can know you're being followed without knowing enemy force composition.

More information is very rarely useless.
The main problem with scrying behind you to find some pursuing force, is that by its very nature scrying would require you to know where this force is, and if you know that how is it that you don't know whats following you already?
If you don't know where this force is then your scrying random locations in the vain hope that you somehow manage to land a scry on the people following you, which is tantamount to throw darts at a board blindfolded
for the familiar scrying...we fly a whole bunch, could our viewpoint be above a landmark for even further perception range?
CDE is a nice skill to be sure, and will probably lead to even better ones, but it is not really a scouting skill.
It can used for scouting, in a pinch, but i can't help but feel that the ability to move unseen and take an actual look at things will be more useful.
SCS next level is +5 to stealth in dark conditions. That is all. its not the huge bonus to stealth people seem to think it is.

Now speed, that is a decent improvement, +10/15.
If I wanted to view a location with CDE, you are telling me that it will allow me to see it in its entirety? No matter how large?

Nope, I'm saying it will let us see as much of it as our Superhuman perceptive abilities at a -1 rank penalty would let us.

The main problem with scrying behind you to find some pursuing force, is that by its very nature scrying would require you to know where this force is, and if you know that how is it that you don't know whats following you already?
If you don't know where this force is then your scrying random locations in the vain hope that you somehow

Sure, we're in a team though.

Recon teammate number 3 looks up and goes "I've got an alarm tripped at site 3" and we scry that.
Sure, we're in a team though.

Recon teammate number 3 looks up and goes "I've got an alarm tripped at site 3" and we scry that.
having to envision team mates with specific abilities in specific scenarios should tell you how situational this scrying is in a scout group, particularly since that sounds more like a guard than a scout

as for this
Nope, I'm saying it will let us see as much of it as our Superhuman perceptive abilities at a -1 rank penalty would let us.
lets just agree to disagree