[] Seek out Kyle and Lady Myssa, we have urgent news to share with them both.
-[] When we find them, ask to speak with them alone for a moment, if possible. If not, ask that Kyle only have those he trusts most among his faction at hand to hear our news.
--[] Go on to explain what we heard from Ollidor and Lucan's conversation, focusing especially on Lucan's statements that make it clear that no matter how lenient he seems, he appears to only trust those who serve the Seven with the ability to use magic. If this is true, then any support he appeared to offer Kyle in securing the right for mortals to bargain with the Fey, who themselves are innately supernatural creatures who practice magic in nearly every aspect of their lives and who by default worship no gods, is hollow at best, a slick bit of political maneuvering to secure his own place in the Conclave.
---[] A much worse case, however, would be that Lucan wishes to lull Kyle's faction and their Fey allies into a sense of complacency until he is able to more tightly grab the reins of power among the Faith.
----[] And finally, though we hesitate to even mention it because we cannot corroborate the accounts, we have encountered multiple individuals who claim Lucan and his followers have persecuted mages, even those who serve the Seven, if they refuse to join his cause, outright slaying some or attempting to force others to live their lives without the magic they have been 'cursed' to bear. This paints a disturbing picture of Lucan, of a man willing to say one thing but do another, and not merely the petty hypocrisies so common among flawed men, but more profound and egregious sins, such as virtually enslaving mages who would rather be left to their own business while simultaneously preaching acceptance and good will to those ignorant of his actions.