@Goldfish, I am crazy tired, so I hope I don't repeat myself too much here, butt ..
This is the shape of something I think might be valuable, if you want to re-word it or have me alter it and you add it to your vote?
[] Try and get a feel for what the Archmaester thinks is valuable (and more importantly, thinks is the other broadly held values of (Arch)maesters in terms of having power Vs the stated values of the Citidale as an institution.
Basically, asking (subtly) his view on the difficulty of absorbing the maesters into our Scholarium/university set up due to love of knowledge vs the desire to be "top dog". Our raven constructs, magic itself rising ect, are long known to the citidale, so prevailing opinions are likely to have set enough to be observable.
I wonder if the conversation might touch on the anti-magic conspiracy a tiny bit.
Also, who is the demon lord of the final incantation again? I ask because the potential link between the conspiracy and the demon lord seems fairly obvious.
Also, I think we should magically boost our sense motive but not our Diplo/bluff scores, as sense motive is the hardest to notice being buffed imo.