Preliminary plan.
[X] Plan Turtle Plus
-[X] Viserys subtlety casts Ancestral Awakening to learn the Chain Spell Metamagic feat, Assay Spell Resistance, and then Arcane Spellsurge. When he is ready, he gives the signal to attack:
--[X] Viserys waits for Malarys to hit the Abishai with Dispel, then targets it and every cultist within range with a Chained Mythic Baleful Polymorph spell. If the Abishai resists, he targets it with another Mythic Baleful Polymorph as a Swift Action.
-[X] Malarys activates his Bead of Karma while Viserys prepares. He uses his Sign buff to set his Initiative to 22 then casts a Quickened Targeted Dispel Dispel Magic at the Abishai. If Viserys' attempt to Polymorph it doesn't succeed, he uses a Chained Sacramental Seal targeting the Abishai and all nearby cultists.
-[X] Vee activates her Bead of Karma while Viserys prepares. She uses Hallucinogenic Smoke to subdue the cultists once the attack begins.
-[X] Richard activates his armor's Holy Aura power and prepares to subdue cultists alongside the Erinyes.