the Kingkiller debate
Don't even remind me. I even picked out a song to leave the thread with back then, so salty I was :V
And then there was the Driad-Queen...
*feels like eaten a lemon*

Yeah, we had a fait share of shite to go through.
And yet we're all here, having fun wit hthe quest still.

Is there really a reason to go ballistic on others now, @zxzx24, @chryssalideater?

You forgot the whole Myrcella thing :V
Remind me please waht it was about? :V
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I honestly don't understand why all this is a big deal for a fictional game just meant for us to have fun with.
Dito. I understand that engaging in the game means being opening oneself to dissatisfaction, but on the other hand it's an enjoyable pastime.
I specifically don't understand the problem with this vote.
Don't even remind me. I even picked out a song to leave the thread with back then, so salty I was :V
And then there was the Driad-Queen...

Yeah, we had a fait share of shite to go through.
And yet we're all here, having fun wit hthe quest still.

Is there really a reason to go ballistic on others now, @zxzx24, @chryssalideater?

Remind me please waht it was about? :V
Am I going ballistic? I don't think I've cursed anyone out, just argued for my position.
Something about using magic to inject a nightmare in the memory of a three year old. We worked it out in the end :V
Azel wouldn't be as nearly as convincing if his diabolical plans weren't so entertaining. I mean, giving a three year old nightmares to destabilize the royal family? Creating economic poverty by making grain cheap and easily available? Mammon machine? I mean come on, the man has style if nothing else.
Am I going ballistic?
Yes, yes you went there.
The best time to take a stand against evil is before it can rise. The second best time is now.
And so, Azel passed from the thread, leaving behind his legacy of evil to go forth and blossom in his stead. Truly, he was a...martyr for his cause.
You kinda acted like Azel is a figure of pure evil and something to be voted against at all cost.
Sure, Internet and all, the phrases lack the tone... But that's what they read as to me. :confused:
EDIT: Duesal puts it well.
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Okay, wow. Didn't think we were full on evil.

It got walked back after I blew up at the thread, recovered, came back and wrote a minor essay on why if we carried through we were going to give up any claim to Lawful Neutral as an alignment and that people should really think about the implications of inflicting direct and personal harm on a child for what was only potential political gain. The vote turned, life went on. It was a pretty key ethical moment for Viserys, I feel.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on May 2, 2019 at 10:38 AM, finished with 305473 posts and 35 votes.

  • [X] Accept that which you had become and leave the sighs to others
    [X] Change something of what you had seen, the past is dead but the future is yet open?
    -[X] Limit the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction - Weapons such that you deployed against Lannisport require foes against which they are the only option. Limit use of WMDs to use against the White Walkers, other truly existential threats to Planetos itself, and true peer powers.
    -[X] Write in: Silver of Justice - There is a truth in what you have been shown, but also a message of how you have chosen to make some useful and others food for the engine of Empire. With the summoning of the Preceptor Archons, and the rituals you have created to free Fiends and more from that which binds them inevitably to the planes which supply their power, might it not also be possible to see some who are driven to consort with such powers recovered from their folly instead of simply given unto the snake or tree?
    [X] Abstain
    [X] Change something of what you had seen, the past is dead but the future is yet open?
    -[X] Limit the power of the inquisition to spy on your own citizenry (Write in)
    -[X] Set up indipendant judges and have them ask for warrents to spy on your citizens
    -[X] Further limit what you can use as sacrifice (Write in)
    -[X] No mortal or those whose souls can be saved. Atleast try and rehabilitate them for a few months. Have them swear to one of the gods so thier soul are not damned
    -[X] Limit the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Write in)
    -[X] Against no mortals no WMDs
    -[X] Put precautions in place in the case of human experimentation/flesh-forging (Write in)
    -[X] have proper courses and studies done on thier effcts on people. Only use bodies voluntired for that purpose.
    -[X] Do not Create the Mammon Machine
    -[X] Try to limit the grain crises you had set up (Write in)
    -[X] try to find some magical use for large amount of grain. Like good for a potion or something, leak it to westros.
    -[x] Be more careful in your intrigues about causing avoidable deaths
Yes, yes you went there.

You kinda acted like Azel is a figure of pure evil and something to be voted against at all cost.
Sure, Internet and all, the phrases lack the tone... But that's what they read as to me. :confused:
OK so the first quote was over-the-top sachirine good guy on purpose, the second one was purely a joke based on Azels frustration with Viserys acting like he had a martyr complex.
Eh. The main goal - Viserys waking up to his actions and their consequences - was achieved.

I'm very happy with that alone.


But I'm quite disappointed it had to come out of the blue due to OOC reasons, anyone other than Syrax has more weigh to their word. And if it Syrax was the only that could right now this shouldn't have happened right now.
[x] Snowfire

@Snowfire I'm against restricting use of WMDs, but redeeming cultists is generally a good idea.

Just unfortunate that we won't be redeeming the interesting ones, because those are also the ones to dangerous for any institution, safe for a bottle in the larder.
[X] Accept that which you had become and leave the sighs to others

I think that this vision dream is a good thing, one should never allow your self to deceived by your own self delusions. It good to look into the mirror and see.

That being said we are a Dragon that follows the Old Gods. Our talons will never be clean, and some innocents will always suffer due to the decisions we make. We can do our best to minimize the suffering of our people, but it is sometimes unavoidable.