Name: Alas
Age: 57
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Sylph (Native Outsider)
Level: Witch 8
Flaws and Feats: Cautious,
Silver Palm, Cloud Gazer, Craft Wondrous Item, Spell Penetration, Brew Potion
Languages: Auran, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, Infernal, Low Valyrian (learning),
Class Abilities: Cantrips, Hex, Familiar, Wisdom Patron, Scorpion familiar, Hexes (Cackle, Cauldron, Misfortune, Evil Eye, Tongues)
Race Abilities: Darkvision 60ft, Feather Fall 1/day (CL=HD), Electricity Resistance 5, Breeze-kissed (alternate, +2 racial AC against ranged attacks)
HP: 35
AC: 10 +3 (DEX) +2 Deflection +1 shield +2 (racial, against ranged attacks) = 16 (18 against ranged attacks) - Magic Vestment and Shield of Faith may apply. Cloud Gazer allows use of fog spells for self-defense.
Initiative: -2 (flaw) +3 (DEX) +2 (familiar) = +3
Attack: +4 (BAB) +3 (DEX) +1 (enhancement) = +8 composite longbow (1d8+1d6+1)
Spell Save: 10+ 5 (Int) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple only
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control
10 (+0)
15 (+3)
+4 = 12 (+1)
19 +1 (+5)
13 (+1)
14 (+2)
FORTITUDE: 2 +1 +2 = 5
REFLEX: 2 +3 +2 = 7
WILL: 6 +1 +2 = 9
Appraise: 0 +5 +2 = 7
Bluff: 5 +2 +2 = 9
Concentration: 11 +1 = 12
Diplomacy: 5 +2 +2 +2 = 11
Intimidate: 10 +2 +2 = 14
Knowledge (arcana): 11 +5 = 16
Knowledge (the planes): 11 +5 = 16
Spellcraft: 11 +5 +2 = 18
Sense Motive: 5 +2 +1 = 8
Skill Tricks: Collector of Stories
Spells Prepared (Caster Level 8):
Cantrips (at-will): Detect Magic, Guidance, Message, Read Magic,
Level 1 (4+2/day): Shield of Faith, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Obscuring Mist
, Unseen Servant
Level 2 (3+1/day): Alter Self, Blindness/Deafness, Fog Cloud, See Invisibility,
Level 3 (3+1/day): Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Magic Vestment,
Level 4 (2+1/day): Black Tentacles, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Charm Monster
Spells Known:
Level 1: Shield of Faith, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Secret Doors, Mage Armor, Ill Omen, Obscuring Mist, Sleep, Unseen Servant,
Level 2: Owl's Wisdom, Alter Self, Blindness/Deafness, Fog Cloud, Hold Person, Levitate, See Invisibility,
Level 3: Magic Vestment, Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Remove Curse, Vampiric Touch,
Level 4: Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Discern Lies, Solid Fog
Supernatural Abilities: Hexes (Cauldron, Cackle, Evil Eye, Misfortune, Tongues)
Anklets of Translocation (2/day):
Ability: Instantly teleport as per a short dimensional hop (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. One cannot use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can one teleport into a solid object; if such an attempt is made, the anklet's activation is wasted. The Wearer can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can't bring another creature with you.
Equipped Magic Items: +1 Shocking Composite Longbow, 50 arrows, Heward's Handy Haversack,
Ring of Protection From Evil,
Anklets of Translocation, Amulet of Health (+4 CON), Cloak of Resistance (+2), Ring of Deflection (+2),
Headband of Intellect (+1 INT), Mithral Buckler (Alys usually casts Magic Vestment on it)
Notes: In battle, Alys prefers to use area control spells to gain time to set up his hexes. A cautious man, he prefers fighting from afar and settling up advantageous fights for allies than wading in himself. Alys also has some social skills and spells to better allow him to avoid battle altogether. So far he's made a living as a mercenary, but also as an investigator and hired crafter.