Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
@DragonParadox We don't really have much in the way of Richard-appropriate weapons lying around in the armory at the moment, since we gave away all of our Valyrian Steel greatswords.
While we're in SD, can we commission a Valyrian Steel greatsword for him? Or just assume that one was on hand?
- 25 Crossbow, Hellfire
- 9 Dagger(Adamantine), Razor Sharp
- 7 Dagger(Valyrian Steel) (+2)
- 50 Double Crossbow [Medium], Masterwork
- 11 Double Crossbow [Large], Masterwork
- 2 Glaive, Cruel, Fey-Bane (+1)
- 6 Great Axe(Adamantine), Razor Sharp (+1) [Large]
- 3 Great Axe(Mithral), Returning (+1) [Large]
- 12 Greatsword(Steel) (+1) [Large] (Efreeti Wrought)
- 1 Greatsword(Silvered)
- 1 Light Hammer, Blessed [Small] (+1)
- 11 Longbow(Duskwood), Composite [+4 Strength bonus], Masterwork
- 6 Longbow, Flaming, Composite (+5 Strength bonus; +1 Enhancement) (Hell-Forged)
- 2 Longbow(Mithral), Mighty [Large]
- 1 Longsword(Cold Iron), Masterwork
- 2 Longsword(Silvered)
- 1 Longsword(Valyrian Steel) (+2)
- 4 Longsword(Valyrian Steel) (+2), Silencing
- 5 Longspear(Mithral) (+1) [Large]
- 1 Mace(Steel), Unholy (+1)
- 3 Shortsword(Cold Iron)
- 1 Thinblade(Adamantine), Razor Sharp
- 1 Thinblade(Adamantine), Razor Sharp (+1)
- 1 Warscythe(Steel), Keen (+1)
- 1 Keeper's Lash (+1 Duststorm Ravenous Whip)
Keeper's Lash
Description: Wrought from weather-beaten salt salt-encrusted leather whose origins are best left unknown this whip seems to have absorbed something of the dreadful hunger of the Red Wastes, seeking to drink the blood of its master's foes.
Ability: +1 Duststorm Ravenous Whip, Caster Level: 10th
- 1 Sword of the Betrayer (+2 Bronze & Blue Ice Ghost-Touch Brilliant Energy Longsword)
Sword of the Betrayer
Appearance: Forged of bronze and encased in Blue Ice through which one can still glimpse wavering runes, this sword burns the hand of any who would bear it with killing frost. None not warded against the cold may wield it, and with the passing of time the cold grows fiercer until only those truly beyond its power can bear it, but with this curse comes a blessing such that few can match for the edge cuts spirit and flesh with equal strength, passing through even the finest armor as though it were naught but smoke and mist.
Ability: +2 Ghost-Touch Brilliant Energy Longsword
Curse: Will inflict increasing Cold Damage on any wielder that bears it for more than a week (+1d6 every week with no cap). The sword remembers its wielders no matter how long it has been laid down for.
- 1 That Which Devours (+1 Vorpal Scimitar)
That Which Devours
Description: This golden blade shines slickly in the light of the mage lanterns as though dipped in oil, seals of power upon its face seem to move like worms when seen out of the corner of the eye.
Base enchantment: +1 Vorpal Sword
Powers (only usable by a Rakshasa, UMD DC 35 to emulate):
A creature slain by either a coup de grace or the weapon's Vorpal quality has its soul drawn into the blade, allowing the bearer to consume it and gaining some aspect of its abilities for three days
Vitality: Gain 3 Hit Points per HD of the creature slain
Might: Gain the use of one Feat, Supernatural, or Extraordinary Ability (so long as it does not depend on anatomy not shared between the slain and the slayer)
Wit: Gain full use of the slain creature's skill ranks in one skill, or access to the slain creature's mind as per Probe Thoughts
Multiple uses of the same aspect do not stack.
Caster Level: 18
- 1 False Sun's Kiss (+2 Undead Bane Morningstar)
False Sun's Kiss
Description: Worked with symbols of the stars and sun seemingly upon imperishable gold, this mace's head is at its core naught but base lead, though its strike is certainly no softer for it.
Abilities: Even a dabbler in the arcane can recognize this as the weapon meant to slay those already dead, to lay to rest unquiet corpses, but a more careful look reveals its true sinister purpose, not to being peace but slavery, to bind the soul forever more into the grasping hand of its bearer and through it Mammon.
- +2 Undead Bane Morningstar
- Though undead slain by this weapon appear to be destroyed, the wielder may choose to call them forth again on the following midnight. Sentient undead may be called forth either in their previous forms or as ghosts. The bearer of this weapon counts as an evil cleric with a level equal to his or her total HD-2 for the purpose of defining the limit of controlled undead.