[X] Drake

@DragonParadox characterization looked great. Though I would like to point out Its Knott not Knot (try saying that 10 times fast)

Thanks. Fixed.

Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 6, 2019 at 3:09 AM, finished with 50 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Approach Wyl to see how he truly feels about his transformation and offer advice
    -[X] Wyl is the one who is probably the least reticent in dealing with things uncanny, given his status as Fey. And it doesn't get much more uncanny than a Dread Sorcerer offering tea and cakes.
    -[X] You have dealt with people who have had their current lot forced upon them by the world without their consent in the past, both to break bonds, and offer opportunities. See what he views his transformation for true. While life everlasting is nice, longevity can be achieved in many ways.
    -[X] Bring Soft Strider along. Maybe Wyl might be one of the first to take the offer of newer flesh, one who has already experienced a change of theirs once, and who has more than one perspective of both mortal and immortal life. It could be the experiment that will allow her tribe to grow even more.
    -[X] Glyra as well, she might provide another useful perspective.
    [X] Drake
Part MMDCCXXVIII: Of Blood and Memories
Of Blood and Memories

Twenty-Ninth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

Soft Strider is more than glad to join you in speaking to Wyl after hearing what you had gleaned of the man's tale for all she knows more of Redcaps than most. "He is strong of will, stronger perhaps then he knows to have held to his vows after such a changing of his very soul," the Singer sighs. "A warrior is not whom I would have chosen for the first to come among us and join his voice to the Song, but I see the same chance you do, Dragon King. This man who fears death and yet who refuses to wear the bloody shroud of his new form in full, he might find more contentment between the brief span of mortal years and cruel eternity bound to an unchanging tale."

"If he does not seem fitting to you then you may of course refuse him," you assure her.

"The first of any new thing always seems unfitting, for it has not yet had the time to wear smooth its place in the order of things," she replies. "Better that his begin with kindness than cold reasoning of one thing against another."

Following directions whispered by passing unseen false ravens you find Wyl in an armorer's shop. Haryl and Sons clearly shows its Tyroshi origins in the fanciful helms peering from the windows, some like the heads of eagles, others hounds, even one modeled after the face of a serpent-man trailing green silk like a cobra's hood. Yet the steel is all wrought at Everfire Dale and hardened by sorcery. So is the glass for that matter or this Haryl would not have dared to have such tall windows to display his craft.

Though Soft Strider is clearly impressed, perhaps even a touch curious, she chooses to stay outside, ill at ease in a place of iron-craft.

Inside suits of chain clink faintly in an errant breeze and breastplates gleam by mage-fire, likely the work of some phoenix trading in his or her services. Even the kindly firebirds are not without some need for coin after all.

It is there, looking up at a locked display containing an enchanted axe, that you find what looks at first glance to be just a man in a red cap, stooped by age yet still broad of shoulder, his chain shirt hanging to his knees. Yet to your eyes it is clear that what weighs upon him is not the passing of mortal years, but something darker, crueler, and far more implacable—the cap, the weight of blood upon it, the expectation of a tale half-told.

"Wyl of Bear Island?" you ask softly.

Shadows of steel race across his features as fingers twitch upon the hilt of his axe, eager for battle, but he does not draw it forth. "Who wants to know?" he asks in a faintly quarrelsome voice.

Seeing no reason to be coy, you introduce yourself in full and invite him to step out for a moment.

Though clearly daunted Wyl does his best not to show it, mumbling something about how you should probably be talking to Walter, seeing as he's the highborn and the one who knows how to talk to kings.

"A poor king I would be were I insulted by plain-speaking good man," you answer with a smile.

Out in the light and open air, away from the sight of edged steel and workings of war and bloodshed, Wyl seems more at ease with himself, if not precisely the circumstances he finds himself. The company of a king leaves him tongue-tied enough, but upon seeing Soft Strider he is left truly speechless... though on the balance it might have been her offer. It is one thing to see the stuff of children's tales come to life and quite another to be offered the chance to become one.

"I... uh... I've got family up in Bear Island, and I was hoping to send them a bit of silver from here and there. If I become a... er... Singer, would I still be able to do that? Odd says the Children didn't much care for gold and silver, so..."

"We did not trade in gold and silver because we did not mine," Soft Strider corrects him. "Yet we still saw the worth of trade, in lore, in food and beasts. Though our lives may seem slow and strange to mortal men we love and sorrow even as you do." She pauses a long moment, staring into his eyes. "Do not fear that you will forget your kindred."

That is when you discover that Redcaps weep tears of blood. Wyl can only nod mutely, grasping for the offer as a drowning man does a rope.

What do you do next?

[] Wait until Wyl's transformation before approaching the others

[] Seek out one of the other visitors from Bear Island
-[] Write in approach

[] Write in

OOC: Remember, you can also send Companions to do the talking if you want. Also, a question—do you guys think you can write up Team Bear's Character sheets today, or should I run Snake vs Arcanum as I do them myself?
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I'm sorry, but I really can't make myself care about these NPCs.
I would have written a pro forma vote earlier out of politeness, but I was busy eating tear gas this morning. Also having the cops vanish for 20min with my ID, only to bring it back saying "we have you now" which isn't ominous at all. Fuck 'em.

Still, now I have a minute again :
[X] Wait until Wyl's transformation before approaching the others
-[X] Recruit them as agents for the 3-eyed Raven, to operate in Westeros when this tournament is over. Protecting the innocent while getting a salary from the Dragon sure sounds good, doesn't it ?
@DragonParadox It's still early for a lot of us, and we're not used to getting updates so soon. I'm not much for making melee-focused character sheets or I would help, but I don't know enough of that side of the game by heart to be able to do so without cracking open too many books.

Also, has Viserys put any thought into making use of the Werebear curse? He's known of it since we met that one asshole Bear Spirit creature up in the North. Having one here in SD would make it easy to start a budget super soldier program.

[X] Seek out one of the other visitors from Bear Island
-[X] Ask Wyl to lead us to them and make introductions.
-[X] Learn if he would prefer to cast off his current form before or after his team's upcoming fight.
I'm sorry, but I really can't make myself care about these NPCs.
I would have written a pro forma vote earlier out of politeness, but I was busy eating tear gas this morning. Also having the cops vanish for 20min with my ID, only to bring it back saying "we have you now" which isn't ominous at all. Fuck 'em.

Ouch, take care.

Still, now I have a minute again :
[X] Wait until Wyl's transformation before approaching the others
-[X] Recruit them as agents for the 3-eyed Raven, to operate in Westeros when this tournament is over. Protecting the innocent while getting a salary from the Dragon sure sounds good, doesn't it ?

Bloodraven does not need you to recruit agents for him, he can just call them himself, you doing if for him would reveal your connection to him rather blatantly. If those rumors spread far enoug people might start eyeing weirwoods as Dragon's spies, which could escalate in some very unpleasant ways.
Also, has Viserys put any thought into making use of the Werebear curse? He's known of it since we met that one asshole Bear Spirit creature up in the North. Having one here in SD would make it easy to start a budget super soldier program..

It very much depends on if the curse is transmissible of not, having super, soldiers whose main method of attack makes more super-soldiers of the enemy would be unfortunate.
It very much depends on if the curse is transmissible of not, having super, soldiers whose main method of attack makes more super-soldiers of the enemy would be unfortunate.
If she's a natural Werebear, any Werebears she creates via bite would be considered Afflicted. Afflicted Lycanthropes cannot pass on the curse themselves, so there should be no danger of accidentally spreading it to our enemies.

If she isn't a Natural Werebear, then she can't help us make more of her kind.
I'm sorry, but I really can't make myself care about these NPCs.
I would have written a pro forma vote earlier out of politeness, but I was busy eating tear gas this morning. Also having the cops vanish for 20min with my ID, only to bring it back saying "we have you now" which isn't ominous at all. Fuck 'em.

Still, now I have a minute again :
[X] Wait until Wyl's transformation before approaching the others
-[X] Recruit them as agents for the 3-eyed Raven, to operate in Westeros when this tournament is over. Protecting the innocent while getting a salary from the Dragon sure sounds good, doesn't it ?
Dude, be careful! :o

@Snowfire, what's Yss saying now?

Pretty sure it's just mind games. In a few weeks I'd have been fucked, but the new anti-protest laws haven't actually been voted in yet and they won't be retroactive. And I wasn't accused of doing anything bad myself, just noted as being on the same street as some rioters. This isn't great, but now that I've had time to have lunch everything seems better :D
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chance you do Dragon King.
... chance you do, Dragon King.
span of mortal years and cruel eternity bound to an unchanging tale."
Than instead of and.
"If he does not seem fitting to you than you may of course refuse him
Then instead of than.
you find Wyyl in an armorer's shop.
Yet the steel is all wrought at Everfire Dale hardened by sorcery, so is the glass for that matter or the Haryl would not have dared
Everfire Dale, hardened by sorcery, and so is the glass for that matter or (the?) Haryl would have dared
probably be talking to Watder,
by plain speaking good man
Either a plain-speaking good man, or its men.
open air away from the sight of edged steel
open air, away from the sight of edged steel...
er... Singer would I still be able to do that.
Er... Singer, would I still be able to do that?
Also having the cops vanish for 20min with my ID, only to bring it back saying "we have you now" which isn't ominous at all
Maybe it's all the napalm under your sink?

Nah, can't be it.
So I was writing up Jeyne's character sheet and a interlude idea hit me out of nowhere when going though her feats. Would you guys like to see it or do you think it would slow down the end of the month unnecessarily?