Too bad that class can't be taught.

Imagine the shenanigans we might be able to pull if we mass produce quintessence to freeze time
will we nil we," the sorceress sighed.
unfortunate drover and his horses
I might have used magic, I don't remember,"
It might.
pushing the corpse of the ting off me
I'm going to do something but it's directed against you"
Missing a "not"?
@DragonParadox - did the Inquisition pick up anything intereting about Ser Roger Hill? I can't inagine a bastard claiming to be descended from the Reynes must have had a boring life in the Westerlands.
So, research effort to determine if she's still safe and sane-ish, to figure out what happened to her, and what she can do now. Priority in that order. Double check on Roger to make sure he doesn't have any nasties hidden in him. Otherwise, we do what we did with Bronn and pay them to stick around while we sort out what's what.

Beyond that, we'll need to do some immediate Spellcraft to determine if they're safe enough for research.

So something like

[X] [Subtle use of Magics to check for various ingrained traps and whatnot, to be determined by people who actually know how to flex access to 8th circle spells]
-[X] While working your magic, accept Jeynes's offer to keep her calm, and ask Roger how he fits into all of this.
-[X] Assuming everything is on the up and up, offer to take them under your care, research what happened to her, and provide them with funds and support. No strings attached beyond making sure that Jeynes is safe and sane. If they want to do more things within your Service, that can wait until they're settled in more and we've done rudimentary research on this alternative method to tell reality to sit down and shut up while the caster is working.
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..,Anyone else suspicious on how a ordinary guy killed a mindflayer with a mage dominated? Or why the Knight didn't immediately kill the dominated person?
Jeyne: *offer in good faith to serve loyally while enticing Dragon with unique and strange school of 'magic'*

Viserys: *congenial agreement*


Viserys: *cheerfully paranoid investigation and mental dry cleaning*

Deep Ones: "NOT AS PLANNED!"

Seriously, most Westerosi and some Essosi would look at this like a godsend or "just as is my right".

We know we have no inherent right to Psionics, we know we have to at least work for it. It's ingrained within every suspicious bone in our bodies.
No time to do a full plan. Whoever can, please add this, or something similar, to their own.

[] Explain that you are about to do a more thorough magical examination of Jeyne to make certain she was unharmed by the Deep One. Ask her to first remove her protective talisman. We do not want it's aura to interfere with our examination.
-[] Viserys casts Divine Insight, Grand Destiny using Greater Shadow Enchantment, Greater Arcane Vision, and Blood Wishes a Healer's Vision spell, then uses a charge from his ring to gain a +2 Dispelling bonus and Wild Arcana to cast a Targeted Greater Dispel Magic spell on Jeyne (total Dispelling bonus of +22, further modified by his Eldritch Breach Mythic power). He looks for anything out of the ordinary, including hidden magic that resisted his Dispelling, as well as unusual biological alterations or additions, using Divine Insight and Grand Destiny charges to brute Force his Heal check. Repeat this procedure on Roger.
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