Voting is open

It's easy to forget that the first generation of Sidewinder missile was undergoing prototyping during the Korean War and was first combat-tested in 1958.
Also, since we are probably going to have to produce large amounts of heavy equipment, we should probably standardize around a 14.5mm round due to its much better ballistics and anti-armor performance, due to it just shredding a lot of lighter fortifications and troop transports. Plus, maybe moving to a new standard AR that's a lot cheaper to mass produce than an M4/AR15 knockoff. Something like a wooden furnished AUG and just... making a large amount of very standardized and easy to swap equipment.

Edit: Hell, we can probably issue something close to an EM-2 as a standard small arm.
EM-2 rifle - Wikipedia
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Also, since we are probably going to have to produce large amounts of heavy equipment, we should probably standardize around a 14.5mm round due to its much better ballistics and anti-armor performance, due to it just shredding a lot of lighter fortifications and troop transports. Plus, maybe moving to a new standard AR that's a lot cheaper to mass produce than an M4/AR15 knockoff. Something like a wooden furnished AUG and just... making a large amount of very standardized and easy to swap equipment.

Yeah, something easier to make with less plastic-polymer furniture would probably make more sense. What if we made AKMs in 5.56?
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Yeah, something easier to make with less plastic-polymer furniture would probably make more sense. What if we made AKMs in 5.56?
Honestly, it would probably be better to just train all of our forces with a bullpup, as we are going to have to train most of em from scratch anyway. Also, a bullpup allows us to use proper grips while still having wood furnishings. So, something like an EM-2 in 5.56 would probably be ideal.
Honestly, it would probably be better to just train all of our forces with a bullpup, as we are going to have to train most of em from scratch anyway. Also, a bullpup allows us to use proper grips while still having wood furnishings. So, something like an EM-2 in 5.56 would probably be ideal.

EM-2 type weapon would be pretty cool.
Also, since we are probably going to have to produce large amounts of heavy equipment, we should probably standardize around a 14.5mm round due to its much better ballistics and anti-armor performance, due to it just shredding a lot of lighter fortifications and troop transports.
The main problem with this is that Chicago may well already be locked into using US military and civilian calibers. They almost certainly have small arms production and have probably had it since the fight against the Nazis, and in those days they would have been using legacy US firearms almost exclusively. Starting production in a new (Russian) caliber that probably only the Victorians already use in large quantity might be problematic.

Honestly, it would probably be better to just train all of our forces with a bullpup, as we are going to have to train most of em from scratch anyway. Also, a bullpup allows us to use proper grips while still having wood furnishings. So, something like an EM-2 in 5.56 would probably be ideal.
Sara Goldblum loves it and promises to give it proper care and feeding of the adorable prototype that followed her home.
The main problem with this is that Chicago may well already be locked into using US military and civilian calibers. They almost certainly have small arms production and have probably had it since the fight against the Nazis, and in those days they would have been using legacy US firearms almost exclusively. Starting production in a new (Russian) caliber that probably only the Victorians already use in large quantity might be problematic.
I mean, technically its not a small arms caliber, and would only be used on heavier platforms. So, there may not be anything in specific production already. It also offers a massive anti-armor upgrade for most guns using it, lets us avoid having to use a much bigger 20mm for APC's.
Tally ho!
Adhoc vote count started by Rivenscryr on Mar 28, 2019 at 9:23 PM, finished with 4556 posts and 100 votes.
I mean, technically its not a small arms caliber, and would only be used on heavier platforms. So, there may not be anything in specific production already. It also offers a massive anti-armor upgrade for most guns using it, lets us avoid having to use a much bigger 20mm for APC's.
I had sort of figured that Chicago was already using .50 BMG or some other heavy machine gun caliber, not least because they probably HAVE had to contend with a lot of lightly armored technicals and things, especially/even during the War on Nazis.
So, since we have coal liquefaction, am assuming that we will start with a reasonably technologically advanced economy, am going to try and make a set of reasonable economic proposals going by a 1940's tech base. From which most of my assumptions will come.
You have an inconsistent economy. Most of your tech is centralized to cities no matter what tech options you pick.
To be fair, most of the specific military weapons he advocates are things that could probably be maintained with a 30s technical base, or things that he thinks having foreigners produce for his SPARTAN CLASSICALLY CULTURED HERO RACE is a positive good, because having them make the stuff themselves would cause them to become EFFETE and DECADENT.
SEE at 40 with ARS at 39. ATE at 34.

A bad day for EB faction. :V
Adhoc vote count started by VoidZero on Mar 29, 2019 at 12:06 PM, finished with 4568 posts and 101 votes.
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Sure, it starts with a bevy of problems but I made sure A) to get us both established and efficient bureacracy to make sure the government was well-administrated over the long run.
I'm sorry. You have almost every advantage that I'd like to see, but either Disunited Currency or Crossed Wires would be a deal-breaker on its own. There's no way I can support a plan with both together.
I'm definitely still nervous about our intelligence vulnerability under SEE, and favoring All-Round Start, personally. Though as the author of Entrepot, I want to thank everyone who voted for it and brought it high enough to be a real contender; I was not expecting that, so thanks!
Vote's going to be closed probably any minute now, and there's only one or two votes needed to keep us from having an assassin and nazis around. Just one person switching their vote. Sigh.

I hate Illinois Nazis.
Vote's going to be closed probably any minute now, and there's only one or two votes needed to keep us from having an assassin and nazis around. Just one person switching their vote. Sigh.

I hate Illinois Nazis.
They will be defeated by a heroic mechanized operation thanks to a few operatives affiliated with the Archdiocese of Chicago.


We'll be fine as long as our security personnel keep their sunglasses on.
Voting is open