By the way. I highly suggest introducing this into your vote in some fashion, it sounds pretty cool.
Hey look, our master clock design.

If it doesn't I will be immensely surprised.
@Goldfish seconding including the neat prestidigitation clocks into your vote. I think there was some ruling from DP about pricing for prestidigitation items that do fixed effects instead of giving the whole spell but you are the enchanting guru.

How does this look, ya'll? Sorry if it got wordy or pedantic. Colors used can be changed, but I thought they seemed both thematic and visually distinct. The clock design is in blue, and I amended the funding of a mundane clock to drive development of a cheaper non-magical version.

@Sqweaktoy Rather than try to trim the price down for partial effect, I would prefer to stick with the full cost of a slotless Prestidigitation-based Wondrous Item, due to the relative complexity. That's a lot of color changing, after all.

[X] Plan Doing Proper Time - Goldfish Version
-[X] Divide the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and every minute into 60 seconds.
-[X] The time of 0:00 is defined as the sun standing in it's zenith above Sorcerers Deep.
-[X] Commission clock-towers for SD, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, Mantarys and Tolos who all display the time for everyone to see.
-[X] There will be no time-zones or similar shenanigans, so that nobody has to do any conversion for long-distance communications or trade.

-[X] A constant effect Prestidigitation-based clock will be be used to create magical timepieces, measuring the passage of time based on the Cantrip's ability to color an object once every six seconds. Each timepiece will cost 200 IM to enchant, with further costs determined by its size and upgrades.
--[X] The magical timepiece will consist of a circular disk of Hardened quartz, upon which numbers and colors will be highlighted using Prestidigitation as follows:
---[X] With the passage of each six second increment, a 1/10th "slice" of the inner half radius of the clock will turn from red to black. Each time this circle darkens fully, one minute will have passed, which automatically causes the circle to turn red once again.
----[X] Minutes will be shown on the middle radius of the timepiece. The passage of each minute, or one darkening of the inner radius, will cause a 1/60th segment of the ring portion of the timepiece to change from black to gold. Each time the minute ring becomes fully gold, one hour will have passed, which automatically causes it to darken once more.
-----[X] The outer ring of the timepiece will consist of 24 segments, each colored red with a white border. The passage of each hour, or one gilding of the middle ring, will cause a segment's border to turn red and its color to turn black, with the exception of a number representing the hour of the day which will remain white. Segments will be numbered 1 thru 24, starting and finishing at the timepiece's apex.
-[X] Additional enchantments can be included to further refine these timepieces:
--[X] For 10 IM, Continual Flame-based back lighting can be added so that the timepiece's face is clearly legible regardless of ambient lighting.

--[X] For 180 IM, a Ghost Sound-based chime, with specific types of chime and desired volume decided upon prior to the enchantment being completed, can be added to signal the passage of specific increments of time, such as one hour, three hours, twelve hours, etc.
-[X] Fund a group of engineers, mathematicians, and craftsmen to produce a mundane clock more cheaply, but with similar function and accuracy, to our magical timepieces.
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How does this look, ya'll? Sorry if it got wordy or pedantic. Colors used can be changed, but I thought they seemed both thematic and visually distinct. The clock design is in blue, and I amended the funding of a mundane clock to drive development of a cheaper non-magical version.

@Sqweaktoy Rather than try to trim the price down for partial effect, I would prefer to stick with the full cost of a slotless Prestidigitation-based Wondrous Item, due to the relative complexity. That's a lot of color changing, after all.

[X] Plan Doing Proper Time - Goldfish Version
-[X] Divide the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and every minute into 60 seconds.
-[X] The time of 0:00 is defined as the sun standing in it's zenith above Sorcerers Deep.
-[X] Commission clock-towers for SD, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, Mantarys and Tolos who all display the time for everyone to see.
-[X] There will be no time-zones or similar shenanigans, so that nobody has to do any conversion for long-distance communications or trade.

-[X] A constant effect Prestidigitation-based clock will be be used to create magical timepieces. Each timepiece will cost 200 IM to enchant, with further costs determined by its size and upgrades.
--[X] The magical timepiece will consist of a circular disk of Hardened quartz, upon which numbers and colors will be highlighted using Prestidigitation as follows:
---[X] With the passage of each six second increment, a 1/10th "slice" of the inner half radius of the clock will turn from red to black. Each time this circle darkens fully, one minute will have passed, which automatically causes the circle to turn red once again.
----[X] Minutes will be shown on the middle radius of the timepiece. The passage of each minute, or one darkening of the inner radius, will cause a 1/60th segment of the ring portion of the timepiece to change from black to gold. Each time the minute ring becomes fully gold, one hour will have passed, which automatically causes it to darken once more.
-----[X] The outer ring of the timepiece will consist of 24 segments, each colored red with a white border. The passage of each hour, or one gilding of the middle ring, will cause a segment's border to turn red and its color to turn black, with the exception of a number representing the hour of the day which will remain white. Segments will be numbered 1 thru 24, starting and finishing at the timepiece's apex.
---[X] Additional enchantments can be included to further refine these timepieces:
----[X] For 10 IM, Continual Flame-based back lighting can be added so that the timepiece's face is clearly legible regardless of ambient lighting.

----[X] For 180 IM, a Ghost Sound-based chime, with specific types of chime and desired volume decided upon prior to the enchantment being completed, can be added to signal the passage of specific increments of time, such as one hour, three hours, twelve hours, etc.
-[X] Fund a group of engineers, mathematicians, and craftsmen to produce a mundane clock more cheaply, but with similar function and accuracy, to our magical timepieces.

I love it. Really neat work, man.
Adhoc vote count started by Snowfire on Mar 7, 2019 at 6:54 PM, finished with 161 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Doing Proper Time - Goldfish Version
    -[X] Divide the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and every minute into 60 seconds.
    -[X] The time of 0:00 is defined as the sun standing in it's zenith above Sorcerers Deep.
    -[X] Commission clock-towers for SD, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, Mantarys and Tolos who all display the time for everyone to see.
    -[X] There will be no time-zones or similar shenanigans, so that nobody has to do any conversion for long-distance communications or trade.
    -[X] A constant effect Prestidigitation-based clock will be be used to create magical timepieces. Each timepiece will cost 200 IM to enchant, with further costs determined by its size and upgrades.
    --[X] The magical timepiece will consist of a circular disk of Hardened quartz, upon which numbers and colors will be highlighted using Prestidigitation as follows:
    ---[X] With the passage of each six second increment, a 1/10th "slice" of the inner half radius of the clock will turn from red to black. Each time this circle darkens fully, one minute will have passed, which automatically causes the circle to turn red once again.
    ----[X] Minutes will be shown on the middle radius of the timepiece. The passage of each minute, or one darkening of the inner radius, will cause a 1/60th segment of the ring portion of the timepiece to change from black to gold. Each time the minute ring becomes fully gold, one hour will have passed, which automatically causes it to darken once more.
    -----[X] The outer ring of the timepiece will consist of 24 segments, each colored red with a white border. The passage of each hour, or one gilding of the middle ring, will cause a segment's border to turn red and its color to turn black, with the exception of a number representing the hour of the day which will remain white. Segments will be numbered 1 thru 24, starting and finishing at the timepiece's apex.
    -[X] Additional enchantments can be included to further refine these timepieces:
    --[X] For 10 IM, Continual Flame-based back lighting can be added so that the timepiece's face is clearly legible regardless of ambient lighting.
    --[X] For 180 IM, a Ghost Sound-based chime, with specific types of chime and desired volume decided upon prior to the enchantment being completed, can be added to signal the passage of specific increments of time, such as one hour, three hours, twelve hours, etc.
    -[X] Fund a group of engineers, mathematicians, and craftsmen to produce a mundane clock more cheaply, but with similar function and accuracy, to our magical timepieces.
    [X] Plan Doing Proper Time - Compromise
    -[X] Divide the day in two ways, one astronomical and one decimal, like Yi-Ti does.
    --[X] Astronomical: 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds
    --[X] Decimal: Divide the day into 10 hours, each hour into 100 minutes and every minute into 100 seconds.
    -[X] The time of 0 is defined as the sun standing in it's zenith above Sorcerers Deep in both countings. Commission a sun dial that will be set in the University Square to measure that exact time.
    -[X] Commission clock-towers for SD, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, Mantarys and Tolos who all display the time for everyone to see.
    -[X] There will be no time-zones or similar shenanigans, so that nobody has to do any conversion for long-distance communications or trade.
    -[X] Fund a group of engineers, mathematicians, and mages to conduct research into lowering the cost of time keeping instruments to make them more affordable, with both magic and mundane solutions being explored.
That's classy, and flavorful enough to lead to neat developments in slang.
I know our currency is Fiat based but the phrase "gilds are gold" would be a neat development of the age old "time is money"
More of these came to me
"Blacking out the clock" could be taking a long time to do something, or investing a lot of time in something
"Getting Dark" could be running out of time, works of many levels
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So we have to wait till Tier 4 to go full army murder... I can't wait

I had the same thought.

Though once we hit that, we become our own stand-off nuclear device. As in, if we enter the battle zone, the Imperium has already won, unless another stand-off strategic caster is in the area to counter spell. Which isn't guaranteed.

Edit: Though it's not always that simple, for example once we pull this off once, people aren't going to bank on masses of cheap chaff ever again.
So we have to wait till Tier 4 to go full army murder... I can't wait
I had the same thought.

Though once we hit that, we become our own stand-off nuclear device. As in, if we enter the battle zone, the Imperium has already won, unless another stand-off strategic caster is in the area to counter spell. Which isn't guaranteed.

Edit: Though it's not always that simple, for example once we pull this off once, people aren't going to bank on masses of cheap chaff ever again.
Not quite.

Augmenting Mythic spells requires various Mythic tiers. If DP approves mine and @Azel's Mythic upgrade to SotD, it wouldn't be eligible for the final Augment, aka DOOM!!! until Viserys reaches 8th Mythic tier.
Not quite.

Augmenting Mythic spells requires various Mythic tiers. If DP approves mine and @Azel's Mythic upgrade to SotD, it wouldn't be eligible for the final Augment, aka DOOM!!! until Viserys reaches 8th Mythic tier.

Aw. But appropriate. That's really not something I expect to be throwing around any time soon.

Heck even doubling the AoE of Least Doom would be enough to halt a devastating cavalry charge, gut an army's center, or crumple an entire flank, all things that could turn the tide of a battle. In one spell.

And that's not "turning the tide of what is essentially rocket tag" mage duels, that's turning the tide of a literal battle with thousands of troops involved.
[X] Goldfish

00:00 being at the sun's zenith makes for a weird definition of tomorrow but anything to avoid this decimal nonsense in a world that explicitly doesn't run on those rules.
00:00 being at the sun's zenith makes for a weird definition of tomorrow

I mean I suppose it could be changed to 12:00 being that point, to make the day match the sun in SD, but it's just as arbitrary because without time zones, that's the only place it does so. I'd say it's good either way, and counting from the "starting point" makes sense.
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That's classy, and flavorful enough to lead to neat developments in slang.
I know our currency is Fiat based but the phrase "gilds are gold" would be a neat development of the age old "time is money"
More of these came to me
"Blacking out the clock" could be taking a long time to do something, or investing a lot of time in something
"Getting Dark" could be running out of time, works of many levels

Neat idioms that will develop out of this. For this then,

[X] Goldfish
I mean I suppose it could be changed to 12:00 being that point, to make the day match the sun in SD, but it's just as arbitrary because without time zones, that's the only place it does so. I'd say it's good either way, and counting from the "starting point" makes sense.

Still, it is sorta kinda the centre of East and West so if it's going to do so anywhere it should be there I would think.
I've just had a fun idea, and the conversation for this is probably over, but as a fluff/mechanic thing for the Dawn Tree:

Free Background Feat: Having grown up under the blessing of the Dawn Tree, it's rapid learning magics stay with you. Not only do you start with 4+ INT languages common to the Imperium, you gain an additional (7-[base number of skill points]) / 2 bonus skill points. (Round up(or down? This is not a balanced idea :p) with a floor of +0.

I mean, it would be op as a generic game start, but the Dawn tree is explicitly designed to boost Imperium citizens in a wide area ;).

Additional idea: Maybe upgrade the dawn tree (quite some time from now) to do something like this :p
It's kind of close.
Adhoc vote count started by LonelyWolf999 on Mar 7, 2019 at 9:37 PM, finished with 181 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Doing Proper Time - Goldfish Version
    -[X] Divide the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and every minute into 60 seconds.
    -[X] The time of 0:00 is defined as the sun standing in it's zenith above Sorcerers Deep.
    -[X] Commission clock-towers for SD, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, Mantarys and Tolos who all display the time for everyone to see.
    -[X] There will be no time-zones or similar shenanigans, so that nobody has to do any conversion for long-distance communications or trade.
    -[X] A constant effect Prestidigitation-based clock will be be used to create magical timepieces, measuring the passage of time based on the Cantrip's ability to color an object once every six seconds. Each timepiece will cost 200 IM to enchant, with further costs determined by its size and upgrades.
    --[X] The magical timepiece will consist of a circular disk of Hardened quartz, upon which numbers and colors will be highlighted using Prestidigitation as follows:
    ---[X] With the passage of each six second increment, a 1/10th "slice" of the inner half radius of the clock will turn from red to black. Each time this circle darkens fully, one minute will have passed, which automatically causes the circle to turn red once again.
    ----[X] Minutes will be shown on the middle radius of the timepiece. The passage of each minute, or one darkening of the inner radius, will cause a 1/60th segment of the ring portion of the timepiece to change from black to gold. Each time the minute ring becomes fully gold, one hour will have passed, which automatically causes it to darken once more.
    -----[X] The outer ring of the timepiece will consist of 24 segments, each colored red with a white border. The passage of each hour, or one gilding of the middle ring, will cause a segment's border to turn red and its color to turn black, with the exception of a number representing the hour of the day which will remain white. Segments will be numbered 1 thru 24, starting and finishing at the timepiece's apex.
    -[X] Additional enchantments can be included to further refine these timepieces:
    --[X] For 10 IM, Continual Flame-based back lighting can be added so that the timepiece's face is clearly legible regardless of ambient lighting.
    --[X] For 180 IM, a Ghost Sound-based chime, with specific types of chime and desired volume decided upon prior to the enchantment being completed, can be added to signal the passage of specific increments of time, such as one hour, three hours, twelve hours, etc.
    -[X] Fund a group of engineers, mathematicians, and craftsmen to produce a mundane clock more cheaply, but with similar function and accuracy, to our magical timepieces.
    [X] Plan Doing Proper Time - Compromise
    -[X] Divide the day in two ways, one astronomical and one decimal, like Yi-Ti does.
    --[X] Astronomical: 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds
    --[X] Decimal: Divide the day into 10 hours, each hour into 100 minutes and every minute into 100 seconds.
    -[X] The time of 0 is defined as the sun standing in it's zenith above Sorcerers Deep in both countings. Commission a sun dial that will be set in the University Square to measure that exact time.
    -[X] Commission clock-towers for SD, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, Mantarys and Tolos who all display the time for everyone to see.
    -[X] There will be no time-zones or similar shenanigans, so that nobody has to do any conversion for long-distance communications or trade.
    -[X] Fund a group of engineers, mathematicians, and mages to conduct research into lowering the cost of time keeping instruments to make them more affordable, with both magic and mundane solutions being explored.