Viserys' best guess is that normal griffons should be native to the prime material, but they must have died off at some point. On the other hand hippogriffs have been showing up out of the blue so maybe there is hope for griffons too.
Could we order Dalla to find them for us? Maybe a bit of help from Bloodraven?

Oooh, could we raid the ruined stronghold of the Griffin King in hopes of any dormant eggs?
Excellent. By the way, @DragonParadox, Skyborn Griffons are great, but it's curious that what should be a rare breed is the only type we've seen. Where are the standard Griffons?

Also @Azel, after Soft Strider finishes dealing with the fey infestation alongside Tyene, we should have her train her Allosaurus mount.
Mind you that it isn't her mpunt as of yet. She never even commented on our dinosaurs. I just think the idea is both funny and awesome.

My alternative choice for an Allosaurus rider: Glyra
Mind you that it isn't her mpunt as of yet. She never even commented on our dinosaurs. I just think the idea is both funny and awesome.

My alternative choice for an Allosaurus rider: Glyra
I don't see a reason she'd say no. But if she doesn't like the Allosaurus there are dozens of other options for her, including going to the Opaline Vault or Armun Kelisk and just buying whatever she wants.
@DragonParadox, here's another build for our Scholarum Wizards (the current one doesn't work RAW).
Conjuration Domain Wizard 1 - HP 6

STR 9 - DEX 14 - CON 14 - INT 15 - WIS 12 - CHA 8. Feats: Precocious Apprentice (Scorching Ray), Fiery Burst, Silent Spell,
Flaw: Noncombatant,
ACF: Impromptu Metamagic (no familiar at level 1)

non-human: No Knowledge (The Planes). Gain Flaw: Inattentive.

Skills: Max Craft (Alchemy), Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Spellcraft

3rd: Obtain Familiar, Precocious Apprentice -> Sculpt Spell
4th: +1 INT
5th: Craft Wondrous Item

I'm pretty sure that TNE and Goldfish won't have any issues with it, as it doesn't really change anything apart from making them get familiars at level 3 instead of level 1.
Why Silent Spell? Because every other decent metamagic feat useable at low level requires you to already have one, and Silent cantrips (Detect Magic, Detect Poison) with Impromptu Metamagic could conceivably be useful to a mage trying to be stealthy.

Also, a peddler in our Sororythos lands (stolen, don't have source link):
I'm going to have issue with this if it turns out that they don't have Scribe Scroll. The Archivists not having it was bad enough.
Something I've been trying to a few months/years and no one gives a fuck about: instead of no Planes, have the non humans have half alchemy and half planes.
I was working on a Scholarium Sorcerer character sheet this morning before work. I'm going to finish it up this evening, and will have some suggestions to update the build slightly. One question I have is why split their skill points between Bluff and Intimidate for the Sorcerers? Wouldn't it be better to just focus on one? They're combat Sorcerers, so maybe just put the points in Intimidate?
Hey @DragonParadox, here is a build for the wizards, formatted so you can just copy-paste it into the front page spoiler.
Conjuration Domain Wizard 1 - HP 6

STR 9 - DEX 14 - CON 14 - INT 15 - WIS 12 - CHA 8. Feats: Precocious Apprentice (Scorching Ray), Fiery Burst, Silent Spell, Scribe Scroll (Bonus)
Flaw: Noncombatant,
ACF: Impromptu Metamagic (no familiar at level 1)

non-human: Half ranks in Knowledge (The Planes) and Craft (Alchemy). Gain Flaw: Inattentive.

Skills: Max Craft (Alchemy), Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Spellcraft

3rd: Obtain Familiar, Precocious Apprentice -> Sculpt Spell
4th: +1 INT
5th: Craft Wondrous Item

@Duesal, yes they do have Scribe Scroll. I just forgot to put it there.
@Goldfish, I put half ranks because both are very useful. Better to have a little in both (complemented by good CHA) than only be able to apply social blunt force.
I was working on a Scholarium Sorcerer character sheet this morning before work. I'm going to finish it up this evening, and will have some suggestions to update the build slightly. One question I have is why split their skill points between Bluff and Intimidate for the Sorcerers? Wouldn't it be better to just focus on one? They're combat Sorcerers, so maybe just put the points in Intimidate?
That's Talon's doing.
Hey @DragonParadox, here is a build for the wizards, formatted so you can just copy-paste it into the front page spoiler.

@Duesal, yes they do have Scribe Scroll. I just forgot to put it there.
@Goldfish, I put half ranks because both are very useful. Better to have a little in both (complemented by good CHA) than only be able to apply social blunt force.
Then one of my suggested changes in the Sorcerer build will be to remove Alchemy ranks and just max both Bluff and Intimidate.

I'll finish it up when I get home tonight.
@Azel they can't actually fly, just tree stride underwater.

Hm, we should definitely capture more Dinos.
Training level: Impossible to tame. Kept for breeding stock
Huh, I thought Vee managed to train him some? Or is it just through Charm Animal?

So, @DragonParadox a few years ago, I've started mentioning how we'd want to train scores and scores of Warbeast Riding Dogs with Improved Scent for both war and guard (as they can pinpoint invisible enemies)... Is that still not going?
Then one of my suggested changes in the Sorcerer build will be to remove Alchemy ranks and just max both Bluff and Intimidate.

I'll finish it up when I get home tonight.
Please don't. Alchemy is like, THE thing they can do in peacetime. Other classes scribe scrolls, these babies do Alchemy (and with their substitution level skill thingy, they're quite good at it).
Having half ranks in Bluff and Intimidate is rather good, you know. Sure they won't be beating CR-appropriate Diplomancer, but they never were going to without Diplo as a class skill. Meanwhile with a little of both they have flexibility when they try to outmaneuver mooks!
Other classes scribe scrolls, these babies do Alchemy (and with their substitution level skill thingy, they're quite good at it).
So, can we revamp the Archivists to get Scribe Scroll back in there? They are the only divine casters that actually make scrolls, they really shouldn't be combat focused when they're more of a support class, and when having the ability to make backup scrolls can be a lifesaver, as opposed to very limited spellslots for summoning.
@DragonParadox The Goggles of the Golden Sun item/effect which many of our people now have on their gear allows them to use 3rd level spell spots to cast Fireballs, while making them immune to effects which cause Blindness. Could we make a version which instead allows them to cast Flashburst? It's the same level, a Fire spell, and thematically appropriate given the goggles' protective feature.
So, can we revamp the Archivists to get Scribe Scroll back in there? They are the only divine casters that actually make scrolls, they really shouldn't be combat focused when they're more of a support class, and when having the ability to make backup scrolls can be a lifesaver, as opposed to very limited spellslots for summoning.
Eh. Is it really necessary? They can just buy/receive scrolls. We're giving quills of scribing to an increasing number of lv5 casters with Scribe Scroll, after all.
Eh. Is it really necessary? They can just buy/receive scrolls. We're giving quills of scribing to an increasing number of lv5 casters with Scribe Scroll, after all.
Considering it was supposed to be a major feature of their class, and that they're the ones who can provide divine scrolls in bulk? For me, yes. Retraining it for a small edge in combat is a huge waste of their potential and has been annoying me since the day I found out. They could scribe dozens of scrolls before combat and just spam them in battle, but instead they traded their ability to Scribe Scrolls for a small bit of power, hampered by their already limited spellslots.