Regarding the spirits - getting them gear bodies now, and let them work on/earn better resurrection options sounds like a good compromise to me.
I like having it in writing whenever possible. :V

More seriously, I'm thinking when we get around to it we enchant hundreds, possibly thousands, of Dragonbane Arrows. We help our Erinyes go dragon hunting, and when we have the skies we turn our ire on the mages.

We also have the Dragonbane Cold Iron Shortspear from Mammon that could be put to use.

Unnecessarily wasteful and expensive. Viserys can now cast Magic Army so that it grants all allied weapons within range a +4 Enhancement bonus, if he wants to.

There aren't that many Dragons under Tiamat's command on Planetos, and they aren't that tough.
When we do find the ritually-empowered Tiamat Champion, I desperately want to throw Malarys at it. His class feature to force Wyrms into human form has fascinated me for ages.
His classfeature forces people in their true form.

For a mage turning into a dragon that's a problem.
For us it might be one, because we are both dragon and man and he might be able to switch us from one to the other.
But he can't change a born wyrm into a human shape, only the other way around.
@Azel Thoughts on sending Nuri with the Yi-Ti expedition? She has all the skills and abilities needed to be a great addition to the voyage and is dangerous far beyond what her HD would suggest.
@DragonParadox, can we keep the vote about the actual expedition composition open over night? I think we will need a bit to finagle with all the details.

[X] Make them gear bodies for now in exchange for their services. Keep them at arms length from research not related to themselves, government information and other vital areas.
We need to:

1) Decide which ships are going. Looks like that's worked out for the most part, with @Azel's shifting of the navy.
2) Decide which people are going. Kind of needs some re-prioritization given recent revelations.
3) Decide what kind of trade goods we're selling/quantities of money we're sinking into this.
4) Decide on strategic goals to take this turn. Are we negotiating with the Azure Emperor to dissuade them from working with Tiamat? Reaching out to the Hammer? Are we going full-covert? Which provinces are we going to put our first Outposts? How will we coordinate? (Braziers?)
Okay so grandma has made some moves in the East. Texts from Nefer and weapons too. That's interesting. We have a location now and a place to hit but no time. As for the Yi-ti mages I agree with Lya. We should convince them to take the gears deal and work towards true bodies.
We could also go the Amrelath way, and make a soulless body from the Fungus Forge to implant their souls in.
Flesh to Steel

Transmutation Level 9

Casting Time: 90 minutes

Material Components: The brain of a humanoid that has been dead less than 8 hours [to be taken from the subject of the transference], 2500 Gold worth of rare arcane reagents

Required Caster: Lawful Arcane or Divine spell caster capable of casting fifth level spells

Secondary Casters: None

Skill Checks: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 36, 2 successes; Knowledge (The Planes) DC 36, 3 successes; Knowledge (Religion) DC 36, 2 successes; Spellcraft DC 36, 2 successes

Backlash: The caster loses access to all prepared spells or spell-slots as though they had bene cast

Effect: Awakens target construct of 15 HD or less with the mind of arcane abilities of the caster (limited to 3rd level spells)

Failure: The caster loses 5000 XP
How would we even do it with them? The ritual requires the brain of the person being transferred, and the brain must have been dead for less than 8 hours, it don't seem like the kind of thing to work for reviving them.
Name: Lady Selyse Drekelis
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human (Medium)
Class: Beguiler 3
Feats: Open Minded, Open Minded, Open Minded, Open Minded, Shadow' Kiss (Nymph's Kiss but for Shadow creatures, requires Neutral)
Skill Tricks: Conceal Spellcasting,
Flaws: Noncombatant, Vulnerable
Class Features: Armored Mage, Cloaked Casting (+1 DC), Surprise Casting, Trapfinding, Advanced Learning (Power Word Pain)

Hit Dice: 3d6 Hit Points: 13
Armor Class:
10 +1 (DEX) +4 (Mage Armor) +2 deflection = 17
Movement: Ground (30ft)
Initiative: +1 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Spell Save: DC: 10 +3 (Int) + Spell Level
Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Dagger
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control

8 (-1) Strength
12 (+1) Dexterity
10 (+0) Constitution
14 +2 = 16 (+3) Intelligence
13 (+1) Wisdom
15 +1 = 16 (+3) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 1 = +1 (+2 vs Evil)
REFLEX: 1 +1 = +2 (+2 vs Evil)
WILL: 3 +2 = +4 (+2 vs Evil)

6 +3 (CHA) = 9
Concentration: 1 = 1
Diplomacy: 6 +3 (CHA) +6 (SYN) = 15
Disguise: 6 + 3 (CHA) +2 (SYN) = 11
Hide: 6 +1 (DEX) = 7
Knowledge (Arcana): 5 +3 (INT) = 8
Knowledge (Nobility): 5 +3 (INT) = 8
Intimidate: 4 +3 (CHA) +2 (SYN) = 9
Move Silently: 6 +1 (DEX) = 7
Open Lock: 4 +1 (DEX) = 5
Profession (Courtesan): 6 +1 (WIS) = 7
Sense Motive: 6 +1 (WIS) = 7
Search: 6 +1 (WIS) = 7
Sleight of Hand: 6 +2 (DEX) +2 (SYN) = 10
Spellcraft: 5 +3 (INT) +2 (SYN) = 10
Spot: 6 +1 (WIS) = 7

Spells Known (Caster level 3):
Level 0: Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Open/Close, Read Magic (6/day)
Level 1: Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Power Word: Pain, Rouse, Silent Image, Sleep, Undetectable Alignment, Whelm, Power Word Pain (6/day)

Shadow Veil
Description: A shadow veil appears as an indistinct, enveloping covering. A shadow veil precludes wearing any other kind of armor. A shadow veil grants a +2 deflection bonus. Someone wearing a shadow veil is hard to distinguish, and is treated as if having concealment (20% miss chance) against creatures without darkvision, blindsight, or other sensory apparatus that does not rely on light.
It has an aura of strong necromancy.
Caster Level: 12

Blessed Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Anklets of Translocation

Equipped Items: Amulet of Protection from Evil, Blessed Belt (+1 Cha, +2 Int), Shadow Veil, Anklets of Translocation,
@DragonParadox, here's a quick stat block for Selyse. Feel free to put it wherever!

@Duesal, did I forget any gear? I gave her an item of +1 Cha and +2 Int because we know that Garin likes giving her magic items, and he is very rich...

@TotallyNotEvil, please forgive me for this build. I succumbed to a dark, twisted urge: replace all her feats with Open Minded so she could have all the skills I wanted...
Whatever. She's a Lady, not an adventurer. Skills are where it's at! Indeed, if she ever does reach level 6 I would have her enter Unseen Seer, just to get Advanced Learning (Divine Insight) next level. No Mindbender on a social Beguiler is a crime, I know... But Divine Insight is so good skill-wise! And she can always hop into Mindbender later.
It's not like her stats will ever matter anyway.
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His classfeature forces people in their true form.

For a mage turning into a dragon that's a problem.
For us it might be one, because we are both dragon and man and he might be able to switch us from one to the other.
But he can't change a born wyrm into a human shape, only the other way around.
By the original class, yes, but I'm suspecting that DP has modified that class feature to have it be able to force dragons from dragon form to human form. Otherwise, what was even the point of the Valyrians developing a weapon like this? Why even have this ability develop in the rebellion if all it does is keep the dragons in their most dangerous form?
@Duesal, did I forget any gear? I gave her an item of +1 Cha and +2 Int because we know that Garin likes giving her magic items, and he is very rich...
Anklets of Translocation. Also she has that one Shadow Cloak that Garin gave her.

[X] Azel
Shadow Veil

Description: A shadow veil appears as an indistinct, enveloping covering. A shadow veil precludes wearing any other kind of armor. A shadow veil grants a +2 deflection bonus. Someone wearing a shadow veil is hard to distinguish, and is treated as if having concealment (20% miss chance) against creatures without darkvision, blindsight, or other sensory apparatus that does not rely on light.

It has an aura of strong necromancy.

Caster Level: 12
@DragonParadox, here's a quick stat block for Selyse. Feel free to put it wherever!

@Duesal, did I forget any gear? I gave her an item of +1 Cha and +2 Int because we know that Garin likes giving her magic items, and he is very rich...

@TotallyNotEvil, please forgive me for this build. I succumbed to a dark, twisted urge: replace all her feats with Open Minded so she could have all the skills I wanted...
Whatever. She's a Lady, not an adventurer. Skills are where it's at! Indeed, if she ever does reach level 6 I would have her enter Unseen Seer, just to get Advanced Learning (Divine Insight) next level. No Mindbender on a social Beguiler is a crime, I know... But Divine Insight is so good skill-wise! And she can always hop into Mindbender later.
It's not like her stats will ever matter anyway.
Why not Able Learner?

And do you truly need that many extra skills on someone that has the Beguiller list?