Well, Weilu Civil War confirmed. A pre-unification civil war, to boot, putting this dream at over twelve thousand years old, potentially even older than that, going all the way back to the first or second generation after the Weilu were founded by Tsu the Diviner.
And over the use of metal and stone, no less. Yikes. Well, also the breaking of oaths and the chopping of more trees than they should have, but still, trade, metal, and stone. Eek.
The memories of a White are certainly strong enough to stain the land in this manner. Seems to be a White and a Prism, the King and his brother; more than enough to stain the land with smoke and ashes.
And the whole 'right/wrong side' thing... both sides are in the wrong, as is typical in this sort of situation.
The value placed on life, especially the lives of mortals, appears to be somewhere around that of the European medieval period: life is short, cheap, and violent. Neither side appears to give too many fucks about the 'chattel' under their nominal protection.
Both sides were grasping for more power. One, that of the King's brother, sought it from paths other than the ones previously trod upon; the other, the King, followed the same path their father followed.
Neither side is wrong for that. What is wrong is the oathbreaking that resulted from this decision on the one side, and the massacres of the innocent on the other. But, again, life is cheap.
And now that we've found out what we were interested in finding out, we need to pay the price - a ride with a Wild Hunt out for bloody vengeance. We'll come out of this with an understanding of the Bloody Moon, like it or not.
As far as the rewards go? I'm not concerned about getting something that fits us and our interests.
First, the guy making the offer is at White. And he's a White who's elements are, by and large, aligned with ours, though the expression is certainly different.
We know he's Moon/Darkness, with a high probability of Wood. This matches us reasonably well at the moment, the primary distinction being our personal emphasis on Music (and the way Water creeps into everything) as compared to this King's apparent preference for Animal Ken.
I'm not sure how that's going to play out, however. Summoning, transformation, direct attack/defense, or something else entirely.
Hmm... let's pick up a fang.
[X] Accept the blessing of Fang
No particular reason, at this point.