Hey, the gardener king wore the crown and it doesn't seem to have resulted in him being married to the fey queen!

Anyway, I like our Valyrian steel crown. A crown of flowers doesn't sound badass enough!
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As long as Snowfire doesn't vote to "give them the crown" I don't care about this. Personally I want to find a Druid loyal to the old gods and put it on her or crown a child of the forest
Hey, the gardener king wore the crown and it doesn't seem to have resulted in him being married to the fey queen!

Anyway, I like our Valyrian steel crown. A crown of flowers doesn't sound badass enough.
Because he won it from the Lord, and made it his own.

Now, Dusk dancer says "we need the Lord to awaken and join the Queen" and you answer "he is not the only one that could wear it", it does damn well imply we think we should be taking his place beside the Queen.
Snowie has made his position clear.

A position which is logical and I agree with - use the crown as leverage for their eternal fealty.
I do not buy they need the crown that much. If they did they'd have an army of Fae to take it by force.

For a lesser fae like Moonsong eternal fealty can pay off because she's not getting any more powerful on her own. For a Fae Queen, on the other hand, it's a loss of power and freedom that can't be easily recovered. After all, we already have a Queen in Lya, so they lose the rank outright and for a Fae that's a real, tangible power loss.

Also, they are hiding what the crown is actually for, which is a deal breaker for me.
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[X] Plan Reason and Steel
-[X] "That depends entirely on what it would mean for you to be awakened in full. I have heard stories of the Fae, I have seen them work their wills upon the world, have made bargains with their kind and been called on more than once to defend those who cannot do so for themselves from their advances." The intent here is to make it very clear that we know of the full, often capricious nature of the Fae. We have been ally to some, enemy to others, and that they were dreaming or no changes nothing.
-[X] "You say that with this crown returned, your Lord could be awakened. That his presence would root you in the world, and help you understand what it has become. How would that aid the people of the Reach? Would it defend them from the nature of the darkling creatures that are as much a part of any Court as you? You would not have come so far only to be bound more tightly to your words." I know you're speaking the truth and I also know you're obscuring parts of it. If you want something from me here, do more of the first and less of the last.
-[X] "If the Crown was to be returned, how would the Lord's presence change your Court from how it is now. Would it bind you closer to the laws of the people of the land, not yours, but theirs? Would it make you stronger in the world, to enforce your own? You offer words, Lady, but they are without substance." More of the above.
-[X] "These are my waters. What lies within them is mine too, by right and custom. If you wish to return with what you say is yours, then I would have answers of you before I make any bargains to see it done. It is a fool who makes deals without knowing the value of what is held and offered in return." Law of the sea and waters, these are ours. If you want what is within them, we're willing to talk, but not without truth between us.

As an opening, I think this works quite well. It stakes out what we know, doubles down on our general caution towards the Fae, proven by many experiences with their kind, and then frames our requirements in the manner of a King wishing to ensure the wellbeing of his subjects. Suggestions and opinions welcome.
@Snowfire add a "send someone to check and see if there is anyone going to the crown" action. I'd rather not go through this and have them do some treachery

If they commit treachery they waive all rights to survive and we burn their ships to the waterline with them aboard. It's not as if the ships can teleport.

We also have Tritons down there, I believe. So it should be fine.
*goes back to writing Horde Thief 26*
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[X] Snowfire

@Snowfire just for lore stuff maybe ask who it was that won the crown in first place and how? Just to confirm some thoughts if nothing else.
If they commit treachery they waive all rights to survive and we burn their ships to the waterline with them aboard. It's not as if the ships can teleport.

We also have Tritons down there, I believe. So it should be fine.
The Tritons should do for most hazards. But if i was one of our enemies I'd consider a false flag here, so it might be worth watching out for something regardless.
If they commit treachery they waive all rights to survive and we burn their ships to the waterline with them aboard. It's not as if the ships can teleport.

We also have Tritons down there, I believe. So it should be fine.

Are the Tritons guarding the sea floor? If so send one of them to retrieve it. It grants us more leverage over the conversation. The hypothetical stops being so and we have the high ground...more than usual
@Snowfire add a "send someone to check and see if there is anyone going to the crown" action. I'd rather not go through this and have them do some treachery
Our Triton allies are already chilling out beneath the waves. They and their dolphin companions would likely discover any such attempt.

Also, among the Queen Rhaella's crew are Kelp Leshy, and Diana is capable of giving crew members the ability to operate underwater for extended periods. It should be a given that they are keeping an eye on things down there.