Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I would've thought that the problem was that scythes, despite what anime says, are actually terrible weapons.
I know. Just saying that even if instamastery bullshit somehow managed to make it viable, it wouldn't be able to be used in any indoor/urban battles. On closer look, it has quite a few other problems, the biggest of which would be the very rickety-looking handle and the edge being on the outside of the blade.
Yes, exactly. It's why I can't watch RWBY. Every time the scythe shows up, I just want to slap Ruby.
To be fair Crescent Rose does have a mode that straightens the blade out some... It's just not used anywhere near as much as it should be.

Weapons like the Falx were absolutely lethal on the battlefield (to the point that they forced the Romans to completely redesign their armour), and often completely removed limbs they caught on. Given some superhuman strength to swing them and you'd have a horribly effective weapon for dealing with anything without a barrier.
Hm. A thought occurred to me: the PRT is bound to look into the new healer in town (there's never enough healers) and Legend will likely notice the spell circles when or if he sees the surveillance videos that any hospital would have and then link the new healer to Calamity Witch.
There's some other fun conclusions that can be reached. Big rough looking guy shows up in the middle of the night at a childrens hospital because he can't sleep and he wants to use his brand new healing powers. Work backwards and figure out his most probable trigger event.
Why are we only talking about scanning Protectorate members? Wouldn't it be smarter to scan PRT troopers? Then there is no dilemma on whether to keep their powers or not by giving them a device or teaching them a few cantrips so they can remain parahuamns. The only choice is use a template slot or give them a normal device (with a strong bias for the latter if it isn't somebody we expect to recruit for our own team).

For largely the same reasons Alexandria listed in her interlude a while back: There's less of them; people will be less likely to freak out over capes having a new power than over one country suddenly handing out powers like candy; they're already trained to think strategically in cape terms, meaning less time adjusting to the differences between powered and unpowered combat; they've already proven that they are very unlikely to go mad with power and abuse it. The PRT is a great second round option, but I feel the Protectorate is a better first round.

I think having Tim figure out a way to make a template device that doesn't use a person as a power source. That was not fun, but template devices are very powerful. We need a healer/support template Lacy FTW.

Edit for clarification, the process of making Tim's template device used Taylor as a power source. Make it so it isn't necessary to use Taylor as a power source while generating a new template device.

Yes, he can build a generator, but SW said recently when I was asking about the same subject that hooking PS to an off site power supply would separate Perfect Storm and Infinite Assimilation Engine. I don't want our greatest weapon returning to "dangerous lost logia out to convert every mage it can find to build an army" mode. He can also build the devices needed to serve as scrap for PS to salvage when making template devices, but at a cost of two and a half weeks(10 build slots) of Tim's time per template. This is why I favor giving Lacey a template now, even though it will be six weeks before we can build another, and use twin guardian beasts(available in 3 weeks) to increase his build slots and give us more crafting to spare.

I don't follow. What does wearing white have to do with panacea's situation?

Panacea's costume is white robes with a red cross on them. She hasn't totally soured the image, as she really was healing(and just couldn't refuse Glory Girl when called on to save somebody she accidentally "tenderized".), but it might be best to avoid too much in the way of direct comparisons.

A thought occurs to me: Tim's core reaches full size in three weeks. We could grab twin guardian beasts now or next week, and just not buy any new skills during those two weeks before the costs come back down. We already have more things to build with existing knowledge than we have time to deal with.

- First thing we need to do is equip our friends (Vista, Adepts) with emergency teleportation beacons, so they could teleport to safety if needed.
- Not sure how Push transporter pad will work. Will it be capable to teleport people wherever if coordinates are known? Or do we need to build something to mark places availavble for teleportation? If the latter is correct I don't think we need it.

Devices serve the purpose of teleport beacon already, so Maclibuin has one. One of the big things having a push teleport available would give us would be pulling somebody from where they are and then sending them somewhere else. That's back up on demand for our allies, in addition to the ability to escape danger, not to mention that it has plenty of non-combat utility for our allies in New York and New Orleans(Purity) to come and go with ease. Since not everybody has access to teleportation, this strikes me as very useful. Being able to deploy situational weapons like foam grenades to any of our allies with a beacon or device seems mighty useful to me as well.

Edit: I admit to wanting to know whether we can "push" without a beacon or device already there. It is less useful if we can't, but by no means useless. In the next Endbringer fight, we could evacuate people by having somebody with a beacon mark people for transport, and have Maclibuin in the healing group to serve as the receiving end.
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Sam's weapon:
- I yet again recommend multi-tailed whip or at least something like a trident, so Sam could apply several charges of Shredding Claw at a time.
Something like Ivy's Segemented Sword or Epyon's whip? Does each 'edge' count as an additional strike or does it have to be in parallel?
Probably take 2 points if we wanted to give the segmented sword / whip the ability to turn into a Beam Whip at will (but damn useful / cool if she ever decides "There doesn't need to be a wall here")

As for what to build:
1 slot: Push teleport pad: We have a pull, we need the push if we want to be able to send stuff out.
1 slot: armory, enabling a level of automation to the process of pushing and pulling pads
1 slot: teleport beacon for Vista.

We already have one part of the teleport system, but if we finish it with the first two projects, we can have a wide array of non-tinker items available with only a couple of seconds to let the armory find the right item and send it to the pad. Adding the beacon for Vista means she never has to be without access to her combat arm, costume, and whatever other supplies she might be able to supplement her loadout. I don't like the one non-mage we've invested so much time and energy into being so vulnerable so much of the time, and the first two projects here can help all of us, since our devices let us serve as end points for the system, at least, as I'm interpreting it.
- First thing we need to do is equip our friends (Vista, Adepts) with emergency teleportation beacons, so they could teleport to safety if needed.
- Not sure how Push transporter pad will work. Will it be capable to teleport people wherever if coordinates are known? Or do we need to build something to mark places available for teleportation? If the latter is correct I don't think we need it.
Armory would be good for Vista, especially if we make other things for her to use that the PRT would frown upon her carrying regularly. Just the ability to teleport confoam grenades to her means she can provide easy crowd control, build her a full suit of power armor and there's NO WAY the PRT will let her out in the field with it.
If we build her power armor, someone get Tim a copy of Wonders of the Lost Age (Exalted 2nd Edition) for a lot of FUN toys that can be crammed into power armor. Sadly I suspect being a non mage herself we'd be limited to the scope of Immaculate Dragon armor instead of Celestial Power Armor.

Devices serve the purpose of teleport beacon already, so Maclibuin has one. One of the big things having a push teleport available would give us would be pulling somebody from where they are and then sending them somewhere else. That's back up on demand for our allies, in addition to the ability to escape danger, not to mention that it has plenty of non-combat utility for our allies in New York and New Orleans(Purity) to come and go with ease. Since not everybody has access to teleportation, this strikes me as very useful. Being able to deploy situational weapons like foam grenades to any of our allies with a beacon or device seems mighty useful to me as well.

Edit: I admit to wanting to know whether we can "push" without a beacon or device already there. It is less useful if we can't, but by no means useless. In the next Endbringer fight, we could evacuate people by having somebody with a beacon mark people for transport, and have Maclibuin in the healing group to serve as the receiving end.
Site to Site transporters are awesome. Use a drone or something as a spotter and precision teleport a canister of confoam right into the middle of an arms deal, instant summon someone out of danger, teleport backup into a location, and that's not getting into weird or just plain petty things you can do like teleport a hornet's nest into someone's house.
@Silently Watches Does Tim's countdown to S move down to two weeks now? At the next build vote? At the next regular vote? I'm uncertain when to update my notes so I don't forget when it will be time to make the push for the next choices. Also, you said that plugging PS into an off site reactor would separate PS and IAE's functions. Does this specifically mean that it would revert to the 'convert everything' protocol? I don't like the idea of losing control over the template process, but the option is there. It is a very specific interpretation of what you said that I'm looking for, just to see if I understood what you meant correctly.

Site to Site transporters are awesome. Use a drone or something as a spotter and precision teleport a canister of confoam right into the middle of an arms deal, instant summon someone out of danger, teleport backup into a location, and that's not getting into weird or just plain petty things you can do like teleport a hornet's nest into someone's house.

Drones or teleport quarrels* require one or more build slots to make, since I would want to combine the drone with the active camouflage scout drone suggestion so it can get close without detection. Teleportation is an often underestimated power, particularly when you think your way around counterplans. In Stargate Atlantis, for instance, the Wraith started blocking bombs that were being teleported on board, and could shoot down missiles fired at them, but nobody ever thought to try to teleport those bombs outside the ships, outside the blocking signal, and having them then fly in or just explode on the spot to disrupt the ships.

* I don't mean quarrels that teleport people directly, merely a launchable teleport beacon to mark, say, the inside of a building for precision teleport in. If we can get some new allies, whether people using our existing power armor, recruited parahumans, or even skilled mundanes, this could add a lot of potential combat utility.

Did we ever give Vista a up-armoured costume? Could maybe build the beacon into that.

It remains on the 'build ideas' list, so I suspect no. It would require more build slots than we have available to build it now, but there's a really important detail that makes that less useful: The point of giving her a beacon is so she can get her armor wherever, whenever. If the beacon is in what she would be calling for, it wouldn't exactly be able to help her.
I don't follow. What does wearing white have to do with panacea's situation?

Once you are identified as a healer people wont leave you alone. They expect you heal 24/7.
I'd rather be identified as someone who can heal rather than than solely a healer. That's all I meant.
Costume herself in neutral colors instead of those stupid hero colors that practically scream shoot me.:lol
It remains on the 'build ideas' list, so I suspect no. It would require more build slots than we have available to build it now, but there's a really important detail that makes that less useful: The point of giving her a beacon is so she can get her armor wherever, whenever. If the beacon is in what she would be calling for, it wouldn't exactly be able to help her.
I thought the purpose of the beacon was so she could Nope! out of trouble?
I thought the purpose of the beacon was so she could Nope! out of trouble?
It could be used that way, but do you want her unable to teleport out of trouble if something attacks her at school? Any time she's in her civilian guise, she is at risk, lacking even her combat arm to fall back on. Yes, her power is awesome, but it has limits.
Hm. So are we going to work on drawing the former Adepts closer to Taylor to help be the building block of a mage team/organization?

Because what Mac did is already a hell of a PR tool with regards to PRT and hell the US government in general.

Especially once the fact that having magic and devices makes you all but immune to mind affecting Masters comes out.

Getting to know Mac better is a good idea I believe.

We also need to worm towards getting more magic capable people.
Edit: I admit to wanting to know whether we can "push" without a beacon or device already there. It is less useful if we can't, but by no means useless. In the next Endbringer fight, we could evacuate people by having somebody with a beacon mark people for transport, and have Maclibuin in the healing group to serve as the receiving end.
That is an interesting question. Initially I planned for it not to be the case, but then for the pull pad in particular having beacons made more sense.

The ultimate answer, I think, is going to be "yes but". Yes, a push pad will work without a beacon, but adding a beacon or some other targeting signal will increase the accuracy of the teleportations and make it less likely that somebody's going to be teleported inside a wall.
Did we ever give Vista a up-armoured costume? Could maybe build the beacon into that.
No, no one has voted on making her a new costume.
@Silently Watches Does Tim's countdown to S move down to two weeks now? At the next build vote? At the next regular vote? I'm uncertain when to update my notes so I don't forget when it will be time to make the push for the next choices. Also, you said that plugging PS into an off site reactor would separate PS and IAE's functions. Does this specifically mean that it would revert to the 'convert everything' protocol? I don't like the idea of losing control over the template process, but the option is there. It is a very specific interpretation of what you said that I'm looking for, just to see if I understood what you meant correctly.
Next chapter. I will be posting when template characters' Linker Cores increase in size.

I am not going into any more detail on what happens if you plug PS into a power plant than I already have. You can't know all the benefits and consequences of your actions ahead of time. If you're that curious, do it and find out.
Once you are identified as a healer people wont leave you alone. They expect you heal 24/7.
I'd rather be identified as someone who can heal rather than than solely a healer. That's all I meant.
Costume herself in neutral colors instead of those stupid hero colors that practically scream shoot me.:lol
Part of Panacea's problem with the demands placed on her was that the Dallon-Pelham family were insistent on the whole "no other identities" idea. She would have been better able to handle it, I think, if she could hide, take off the costume, and no one knew Amy was Panacea. Or, you know, volunteering on her terms and maybe running a parahuman clinic rather than volunteering the whole time, which was again due to Carol.

I'm a healer. It's my calling. But I also expect to be paid for my efforts. If I was told that any doctoring I did was going to be purely volunteer and I'd have to do something else in addition just to make ends meet, I would seriously rethink working in medicine.
Do we, though? It would be nice, true, but not a dire necessity.
In my mind it's more about building Taylor's power base plus having a proof of concept to show the PRT and other official groups that mages exist and that both normals and capes can become mages.

It's not a dire necessity especially with Simurgh nominally on our side and able to precog and provide other support and info.

But it would go far towards uplifting Earth Bet.

Of course there's also the option of just doing enough to kill the Endbringers and Taylor just leaving for greener pastures in the TSAB.
Next chapter. I will be posting when template characters' Linker Cores increase in size.

I am not going into any more detail on what happens if you plug PS into a power plant than I already have. You can't know all the benefits and consequences of your actions ahead of time. If you're that curious, do it and find out.

First, thank you. I'll update my notes at the appropriate time, then.

Given how much more time you quoted things taking when discussing it recently than you said in the earlier chapters, particularly right after Magi-knighting Tim, I'm very disinclined to test that. I really only want two more mages... well, that's not quite right. My OCD screams at me that there are two templates with no characters filling them, and that must be fixed. I want more than that, I want Taylor to have actual friends in addition to allies, I want see how much producing a bunch of healing capes would impact a world with psychic space wales, but it's those next two really calling to me. Since Standstill has a Beast of the Shield, giving her the Extinction Knight template would mesh well, but Infinite Enhancement could work, too.

Lacey, however, at least in your characterization of her, would be completely unsuited to EK, which is why I'm leaning IE for her and thus EK for Standstill. Standstill's power sucks so much I wonder if it's her psychic space whale discouraging her from pursuing that approach. Regardless of that, five minutes of talking to Maclibuin after this update would have her chomping at the bit for a device/template of her own, IMO.

Part of Panacea's problem with the demands placed on her was that the Dallon-Pelham family were insistent on the whole "no other identities" idea. She would have been better able to handle it, I think, if she could hide, take off the costume, and no one knew Amy was Panacea. Or, you know, volunteering on her terms and maybe running a parahuman clinic rather than volunteering the whole time, which was again due to Carol.

I'm a healer. It's my calling. But I also expect to be paid for my efforts. If I was told that any doctoring I did was going to be purely volunteer and I'd have to do something else in addition just to make ends meet, I would seriously rethink working in medicine.

As one of the 80% of med school students who fail to complete med school, I know the kind of work and money that goes into becoming a full doctor. To do all of that and not be able to live off of it would leave us precious few doctors. I agree that the pressures Amy was under went far beyond healing on its own. She was seriously burned out being forced to never be anything but perfect, and yet never getting more than tolerance from her adoptive mother. Frankly, even without her shard screwing with her head, she was on an all but unavoidable crash course to a major depressive event(aka nervous breakdown) or lashing out.

Edit: Also, I take it making a GB or two would cost one build?

Additionally, nobody responded when I asked, What if we go ahead and get the GBs now and skip buying stuff for two weeks? When he first got powers, no, that would have been a bad idea. Doing it now and devoting a little over a week to building devices would let us have a template very soon and then another template 2(or maybe three) weeks later.
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I am not going into any more detail on what happens if you plug PS into a power plant than I already have. You can't know all the benefits and consequences of your actions ahead of time. If you're that curious, do it and find out.
Part of Panacea's problem with the demands placed on her was that the Dallon-Pelham family were insistent on the whole "no other identities" idea. She would have been better able to handle it, I think, if she could hide, take off the costume, and no one knew Amy was Panacea. Or, you know, volunteering on her terms and maybe running a parahuman clinic rather than volunteering the whole time, which was again due to Carol.
This whole discussion is reminding me of "A Stone's Throw from Canon", which is a quest on QQ where Vicky has every intention of getting both herself and Amy out of the house as soon as she hits 18, she's presumably planning to join the protectorate or something to get the cash for that. (Fun fact! Having a paranoid controlling parent is only marginally more fun when said parent likes you than it is when she doesn't. Fact fact two! Protectorate members have a starting salary of something with 6 digits. I think that's yearly though I could be wrong.)
I'll also note that his motivation to heal here is nothing at all like Panacea's. He was restless and wanted to go do SOMETHING, and healing was one of the better ways for a former villain to build a fresh rep(at least before he's recognized, and even if he's recognized people are more likely to let it be in the hopes that he keeps doing this instead of the old stuff).

Theres no obligation to keep healing, and as he already demonstrated, his healing is limited charge, and works on a relatively small number of syndromes.
There isn't quite as huge a demand.
I'll also note that his motivation to heal here is nothing at all like Panacea's. He was restless and wanted to go do SOMETHING, and healing was one of the better ways for a former villain to build a fresh rep(at least before he's recognized, and even if he's recognized people are more likely to let it be in the hopes that he keeps doing this instead of the old stuff).

Theres no obligation to keep healing, and as he already demonstrated, his healing is limited charge, and works on a relatively small number of syndromes.
There isn't quite as huge a demand.
His healing works on physical trauma, disease and organ failure. But its just that the latter two isn't as effective as the first.

He can still have great effect in stabilizing patients and giving them a fighting chance to recover or survive long enough to better treatment, i.e. organ transplant.

It'll be interesting how the hospital will act after this. Will they try to get him in contact with other hospitals (trauma centers?) or try to see if he'll be willing to spend most of his healing helping children in the hospital?

Also, given the rarity of healer capes, PHO is likely to have a pretty big following about him.
Vote 11.6

Later than intended, but them's the breaks.

As always, your vote needs to be in PLAN FORMAT. You have THREE build slots and FOUR FIVE (thank @Wyrd) points to spend on new skill(s).

[ ] Name
-[ ] First project
-[ ] Second project
-[ ] Third project (if you have time left)
-[ ] BUY skills
[X] Plan Telepop
-[X] First project: Teleport Pad - Push
-[X] Second project: Transporter beacon.
-[X] Third project: Study the Clockblocker Bomb
-[X] Buy Exotic Physics
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