Next chapter. I will be posting when template characters' Linker Cores increase in size.
I am not going into any more detail on what happens if you plug PS into a power plant than I already have. You can't know all the benefits and consequences of your actions ahead of time. If you're that curious, do it and find out.
First, thank you. I'll update my notes at the appropriate time, then.
Given how much more time you quoted things taking when discussing it recently than you said in the earlier chapters, particularly right after Magi-knighting Tim, I'm very disinclined to test that. I really only want two more mages... well, that's not quite right. My OCD screams at me that there are two templates with no characters filling them, and that must be fixed. I want more than that, I want Taylor to have actual friends in addition to allies, I want see how much producing a bunch of healing capes would impact a world with psychic space wales, but it's those next two really calling to me. Since Standstill has a Beast of the Shield, giving her the Extinction Knight template would mesh well, but Infinite Enhancement could work, too.
Lacey, however, at least in your characterization of her, would be completely unsuited to EK, which is why I'm leaning IE for her and thus EK for Standstill. Standstill's power sucks so much I wonder if it's her psychic space whale discouraging her from pursuing that approach. Regardless of that, five minutes of talking to Maclibuin after this update would have her chomping at the bit for a device/template of her own, IMO.
Part of Panacea's problem with the demands placed on her was that the Dallon-Pelham family were insistent on the whole "no other identities" idea. She would have been better able to handle it, I think, if she could hide, take off the costume, and no one knew Amy was Panacea. Or, you know, volunteering on her terms and maybe running a parahuman clinic rather than volunteering the whole time, which was again due to Carol.
I'm a healer. It's my calling. But I also expect to be paid for my efforts. If I was told that any doctoring I did was going to be purely volunteer and I'd have to do something else in addition just to make ends meet, I would seriously rethink working in medicine.
As one of the 80% of med school students who fail to complete med school, I know the kind of work and money that goes into becoming a full doctor. To do all of that and not be able to live off of it would leave us precious few doctors. I agree that the pressures Amy was under went far beyond healing on its own. She was seriously burned out being forced to never be anything but perfect, and yet never getting more than tolerance from her adoptive mother. Frankly, even without her shard screwing with her head, she was on an all but unavoidable crash course to a major depressive event(aka nervous breakdown) or lashing out.
Edit: Also, I take it making a GB or two would cost one build?
Additionally, nobody responded when I asked, What if we go ahead and get the GBs now and skip buying stuff for two weeks? When he first got powers, no, that would have been a bad idea. Doing it now and devoting a little over a week to building devices would let us have a template very soon and then another template 2(or maybe three) weeks later.