Additionally, I wonder what we are going to be teaching Xiao Fen during the tutoring sessions? Music is our strongest skill to teach, but I have strong doubts that Xiao Fen has any desire to pursue the musical disciplines. Which leaves tutoring on the nature of the darkness element, dodge, and possibly stealth up for grabs. My personal bet is instruction on the darkness element and dodging/defenses.
Ling Qi: Snake Charmer.
Ling Qi's pretty adept at Darkness and defense yes, though she's a pretty good tutor for Yin arts in general as well. We want to keep in mind that the tutor requests are
open market, if she wants to get Ling Qi instead of whoever randomly saw the notice, she needs a weird combination.
More seriously, we know the following factors on her:
-She's a Low Yellow First Year, sort of like Meizhen was when she first entered the Sect. Her cultivation has a lot of room for growth and modification yet, Meizhen added an element to her trifecta in less time than that.
-She wants to get Ling Qi as a tutor. Specifically her. Meizhen should have given her a list of what sort of weird shit Ling Qi can be used to tutor for.
-She has two elements known, Darkness and Yin Fire. However, the Bai Recommendation is Three Elements. She may be looking to pick up a third. If so, our other possibilities:
--Ling Qi is a qualified Argent Art tutor if you want to get them without taking Trials, though this is unlikely because I think the Sect might consider gifting arts to be too much meddling. As a meeting excuse it's crap, the Inner Sect is going to have a fair number of Argent Tutors as a matter of course.
--Moon is possible, but we hadn't really seen that kind of temperament to make it work from her? And the Bais have their own cultivation arts so EPC isn't a big sell to them. Still, theres like two Moon cultivators in the Inner Sect that we know of, so scoring Ling Qi is easy.
--Water is difficult on several axis, Fire cultivators tend to have some difficulty with the Water attitudes, though its not impossible. Water is a common as hell element, so unless paired with a rare element it's going to get scooped off the board before Ling Qi sees it. Finally, as someone from the Bai, if she had any talent with Water she'd already have it. Also as a minor aside, Darkness, Water, Yin Fire is Yandere * Yandere * Yandere so

--Wind...serious, devoted personality from what we've seen. Probably not a fit. Also common element, so finding a match is too easy.
--Music/Dance, theres a couple of Music cultivators around, but as its exotic, narrowing it down to Ling Qi is as easy as slapping Darkness on.
--Wood, TRF and Zhengui qualifies us, and Wood's qualities are compatible enough with Darkness and Yin Fire maybe. Somewhat less common of an element, but not really exotic.
--Cold, her Yin Fire makes this an alternate approach to frost maybe? Its exotic enough that few would have it.
Hmm...actually if you want to be funny you can just request ANY weirdass element pairing and Ling Qi can probably teach a few things lol.
Seems like the best way to get Ling Qi is to ask for a Darkness Music tutor, or to pair Moon with basically anything else because Moon is rare as fuck.