Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Chevalier as a Lawful Good character

HISS!!! Lawful Goody Two Shoes, how absolutely disgusting :p. Paladin wannabes are the worst, I tell you :p.

On more serious note this is how I see him as well.

Also I'm kind of both surprised and a bit... dissapointed that there was no dialogue follow up on Taylors admission on her age. Although I suspect that we will see it in some Chevalier POV chapter or they will meet again in different circumstances and he will start conversation on this topic with her.


[X] Misteltein
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One by one the hoodlums kneel until there is only one still standing. He doesn't look like he's getting ready to fight, however. He backs up into the building shaking his head, and though you cannot hear what he is saying you would guess that it is something along the lines of 'no, no, no'.

"Don't make this any worse than it already is, son," Chevalier tells him, his voice no longer stony but still stern. "You'll have a chance to explain things to the police and whoever is appointed to represent you—"

The rest of his statement is lost when he drops like a sack of bricks.

The kid is completely different now, chocolate skin replaced by swirls of blues and yellows and deep pitch black. He looks like someone took a photograph of a nebula out in space and cut it into a human hape.
Well. Chevalier indirectly caused a Trigger Event. Oops?

Instead, vote for a spell to learn since the dice liked you and gave you more than just a couple of thugs.
Hm. Shell Barrier is tempting, but I'm appreciating the possible utility of
[X] Singularity

Also I'm kind of both surprised and a bit... dissapointed that there was no dialogue follow up on Taylors admission on her age. Although I suspect that we will see it in some Chevalier POV chapter or they will meet again in different circumstances and he will start conversation on this topic with her.
Things happened too fast after our revelation for him to really act on/process that info. Your suspicion is likely on the money though.
Taylor: "Oh by the way, I'm still 16!"

Chevalier: 'Well... that makes this whole conversation take an entirely different set of connotations... as well as quite a few of the earlier ones.'
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I wonder if he will notice that Taylor was unaffected by said Trigger Event...
She has an AI that runs stuff on auto til she recovers? He's seen her use Perfect Storm.

On the same topic, I wonder what all the other capes who don't know about magic, think Calamity Witch even is. Tinker with an Energy Manipulation as her specialty? Could explain the flying, teleportation, shields, and blasting.
I'm curious what sort of scenarios people envision us needing an Immobile multi-person shield that we couldn't handle with either Teleport or maybe grabbing them (with TK?) before Blitz Action. Casting Speed of shield vs teleport, maybe?

I wonder if the shield regenerates or if we have to recast, after its damaged.... considering next Endbringer is Leviathan and arguably the one Taylor's most likely able to do more than limited S&R for, I'd really like people to consider

[X] Misteltein

We have lots of direct dakka, several evasion tricks and two sorts of defense (barrier jacket and strong shield). How about an exotic-attack for those odd cases the rest can't handle? It was lucky enough Telekinesis could grab this guy's odd.... Breaker? ability. But I suspect if Mistelteinn just needs contact then the exotic types won't be able to defend with Brute/Breaker forms.
[X] Misteltein

We have lots of direct dakka, several evasion tricks and two sorts of defense (barrier jacket and strong shield). How about an exotic-attack for those odd cases the rest can't handle? It was lucky enough Telekinesis could grab this guy's odd.... Breaker? ability. But I suspect if Mistelteinn just needs contact then the exotic types won't be able to defend with Brute/Breaker forms.
Limited usefulness in that capacity since Misteltein is by its very nature a lethal technique, one that I think cannot be made otherwise. Ring Bind or Singularity are better at what you want, I feel.
HISS!!! Lawful Goody Two Shoes, how absolutely disgusting :p. Paladin wannabes are the worst, I tell you :p.

His cape name IS French for "knight", after all. That he is lawful good is no surprise. It isn't his alignment but his relative inflexibility in canon that made me leary of telling him, specifically, Taylor's age. I lean towards openness in these kinds of situations, but not everybody needs to know all the details, no?

Query: Do you(anybody reading or SW) read Chevalier with the French pronunciation ( sheh vah yay) or more Anglacized ( she val eer ; or ; cheh va leer)?

[X] Shell Barrier

I had a few questions about shell barrier, though, primarily, what is the shape of the barrier and how much control do we have over it? Picking up the ability to shield others is perfect for CW's mental state right now, but some of the wording describing the spell led to me having an inconsistent mental picture of how it works. My first thought, from the wording, was a separate shield for each person affected, like the Protect spell in many fantasy rpgs. Later parts made me doubt that that was the intent. I suppose the exact mechanics don't matter as much since I won't be writing the scenes (unless an omake comes to mind), but some clarification would be nice.

Also, is Shell polarized? More specifically, can people fire out through the shield but not in, as sci fi often does, or does it block everything? Can it be made opaque?

Reading through the spells, I noticed the full description of Ragnarok in conjunction with our recent discussion of her blaster rating being higher than the Protectorate thinks. Ragnarok would make CW a blaster 11 or 12, I think. Hopefully using it on an Endbringer won't cause negative repercussions, with the added mess of having Taylor's age known to a few.

Tim has so many projects running, but I really want Vista to have a utility arm, too, or even more than one. How easy is it for Vista to change arms? Tim and Dragon getting that teleport tech working in conjunction to her having arms she can switch out would make for some serious flexibility in her power set, and flexibility.

That CW wasn't affected by the trigger most likely won't lead anywhere with Chevalier. If it had been MM, on the other hand, I suspect things would be quite different.

Looking at the choices, Mistletein does look good for freezing opponents, provided the petrification is temporary, and Singularity has serious utility potential, but I still lean towards Shell for the ability to protect allies and civilians.
Query: Do you(anybody reading or SW) read Chevalier with the French pronunciation ( sheh vah yay) or more Anglacized ( she val eer ; or ; cheh va leer)?
I always read it English-style. English has enough French in it as-is; no need to add more.
Tim has so many projects running, but I really want Vista to have a utility arm, too, or even more than one. How easy is it for Vista to change arms? Tim and Dragon getting that teleport tech working in conjunction to her having arms she can switch out would make for some serious flexibility in her power set, and flexibility.
She has two already, man. How many do you want?
I had a few questions about shell barrier, though, primarily, what is the shape of the barrier and how much control do we have over it? Picking up the ability to shield others is perfect for CW's mental state right now, but some of the wording describing the spell led to me having an inconsistent mental picture of how it works. My first thought, from the wording, was a separate shield for each person affected, like the Protect spell in many fantasy rpgs. Later parts made me doubt that that was the intent. I suppose the exact mechanics don't matter as much since I won't be writing the scenes (unless an omake comes to mind), but some clarification would be nice.
Shell Barrier is a single dome over the area of effect.
Also, is Shell polarized? More specifically, can people fire out through the shield but not in, as sci fi often does, or does it block everything? Can it be made opaque?
Nope. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out.
That CW wasn't affected by the trigger most likely won't lead anywhere with Chevalier. If it had been MM, on the other hand, I suspect things would be quite different.
The thing with Chevalier (or anyone else in that position) is that he has no way to know that she was uneffected. More likely in his mind would be that she recovered faster than he did.
Looking at the choices, Mistletein does look good for freezing opponents, provided the petrification is temporary, and Singularity has serious utility potential, but I still lean towards Shell for the ability to protect allies and civilians.
Misteltein is not temporary and not nonlethal. It is for killing monsters.
Tim has so many projects running, but I really want Vista to have a utility arm, too, or even more than one. How easy is it for Vista to change arms? Tim and Dragon getting that teleport tech working in conjunction to her having arms she can switch out would make for some serious flexibility in her power set, and flexibility.
Vista has an arm for civilian use. What do you mean by a "utility arm"? Switching out arms is a matter of twisting the connector ring, pulling off the old arm, and plugging in the new arm.
Shell Barrier is a single dome over the area of effect.

Nope. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out.

Does that include light, and can people inside get out or vice versa with teleporting, digging through the ground, or otherwise trying to circumvent the barrier without attacking it?

The thing with Chevalier (or anyone else in that position) is that he has no way to know that she was uneffected. More likely in his mind would be that she recovered faster than he did.

It's not so much that I'd think most parahumans would notice as that MM in particular, the other person considered for this patrol, might have noticed it.

Misteltein is not temporary and not nonlethal. It is for killing monsters.

Then I'm not wanting to learn that one any time soon. We have all the raw firepower we're likely to need at the moment. Some support abilities to flesh out our repertoire are definitely higher on my to do list.

Vista has an arm for civilian use. What do you mean by a "utility arm"? Switching out arms is a matter of twisting the connector ring, pulling off the old arm, and plugging in the new arm.

While I did have specifics in mind, they're not coming to me now. I'll try to elaborate in the morning. Good night.