[X] Banner poles for the Legion, let all the world know that they are honored no less than great warriors of yore

I really would prefer it being used in the Legion first. The Erinyes were recently very well equipped. Or at least the relevant ones were :V
[X] Banner poles for the Legion, let all the world know that they are honored no less than great warriors of yore

It's all about sending a message.
[X] Banner poles for the Legion, let all the world know that they are honored no less than great warriors of yore
By will and wishcraft you make the blood run up the wall then fall from the ceiling like poisoned rain over the red-hot bars
Also, extraordinarily metal.
The Valaryians may have been massive cunts, but holy hell they gaze zero shits about relentlessly fucking over ancient evils.
That's what happens when your nation regularly has a bunch of epic sorcerers alive at any one time, besides thousands and thousands of flying firebreathing murdermachines.

Anyway, we have 300lbs of steel. Thinblades take 2lbs. @DragonParadox is the choice symbolic here, and we will make two? Or is there some special effect to this being the very first batch?
That's the weight of a single fullplate suit.
And we are going to dress entire legions in it.
Let the math sink in for a bit.
It's also 25 Thinblades.

Being able to pierce DR/Magic and Adamantine is a much bigger deal than the Legion's AC going from "very high" to "stupidly high".

Not to mention it effectivelly alows them to face plain tougher foes, as it's a matter of average attack and damage when you are swarming a big bad.
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I think that dressing entire legions in VS is a terrible idea. Weapons for elites and bannermen, and luxury items for sale off-plane. That's all its good for.
The Adamantine swords the Erinyes have are plenty good enough. Their Enhancement bonus is one point less than a Valyrian Steel weapon, but Adamantine is much more useful in that it bypasses object Hardness entirely and overcomes the DR for most Constructs.

Banner poles are stupid. Not even gonna try to sugar coat it. Just a colossal waste of a valuable material.

We can make weapons for the Legion, but I think we would be better off doing two things; stockpiling most of it for use in the Herald Construct and @Deliste's Bigger Fish Constructs, and making nice swords for loyal Westeros lords. Those things have enormous prestige in Westeros. Personalized Valyrian Steel swords, emblazoned with the House Crest, enchanted to be impressive (such as Flaming), would be a huge gesture for those feudal hicks.
The realization strikes you like a hammer. Some measure of the unhallowed strength that which the fiend had striven for throughout ages of leal service to the powers of Hell had been stripped from it, bent into the service of the enchantment. Could you make the magic bite deeper, give true death to fiends as surely as Yss can?
@DragonParadox, just to be clear about the implications. If our Arch-Devil-Reactor works, would this mean that we ram a metaphysical spigot into Mammons soul and squeeze him out to power our industrial VS production?
When we're talking mass production, any rare component is a hinderance. Fiends are rare by virtue of having to be summoned.
I highly doubt the blood factory will solve our issues as neatly as you are expecting.

Clearly, the ritual, perhaps almost literally, takes a bite out of the sacrificed outsider. There, thus, has to be something there for it to bite.

I suspect blood from the blood factory will essentially work as a thinner, and give us more bang for our buck.