Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
On a different topic, I'm back to poking at Viserys' level up. Although I would still prefer Legendary Proportions, I guess we can find a scroll for it and have Lya learn it some day. In the interest of compromise, @TotallyNotEvil, I propose Viserys learn Arbitrament as his 7th level spell. It's the Pathfinder version of Word of Balance, but available to Clerics and thus something Viserys can learn. It's not got quite the same punch as Word of Balance, but it accomplishes the same thing in broad strokes, especially targeting anything with a non-Neutral Alignment component. Too many of our enemies, Devil and Illithids in particular, are Lawful Evil, rendering them completely immune to Dictum.
[] Viserys Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Dragon Mystic
--[] Metabreath Feat: Clinging Breath
-[] Skills (15 points, includes 3 missing points): +1 Bluff, +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intimidate, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Survival, +2 Knowledge(Arcana), +2 Knowledge(The Planes), +2 Listen, +2 Spot
-[] Spells:
--[] 3rd Level:
---[] Retrain: Dispel Magic >>> Primal Instinct
--[] 6th Level: Greater Dispel Magic
--[] 7th Level: Arbitrament
--[] 8th Level: Greater Angelic Aspect
[] Richard Level Up
-[] Attribute: +1 Strength
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Bonus Feat: Greater Weapon Focus(Greatsword)
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +2 Knowledge(War), +2 Spellcraft
[] Viserys Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Dragon Mystic
--[] Metabreath Feat: Clinging Breath
-[] Skills (15 points, includes 3 missing points): +1 Bluff, +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intimidate, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Survival, +2 Knowledge(Arcana), +2 Knowledge(The Planes), +2 Listen, +2 Spot
-[] Spells:
--[] 3rd Level:
---[] Retrain: Dispel Magic >>> Primal Instinct
--[] 6th Level: Greater Dispel Magic
--[] 7th Level: Arbitrament
--[] 8th Level: Greater Angelic Aspect
[] Richard Level Up
-[] Attribute: +1 Strength
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Bonus Feat: Greater Weapon Focus(Greatsword)
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +2 Knowledge(War), +2 Spellcraft
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