Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I'm under the assumption here that Taylor will stand her ground on being treated as she was before, since she has been making competent, adult decisions since she came on the scene.
I really doubt that what Taylor wants will come into how she's treated. The problem with Vista is that ultimate she is a minor and thus the PRT/Protectorate have to fulfill certain legal obligations with the way she is treated. Now while they wouldn't be under the same legal obligations with regards to Calamity Witch, since she is not a part of their organization, they would still be required to change how they treat her due to the legal and political ramifications of dealing with minors.
Chevalier would have to balance out a couple of different issues. On the one hand, Miss Militia primarily has already established a rapport with her, so how much they want to push her on that is up in the air. The do have restrictions in terms of inviting underage independents to A- and S-class events, but Taylor's also shown that she's close friends with Dragon who would probably tell her on her own terms. Then there's the fact that the other capes of the city, particularly Winter Hill, treat her as an equal, and they don't want to push the Mover 10 Blaster 9 Brute 6 into a closer relationship with villains, particularly when she is all but guaranteed to bring her Mover 10 Brute 10 bodyguard and her high-level Tinker teammate with her. AND pushing her away would all but guarantee that their own Shaker 9 would abandon ship and join up, which is the exact opposite of what they want to happen. But all that said, there are still those Youth Guard restrictions that he has to follow…

This is why I said I don't know for sure just how or to what degree it will change things, only that changes WILL happen.

@unLuckerII the tally system won't recognize your vote the way it's formatted.
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[X] No
Adhoc vote count started by Rhinohunter on Nov 6, 2018 at 11:00 AM, finished with 16655 posts and 12 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rhinohunter on Nov 6, 2018 at 11:19 AM, finished with 16660 posts and 15 votes.
[X] Yes

We really need to clear that misconception up. Whether or not Vista ends up leaving the Protectorate, giving them this (rather minor) olive branch would be a good way to stabilize relationships with Chevalier.
Granted, we should then make it abundantly clear that this changes nothing professionally. Also, ask how Coil's doing.

Also, as I cast my vote here- to all those US citizens frequenting this site- have you voted yet?
Now, I have another question for everybody. The vote for the joint patrol with Chevalier involved talking to him about Vista and why she is getting so upset with the restrictions the Protectorate put on her and all the other Wards. There are a couple of ways I could go about that, but one thing that keeps popping into my brain is for Taylor to reveal that she's actually 16, not the college student Miss Militia initially assumed. That has the chance to really change how the Protectorate sees her, though, so I need some input.

Do you guys want Taylor to reveal her true age?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Only if you promise to make it funny.
[X] No
I feel like yes would add needless drama to the mix. Or that is what I fear.
The Prt and Protectorate dont know that Vistas new arm has a particle cannon in it, do they?
Also, that its a piece of self repairing tinkertech. And that her other prosthetic doesnt seem to require maintenance (as its magical engineering and not tinkertech)
Its an interesting dilemma..... If we had played a big visible role in an Endbringer fight, I'd be MUCH more comfortable saying Yes immediately. As while theres no Cauldron anymore, theres still the Triumverate with Alexandria sitting as Costa-Brown as well.

  • Taylor talked down and CONVERTED Purity, a blaster 9?. And then subsequently was instrumental to containing a Zizbomb'd E88 (first with the barrier, then by zapping them personally).
  • Samantha (who blatantly follows Taylor's lead on relations) went toe to toe with a possibly Ziz'd Lung to help contain him
  • Taylor took down the Dragonslayers, a years long threat against someone the Protectorate is pretty reliant on
  • Taylor took a front-of-the-pack (of equals) role against the A-class threat of the Beasts in the sewer AND against the treaty-breaking MS-13 Gang, including proven/repeated Herokiller Cadejo
  • Taylor just helped root out a fairly notable villain who was a PRT mole in Coil
Thats still a pretty shiny track record to point to and say "She's already been in the thick of danger and saved countless lives, maybe we can get a written exception for her?" (not to mention room to get the info of her age /classified for national security/ to let her keep helping...theres still a President right? xD). But for all of how big that resume is.... none of it is the Godzilla-threshold "break all the rules" kind of issue that Endbringer help is.

So i'm inclined to vote
[X] Yes
but still worried about it.... I'm leaning on the idea that Chevalier and his superiors can't quite afford to alienate Taylor, and any personal misgivings they have about relying on a kid should be drowned by the paperwork of that resume. Here's hoping he takes it for the olive branch he is, taking a risk with our own status to help smoothe out relations AND ease the tension over poaching Vista, ya know?
[X] Yes

While telling might be bad, not telling and having them find out on their own later or in a situation less controlled would be worse.
[X] Yes

Ultimately, I wonder how Alexandria will change her treatment of us, assuming she is operating under the same misconception. So, why not find out?
Remember she can read people very well under most circumstances. She probably knows from our body language, word choice and the like we aren't a legal adult.
I'm under the impression that, at least while in costume, Taylors body language is mostly overwritten by Calamity Witch? I don't know exactly what that would translate to, but I doubt "Teenager" is the answer. Remember how she started "Slinking" immediately after her first transformation. (Literally how she described it.)
On a similar note, when MM was doing her analysis early on she noted that Taylors word choice indicated that she's late teens, we know that that's because she was raised by an English teacher but Alexandria doesn't and might reach the same conclusion.
So, it's not impossible that Alexandria knows Taylor isn't an adult, but I don't think we should assume that it's likely either.
[X] No

While I agree I was one of the people to say to show Alexandria LIMITED trust, I prefer to make her work for it and she will treat Taylor more as an equal when she keeps going as an adult. Once we build even more reputation we may reveal it. Or if we get outed anyway our reputation will be untouchable without being too harrassed. At least I hope so.
[X] No

This is a tough call, tbh. On the one hand full disclosure with the Protectorate would help with the diplomatic situation vis a vis Vista, but on the other hand it opens us up to all sorts of Shenanigans that could conceivably force our hand in ways we don't want to be forced. Gripping hand, so long as we can truthfully say "you never asked" all the assumptions they make are on them, not us. We aren't obligated to correct them.
[X] Yes

Mostly to blow their minds.

And if they dont like it we can always fall back on the Raising Heart school of problem solving. :drevil:

That said, it's not like they can force anything on us now that they couldn't before. Trying would just drive Taylor away.