Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 386 63.8%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Yeah, I too watched BNHA. I just feel like the message we'd be sending is "we're extremely naive about what nuclear weapons actually do and mean".

To add to all of the above: I've only actually played Phantom Pain out of all MGS's, so I'm no doubt missing important context. As it is, I'm mostly just using real-world knowledge.
The uh context for it actually doing something is from the Hero specifically the part where Venom Snake is someone who can get people to change the world through getting them out of their comfort zone by example.

The governments and polities of the world see you as a dangerous threat to their power base despite their vocal platitudes for your achievements and actively work against you. You are the most dangerous kind of leader, one who can sway the hearts of the masses and force them out of their comfortable sheep pens through deed and example. You are a threat to world order that must be neutralized at all costs.
I could have sword we had an omake dealing Eli in here somewhere, would that be enough to drop his difficulty?
[x] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1

Plan Save The World returns! Or is it Whiskey? Or drunken people save the world? I forget what the theoretical compromise plan was going to be called.
Right, this makes a modicum of sense! Of course, perhaps not being destroyed by an army detachment is superior to not being a threat in the eyes of the public, but I guess that's debatable.

More importantly, it's not going to be much of an issue in VC-verse as far as I can see, especially as we can always dump the nuke there if we get any downtime. Well, that's just my opinion anyway.

... not making sense once again. How is it "better"?

Right, really, I understand the message we'd be trying to send, I just think it's about as clever as trying to kill off everyone speaking English to bring about world peace, and anyone giving it more than 2.1 seconds to think about it will see the huge logical flaws.

Yeah, I too watched BNHA. I just feel like the message we'd be sending is "we're extremely naive about what nuclear weapons actually do and mean".

To add to all of the above: I've only actually played Phantom Pain out of all MGS's, so I'm no doubt missing important context. As it is, I'm mostly just using real-world knowledge.
Like I said don't think too much on it. It's just a game.

That action gives benefits so people vote for it.

If it wins we could find something else to make a big explosion.
Yeah, I too watched BNHA. I just feel like the message we'd be sending is "we're extremely naive about what nuclear weapons actually do and mean".
You're the only one not getting the message konami pretty clearly intented by choosing the USoS theme.

Try to take a step back and reread what everyone is trying to explain to you.
The uh context for it actually doing something is from the Hero specifically the part where Venom Snake is someone who can get people to change the world through getting them out of their comfort zone by example.
It sounds to me like it's our dangerous rhetoric and influence they want to neutralize, not our nuke. In that regard, having a nuke helps us - no one will dare make an open move against us, and any covert ops are doomed to fail because of our sheer skill.
Then make other nation more paranoid and trying to one up us? Logic.
Well, if the alternative is dying to the Valkyria superweapon, I guess we'll brave the consequences? If we don't expect the risk to be worth the reward, just... don't use the nuke in the first place. It's a tool like any other.
Like I said don't think too much on it. It's just a game.

That action gives benefits so people vote for it.

If it wins we could find something else to make a big explosion.
Did you just tell me to not overthink a quest?! But that's why people come to these quests, is it not?
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
[X] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief

Do it for them.

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It sounds to me like it's our dangerous rhetoric and influence they want to neutralize, not our nuke. In that regard, having a nuke helps us - no one will dare make an open move against us, and any covert ops are doomed to fail because of our sheer skill.
That's nonsense. If the nations of the world want us truly dead, our nuke isn't going to stop them. As good as the DD are, they can't fight off an army that wants them dead, they'd lose just from sheer numbers and overwhelming firepower. And if we try and use the nuke, it would just prove to people that we deserve to be taken out.
Well, if the alternative is dying to the Valkyria superweapon, I guess we'll brave the consequences? If we don't expect the risk to be worth the reward, just... don't use the nuke in the first place. It's a tool like any other.
Well, we should keep and developing the vocal chord parasites more then. It is a tool like nuke too.
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
[X] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief

@tapkomet you do realize that it was the GM himself that answered the question of what benefit we will get by linking to the United States of Smash OST.
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+

Play MGV and still checking the thread...I think we're going to drive the QM to liver failure people...

But sooner or later that everclear is going to call the QM's name...

That's if the dice don't do it for him...
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My good friend we're on the dream compromise plan of "Save the world through Whiskey, and Education.".

I will henceforth dub this plan, 'Saving the Everything (except for the animals)!

Oh and if anyone's asking 'why de-nuke?'. Because MGS (and to a lesser extent VC) hate WMD's with a passion and this chain will literally turn us from a legend amongst soldiers into our world's equivalent of the Symbol Of Peace.
Cookie Explains Logistics (For Idiots)

Another Fortune Shield~


Sadly, it's a bit short to get a reward, but Cookie's pretty much a fan favorite so I might get mobbed if I kill him off :p

Omake Ops #2 : Official Mascot - Doggos Are Unbreakable

Puppers. My one weakness besides flufflebutt kitties.

2 Coupon points and difficulty with Eli goes down to Hard because pups work hard too.

Operation: Omake Ops #4 (Good Dog!)


Oh I just the most splendid idea.

Secret reward penned in for the future~

This omake is non-canon, set in the universe of Konamikode's old MGS/VC quest. Basically, fanfic of a dead fanfic.

This is good, brings a little humanity to the Medic. 1 point increased relationship between Ahab and Quiet + coupon point!

Not to sure of the quality, but it seems decent for a group of bored people on a rig to do, especially bored engineer's trying to spice life up...of course this is metal gear so shenanigans ensue...

Not the biggest fan of mega crack, but it's been edited to cover most of the spelling mistakes so have a CP :3

A Ball Game at Mother Base

I'd give a bonus to morale if you guys weren't basically near maxed out :V. Have a CP tho~


Hokay. Like 2-3 more to go.
It sounds to me like it's our dangerous rhetoric and influence they want to neutralize, not our nuke. In that regard, having a nuke helps us - no one will dare make an open move against us, and any covert ops are doomed to fail because of our sheer skill.
The point is that Venom Snake through disarming his nuke simply because it is the right thing to do will inspire others to demand the same of their government, and if people start talking with other people from other nations with similar desires to do away with MAD a movement that exists above physical borders might form.
That's nonsense. If the nations of the world want us truly dead, our nuke isn't going to stop them. As good as the DD are, they can't fight off an army that wants them dead, they'd lose just from sheer numbers and overwhelming firepower. And if we try and use the nuke, it would just prove to people that we deserve to be taken out.
To be fair they'd probably just nuke us, and use our nuke as an excuse to placate the masses if they felt a desperate need to accomplish it now.

Although it would be truly ironic if the DD are sent to VC like the MSF were in the original quest i.e by a nuke as the nations are so desperate to kill Big Boss that they do something dumb, which would truly see people rising up in outrage.
Guys, quick! Kona is almost out of omakes to grade!

Flood him with more high quality works, so that we might earn a Third Action this turn!

I greatly desire to partake of theConservation action. I want Boss to send back literal Hordes of animals to annoy the hell out of Miller with. And give DDog more playmates!