Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


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    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Which is... weaken yourself for no good reason? Scrap the nuke because you can't afford to maintain it? Nukes aren't a symbol of war, you know. How many times have nukes been used in offensive wars? (Hint: fewer than once)

Denuclarization was one of the big things that came up during talks of Cold War and onword. Like, it was a big thing getting the USA/RUSSIA/USSR to bring down the total number of nukes they had.

The fact that not only does HERO BIG BOSS/SNAKE/VENOM SNAKE have a nuke, the fact that he gives it up making him no longer a 'threat' in the eyes of the public to any world power, because he can't go 'MAD' against any power that decides to send an army detachment against him is a big symbol. "I don't need nukes."

Anyway still writing up my updated Character for DD, busy with exams so I haven't done much besides spitball ideas.
Do elaborate then, oh High and Mighty Nukeless One
First watch this:

Second: It's about the message being sent. Big Boss is The Legendary Soldier. He's a charismatic hero to the people around the world, his words, and his actions, reach far and wide across the planet. If he chooses to willingly, without any kind of outside pressure to denuclearize, word of that will reach other people and their governments around the world. People will point to The Diamond Dogs, at the Private Military Company, headed by one of if not THE greatest soldier ever born, and that they willing chose to disarm the weapon of mass destruction that would otherwise have been used to make them World Power. It's about The Hero choosing The Path Of Peace. Is there some concrete mechanical reward for doing so? Probably not but it's not about the mechanical reward. It's about the story, the message, of Big Boss choosing to be better.
Denuclearization is more of what they symbolize rather than what they do basicly. Or something like that that Kojima would preach.
Have 3 coupon points and Paz's action goes down to 'Easy' :facepalm:

Aaaaaagh, why am I drinking and listening to sad songs?

Well then, we're totally doing the Paz action this turn if we get another action :D

Which is... weaken yourself for no good reason? Scrap the nuke because you can't afford to maintain it? Nukes aren't a symbol of war, you know. How many times have nukes been used in offensive wars? (Hint: fewer than once)
That plays in My Hero Academia when All Might, the #1 Hero in the setting and Symbol of Peace, uses the last of his power to dramatically take down All for One, the #1 villain of the setting, on live television that just about everyone in Japan is watching.

Afterwards he points at the camera and says 'You're next.' which most of the watchers take to be a threat against criminals, but All Might's chosen successor and MC of the anime, Izuku Midoriya, realizes he means that All Might's time as a hero is over.

As a result of All Might's retirement, villains become much more bold, and the other heroes have to work much harder to fill the void left behind by All Might.

So like people have said, Denuclearization will send one hell of a message to the rest of the world.
Is there some concrete mechanical reward for doing so? Probably not but it's not about the mechanical reward. It's about the story, the message, of Big Boss choosing to be better.
There's probably at least going to be a huge morale boost, if nothing else (especially for Miller).
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How exactly does denuclearization benefit us in any capacity whatsoever? There is such thing as not using them if we don't want to, you know. Unless the upkeep is horrific, I guess?

People say "nukes are bad" for... no good reason i can think of.

There're a few ways and it's almost all theme'ing and setting related, and please realize that the MGS universe (and to a lesser extent VC) has an in-built rule that 'WMD's are bad'.

In Metal Gear Solid, Nukes are bad. Weapons of mass destruction are even less reliable deterrence then in our world and the games make it clear that in every situation adding nukes just created more potential bad ends for the whole world. The Patriot's control is cemented by control of nuclear arsenals and eventually the war economy, Desperado industries uses Metal Gears to assassinate the leader of a nation along with attacking an United States military base to try and kick start a return to the war economy, Skull Face makes it clear his goal is to destroy the ability of nations to even communicate outside of the language of nuclear deterrence as revenge. Even in VC it's made clear that the Valkyria screwed themselves with their weaponry and that in the modern day awakened Valkyria are treated as tools to be used due to their power.

Expect morale and recruitment boosts like hell because this is Big Boss fulfilling at least one part of The Boss's dream. Miller himself would be overjoyed because he is not big on the whole 'the world could destroy itself any day now' thing either. We're probably going to enshrine a mythology into Outer Heaven that we do not merely fight the world's wars because we can, or so that others do not, but to protect the innocent. Expect morale boosts and recruitment to soar.

Also, given KK just compared this chain to The United States of Smash. Wow. That is the parting of All-Might in My Hero Academia. You know what they call him in that? The Symbol Of Peace! If nothing else we are almost certainly going to gain some incredible traits out of that.
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The fact that not only does HERO BIG BOSS/SNAKE/VENOM SNAKE have a nuke, the fact that he gives it up making him no longer a 'threat' in the eyes of the public to any world power, because he can't go 'MAD' against any power that decides to send an army detachment against him is a big symbol. "I don't need nukes."
Right, this makes a modicum of sense! Of course, perhaps not being destroyed by an army detachment is superior to not being a threat in the eyes of the public, but I guess that's debatable.

More importantly, it's not going to be much of an issue in VC-verse as far as I can see, especially as we can always dump the nuke there if we get any downtime. Well, that's just my opinion anyway.

First watch this:

Second: It's about the message being sent. Big Boss is The Legendary Soldier. He's a charismatic hero to the people around the world, his words, and his actions, reach far and wide across the planet. If he chooses to willingly, without any kind of outside pressure to denuclearize, word of that will reach other people and their governments around the world. People will point to The Diamond Dogs, at the Private Military Company, headed by one of if not THE greatest soldier ever born, and that they willing chose to disarm the weapon of mass destruction that would otherwise have been used to make them World Power. It's about The Hero choosing The Path Of Peace. Is there some concrete mechanical reward for doing so? Probably not but it's not about the mechanical reward. It's about the story, the message, of Big Boss choosing to be better.
... not making sense once again. How is it "better"?

Right, really, I understand the message we'd be trying to send, I just think it's about as clever as trying to kill off everyone speaking English to bring about world peace, and anyone giving it more than 2.1 seconds to think about it will see the huge logical flaws.

That plays in My Hero Academia when All Might, the #1 Hero in the setting and Symbol of Peace, etc,
So like people have said, Denuclearization will send one hell of a message to the rest of the world.
Yeah, I too watched BNHA. I just feel like the message we'd be sending is "we're extremely naive about what nuclear weapons actually do and mean".

To add to all of the above: I've only actually played Phantom Pain out of all MGS's, so I'm no doubt missing important context. As it is, I'm mostly just using real-world knowledge.
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[x] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1

Saying no more to nukes in a setting like metal gear, and probable genocide? Yes please.
Besides, what would you use nuke for? Escalation? Mutually Assured Destruction?

Also as for stupid, a giant bipedal robot with railgun that shoot nuke. A nanomachine vampire. A cyborg breakdancing while spinning 2 big robot. Man of Fire. Cardboard box do work for stealth. Microwave tunnel and Snake survive it. Genetics in MGS. Photosynthesis in MGS. Parasite that somehow able to accurately target 1 language. Streetfighting REX. Snake, all snake, survive all the series. Etc. etc.
[X] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1

And Big Boss pointed to the camera, his eyes burning with passion as he sent his message. "You're Next."
Well, seeing as I'm pretty sure Denuclearization is a waste of a perfectly good action

[X] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
[x] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
....Well shit. So we got 3 easy options guys and gals.

Kurdish Relief. Denuclearization. Paz Action. Pick up your shives.

[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
[X] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief

This is purely my thoughts on it, but I'd rather do Paz, Huey, and Eli altogeher next turn, go full on Papa Snake.

Plus the message IC of: Denuclearization + Kurdish Relief + Education + Saladin is Strong.
Besides, what would you use nuke for? Escalation? Mutually Assured Destruction?

Also as for stupid, a giant bipedal robot with railgun that shoot nuke. A nanomachine vampire. A cyborg breakdancing while spinning 2 big robot. Man of Fire. Cardboard box do work for stealth. Microwave tunnel and Snake survive it. Genetics in MGS. Photosynthesis in MGS. Parasite that somehow able to accurately target 1 language. Streetfighting REX. Snake, all snake, survive all the series. Etc. etc.
Well, you never know. We might encounter some unstoppable Valkyria, or superweapon, or Valkyria superweapon, and nuke it to show dominance take it out safely. Can only do it once, but that's better than zero times.
When Big Boss disappeared from the world, he had made it a better place. So much so that he was enshrined as the Symbol of Peace.