Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Just realized that the Bureau is going to be rather shocked at the news that Shipwright can casually make Unison Devices, which even Hayate hasn't been able to do; Reinforce Zwei was built using lefotvers from Eins, without a true understanding of how the tech works.
Well, if we are at Vivid period of the Nanoha timeline the TSAB can make essentially much more basic quasi-unison devices called hybrid intelligent devices (or autonomous-action intelligent device). Which seem much lower spec than full unison device but can do some limited form of what Unison devices do (i.e. merging with their users to provide much better finer control and responsiveness for example), but on the other hand it seems they are much easier to use and much more usable in that the need for compatibility isn't present afaik.

But yeah. TSAB will be interested nonetheless.
It it clear not as though you lack contacts here in Philadelphia who would listen to you, not if you can convince the local branch leader to accompany you on this revenge mission."
"It is clearly not as though" ?
"Yes, that throughew another wrench into the works
She is not the only member in the PRT's higher echelons who is prejudiced against capes for one reason or another. A villain infiltrating the ranks of the PRT and weakening it from the inside? Independent heroes and members of the Protectorate turning against PRT agents? This only fuels their efforts to tear the Protectorate and the PRT apart from each other, and the fact that both these issues are related will be quickly glossed over."
The irony of some of the statements coming from RCB :lol .
So I'm thinking
Adepts: To give them their Magic tricks.
Chevalier: There are a lot of dings this Social Link took and I don't want to loose the relationship with the Protectorate. I feel it would be important to let him know that Alexandria basically scolded Taylor, that she doesn't really know anything about how the system actually works and can't have a better relations with PRT/Protectorate if she doesn't learn.
Kayleigh: Cause our Social with Vista is already Maxed out, we just came back from a trip with her and giving things time to cool down. Also I want to buff Kay's chances of having a Linker Core.
I'm also kinda confused why people want to patrol with Cailleach instead of hanging out with Laura in civvies. People do remember that publicly she's a villain and Calamity Witch is a hero, right?
"The first part was fun," argues Samantha, returning Vista's goodbye hug. "It was the rest of the rest of the time we had to spend there that was not at all entertaining. I can understand a debriefing, maybe even two, but we had to do it five times!"
Dunno if this repetition is a typo.
She nods. "Yes, that threwthrough another wrench into the works, though none of us ever expected a single parahuman to be the silver bullet. What we have now is a terrible and messy compromise, and yet it is the only solution we have happened upon that has the potential to work."
Wrong homophone.
It's back! Today is a good day. :)

"I don't think you appreciate the gravity of your actions today. At least, I hope you don't. I would much prefer that this was the result of ignorance rather than active malice."
Yeah, smooth talking is not Alexandria's strong suit. :sour:

Hypothetically, would it be possible to build a Unison Device kind of like the one you built for Dragon, except instead of converting an A.I. it slurped up the mind of a person telepathically?"
...Neither it Taylor's. :lol

What better way to get an aggressive idealist with an independent streak into the Protectorate than daring her to join and fix what she sees as problems?
Considering the thread's reaction, Alexandria definitely miscalculated. :(

So, my plans from before the Coil Arc:
- Vista: talk with the Protectorate to try and find a solution for her problem. - already in progress, apparently
- the Triumvirate: talk with them about the TSAB and our plans to disseminate magic. We just were told it's a bad idea to do such a big things without warning anyone.
- the Adepts: give them a Device and their spells. Mages for the the Mages' God!
- a Template: give it to Lacey (or maybe Eidolon?). Templates for the Galea Throne!
- IAE: more Galea's history.
I'd say the first thing we should do is get the Adepts squared away. We need them to get used to Nanohaverse magic, especially if they are willing to fight with us against threats.

Second action... maybe offer Lacey the chance to receive a device (or template)?

Third action I believe should be Taylor going on a trip to another world. She's been under a fair amount of pressure of late and she could use some cooling off away from Earth Bet's constant troubles. Maybe we could find allies on alternate Earths?
Well, if we are at Vivid period of the Nanoha timeline the TSAB can make essentially much more basic quasi-unison devices called hybrid intelligent devices (or autonomous-action intelligent device). Which seem much lower spec than full unison device but can do some limited form of what Unison devices do (i.e. merging with their users to provide much better finer control and responsiveness for example), but on the other hand it seems they are much easier to use and much more usable in that the need for compatibility isn't present afaik.
This is the year before ViVid takes place.
Silently, I thought you were putting this on the back burner until you got the Black Queen's War finished?
This was on hold while I got a decent headway on Black Queen again. There are only 6 chapters left of that, one of which is almost finished and two others that will almost certainly be fairly short. Also, this quest won't be weekly updates again until that's finished; I'll probably alternate between the two.
Yeah an update! Hope your break went well Silently! You deserved it!

Really enjoyed the conversation between Alexandria and Taylor. The subtle hint that she wants Taylor to be one of the leaders for the next generation is not one to take lightly. Also I'm still not sure what to do about Cassiel, but it seems like we'll have to make a decision sometime soon before things go off the rails. Definitely don't want her to be kept in the clutches of the Fallen though. We'll need a team if we want to be able to face them in the future....

As for social activities, I really want to hang out with Kayleigh. We didn't really talk to her much at the birthday party and it would be a great way for Taylor to show her thanks for it. Plus it would be a great cool down from dealing with the Protectorate and Coil shenanigans that happened recently. Oh and we could invite Laura if we wanted to make it a trio.

Besides that, we could explore another world with the TSAB. It would be a nice way to help them look for supplies, strengthen bonds between Taylor and one of its members and check to see how their progress is going.

Finally, giving Macliburn his Device is important. It's better to get it out of the way before something time sensitive comes up.
Anyway, let's start it off by choosing three social activities to partake in this week. You can choose more than one of any type.
  • Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
  • Go on patrol. You can vote for one non-Samantha character to join you if you want.
  • Explore somewhere on Earth Bet.
  • Explore another world, either one you have already seen or by picking one in the cluster at random.
  • Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator.
Not sure about any of above, but why she haven't considered asking "aliens" opinion about the "master powers"?
They might consider "helping option", as better solution to her "turn victim to device" plan...

By the way: Thanks for the story! ;)
Vote 11.1

I said I'd give you 24 hours and then promptly forgot about it. It's been way too long since the last update.

Anyway, go ahead and vote for THREE activities.

[ ] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
[ ] Go on patrol. You can vote for one non-Samantha character to join you if you want.
[ ] Explore somewhere on Earth Bet.
[ ] Explore another world, either one you have already seen or by picking one in the cluster at random.
[ ] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator.
[X] Hang out with Lacy.
[X] Go on patrol. With TSAB, you still need to convince them Earth is worth saving. That rainbow gun may end and endbringer, but it's also got a hell of a crater radius
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement
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Vote 11.1

I said I'd give you 24 hours and then promptly forgot about it. It's been way too long since the last update.

Anyway, go ahead and vote for THREE activities.

[ ] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
[ ] Go on patrol. You can vote for one non-Samantha character to join you if you want.
[ ] Explore somewhere on Earth Bet.
[ ] Explore another world, either one you have already seen or by picking one in the cluster at random.
[ ] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator.
In my opinion, it is:
[X] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. (since training is IMPORTANT)
[X] Go on patrol. (since it is "part of being hero (can't pick option for partner this time, too much time passed since last update :( ))
[X] SOME sort of exploration (mixed with "hang out" ;) ).

As i already asked:
why she haven't considered asking "aliens" opinion about the "master powers"?
They might consider "helping option", as better solution to her "turn victim to device" plan... Or, at least provide some informational support...
[X] Hang out with Lacy. We're still trying to ease her into the idea of being a support mage.
[X] Go on patrol. With TSAB, you still need to convince them Earth is worth saving. That rainbow gun may end and endbringer, but it's also got a hell of a crater radius.
[X] Explore a containment Zone.
--[X] Train, in the real world with WAS and shooters. See if we can figure out how to program Flare Shooter Multishot into Rust Shooter to unlock Barrage. It'll give us time to work through that Triumverate 2.0 conversation.
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[X] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
-[X] Lacey
[X] Go on patrol. You can vote for one non-Samantha character to join you if you want.
[X] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Go exploring! Maybe we can sneak over to Aleph and bring something interesting back for movie night.

The patrol option was kinda "roll 1d6" but I figure at least trying to smooth ruffled feathers will help out whenever Vista drops her inevitable resignation bombshell.
Guys we do need to get the Adepts out of the way first. Let's not neglect them.

[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Go exploring! Maybe we can sneak over to Aleph and bring something interesting back for movie night.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Go exploring! Maybe we can sneak over to Aleph and bring something interesting back for movie night.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.