I thought the entire point of us going on raids was to get paid by the shaitan. I'm really not in favour of giving most of our loot away to pirates of all things. If we hire them to act as spotters of threats that are usually out of their weight class we can pay them a finder's fee, but other than that... hard no on paying them, and certainly not 90% of anything.

That reminds me, how exactly do we explain this of the Shaitan when we give our report?

"Oh just went down there and stole 3 Sultan shield's ships, a larger vessel, and had an associate of mine animate a god's corpse to haunt the waters of the plane of fire and destroy anything related to devils and their ilk with a vengeance and level of hatred that defies verbal language."
@Duesal, @TotallyNotEvil, @Everyone I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I've worked for a business where we were both contactors at some points and sub-contractors at others.

You don't try to shortchange your sub-contractors, not if you want to keep them working for you. It's simply a bad business practice which encourages them to perform at a subpar level and to seek employment elsewhere.

The returns on such arrangements are not often anything spectacular, but you also have very little work or resources tied up in it, either. Often, a single contractor can have many sub-contractors working for them, earning only a small amount from each, but on the whole making serious money for next to no effort.
Idea: never let Goldfish make any financial arrangements.



Let them sort their relationship out, just offer to bring him back to SD.
As I just mentioned, y'all seem to have a poor understanding of how subcontracting actually works. You don't have someone do all the work, take all the risks, and use their own resources, then turn around and oy pay them 20 or 30% of the profit. That is insane.
@Duesal, @TotallyNotEvil, @Everyone I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I've worked for a business where we were both contactors at some points and sub-contractors at others.

You don't try to shortchange your sub-contractors, not if you want to keep them working for you. It's simply a bad business practice which encourages them to perform at a subpar level and to seek employment elsewhere.

The returns on such arrangements are not often anything spectacular, but you also have very little work or resources tied up in it, either. Often, a single contractor can have many sub-contractors working for them, earning only a small amount from each, but on the whole making serious money for next to no effort.
But here is the thing though. I dont want them hitting targets for us that any four companies could have taken in their afternoon lunch break. I what them to scout real military targets like the Turtle ships and just call us in with some general information on the target. They would be doing less direct combat than they did here. And people were already hungup about the split.

Trackers and information brokers basically. You don't pay them over half the payout.
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As I just mentioned, y'all seem to have a poor understanding of how subcontracting actually works. You don't have someone do all the work, take all the risks, and use their own resources, then turn around and oy pay them 20 or 30% of the profit. That is insane.
The prize is them getting to actually loot their targets, as they are currently doing, except we also pay them a bonus for it.

That, or they get an informant's fee on juicy targets they send our way.

[X] Duesal
[X] Duesal
About the percentage thingy, maybe we can trick them by offering to pay for their healthcare? Thats how you get them to Accept slavery rates.
Updated plan. Added your part about asking the Couatl to come to SD, @Duesal.

Clarifying the offer to sub-contract for us. Seriously, y'all have some weird ass ideas about what is justifiable pay for services. Every ship they raid would be free money for us, since we aren't going to be devoting all of our time to it, or hardly any time at all considering we have other shit to take care of. This would allow us to place constant, if minor, pressure on the Efreeti, which the Shaitan would appreciate, increasing our stanidng with them while we cultivate a valuable contact and resource.

[X] Offer Sorcerer's Deep as a new permanent residence for the Coatl much as you have done for Yss, as it will be easier to keep it safe from being hunted by devils and efreeti in the heart of our and Yss' power
-[X] Afterwards speak with Yrten and Siduri
-[X] In no particular order, try to learn the following from them;
--[X] If they are enemies of the Efreeti, where do they make port, and in what markets do they conduct business?
---[X] Try to learn enough about these locations that we could find them without assistance, if possible. Maps would be ideal.
--[X] Do they have any useful contacts they might be able to introduce us to? This wouldn't just be fences and employers, but black market traders, corrupt City of Brass officials willing to be bought, etc. We are willing to pay for good information.
--[X] Can the Golden Wind Plane Shift in some manner?
--[X] To what degree is their business tied to slaving?
--[X] Would they be interested in a new line of work? Specifically, this would be as sub-contractors raiding Efreeti vessels, spying on them, and gathering information. We would pay them for each Efreeti vessel they capture (pay equal to 90% of the bounty the Shaitan pay us) and for each piece of useful information (rates depend on the value and reliability of the information).
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Updated plan. Added your part about asking the Couatl to come to SD, @Duesal.

Clarifying the offer to sub-contract for us. Seriously, y'all have some weird ass ideas about what is justifiable pay for services. Every ship they raid would be free money for us, since we aren't going to be devoting all of our time to it, or hardly any time at all considering we have other shit to take care of. This would allow us to place constant, if minor, pressure on the Efreeti, which the Shaitan would appreciate, increasing our stanidng with them while we cultivate a valuable contacts and resource.
The payment already makes me twitchy, but in general I was never a fan of this idea in the first place.
Regarding Jazirian's future place, (Community, peace, learning, parenthood, fate?), maybe add another level on top our library as his temple/ something near our schools/ Dany's new and better familiar (I am sorry Glyra).
I'm not sure of putting him directly under Yss, Yss is the "needs 10 coffees to be awake" type while Jazirian looks very energetic.

edit: [jk] yess and Erinyes will be his guards to hypermurder anything that even looks funny at him/her.
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Killing as many devils (particularly powerful ones) as posibile, not necessarily in agony or anything it just wants the ruin of Hell and its ultimate lord.
Any chance we'll get updates on this from Yss or something? In rumor posts, for example?
An undead golding waging a personal war against the forces of hell is beautiful, IMO. I presume that this thing is sentient, clever and patient (snek God after all). It has potential, both in personal power but especially as a slowly developing storyline in the background!

And @Azel, I agree with Goldfish. Subcontractors take most of the profit if there's no risk or effort involved for their up-chain company. This is in effect free money for us, trickling into our coffers without us ever having to do anything.
And they don't need to know that we're being for this at all. From their perspective, we're hiring them to kill people. What they don't know is that we've been hired to do the same thing, and for a better price :D

EDIT: The job I'm quitting next week is a subcontractor. We take about 80% of the profits, and then give the other 20% to an up-chain company. Sometimes they get even less. But on the other hand all that they're giving us is the ability to rely on their brand recognition (TripAdvisor/Viator - it's a tourism business where people buy their tours and they pay us to actually provide them). And this is super common: pretty much all tourism business in France functions this way, and I'm sure other sectors do this too.
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The payment already makes me twitchy, but in general I was never a fan of this idea in the first place.
I generally assume that a planar empire, like the Efreeti have, has much more trade and troop-movements than we could ever reasonably attack. Even if we send several groups ourselves.

So sub-contracting one more pirate would not hurt our business at all.
The prize is them getting to actually loot their targets, as they are currently doing, except we also pay them a bonus for it.

That, or they get an informant's fee on juicy targets they send our way.

[X] Duesal
They can do that anyway, with no input from us. Our 10% would basically be a fee for acting as a middle man between Yrten and the Shaitan, providing him with another market for his services which he cannot normally avail himself of, due to reasons we aren't currently aware of at the mkment.
@Goldfish, subcontracting them is utterly pointless. They are pirates in the Pkane of Fire. Everything here is either Efreeti ships or People-Who-Trade-With-Efreeti ships. They are all valid targets.

The Shaitan aren't stupid enough to pay us for a pirat doing pirate things in the middle of their enemies holdings.

Just let them team up with Bealla. A whale can't loot the ships it attacks, thanks to missing opposable thumbs. Thus she gets aid in her anti-whaling efforts and the pirates get easy marks and sone serious support. Their pay is whatever they can get their grubby hands on.

Meanwhile, they scout for valuable targets like Efreeti Nobles pleasure barges, military convoys or other fancy shit and call us when they got something. We will then haggle about the split on a case-by-case base.
And @Azel, I agree with Goldfish. Subcontractors take most of the profit if there's no risk or effort involved for their up-chain company. This is in effect free money for us, trickling into our coffers without us ever having to do anything.
And they don't need to know that we're being for this at all. From their perspective, we're hiring them to kill people. What they don't know is that we've been hired to do the same thing, and for a better price :D
I'm not saying his rates are bad. 80% to 90% would be perfectly fair, given that they do all the work.

I'm merely dubious that the Shaitan will pay him and us for doing stuff he would be doing anyway.