[X] Plan Magic Fighter : Focus on studying the second spell, along with using your healing in combat.
I can see what the arguments for increasing our primary stats and becoming a true tank is going for. However, I actually think that versatility is more important for us at the current moment since we're essentially trash tier compared to any real front line combatants. So having options to heal, engage from a distance and have spells that inflict great damage to certain opponent will benifit us more in the short-medium term.
I agree that overall stat focus on what we excel at is generally a meritable idea, I just think that in our particular circumstance when we don't know what we're facing against versatility should win the day.
[X] Sergeant Scratch. You don't think he likes you, it's scary but...try to ask him why that is.
I have a suspicion that its because we don't have a particularly desirable evolution chain, wheras Sparks can evolve into Sorcerymon eventually and Beat has an extremely variable set of useful evolutions he could have the potential for (given his current temperment even something like Flame Wizardmon may well be possible, if not Stingmon is still a versatile powerful champion). Meanwhile traditionally speaking, would be expected to only have the option of evolving into Drimogemon. A mon which is not particularly strong, is not particularly versatile and does not possess many, is any at all, what could be considered extremely useful abilities. Sergeant Scratch doesn't seem to have knowledge of our particularities as a mon (why should he? We look like a Drimogemon and we are indeed one), so he has likely brushed us over as something not worth training for what he'll get.
That being said, once he realises that we are quite likely not to follow into the most common form of digivolution he may pay more attention to us. While I'm not convinced that this will be the best idea necesarrily I'm interested to see what will happen. Maybe he'll actually include us into his training regime (although he wouldn't be able to try and plan our stats to encourage certain evolutions as he is almost certainly doing with Sparks and Beat).
Btw I didn't know this quest had a discord group, mind if I join?
Edit: Spelling mistakes