So, uh... Verge's body is weird. Like, from the start we have him being a rookie version of what's normally a champion species, and then he ends up with a weirdly developed body structure and odd proportions for a drimogemon. And from what's happening now, we've only seen the start of that weirdness. Plus his caps are apparently higher? Jeez, what is this guy?
So, uh... Verge's body is weird. Like, from the start we have him being a rookie version of what's normally a champion species, and then he ends up with a weirdly developed body structure and odd proportions for a drimogemon. And from what's happening now, we've only seen the start of that weirdness. Plus his caps are apparently higher? Jeez, what is this guy?

Well Verge is considered a mutant digimon, so stats and evolution chains will vary a bit. Plus there are quite a few digimon that will have to diverge from their canon evolution lines/stats due to plot reasons or a lack of information. Our Spideybois for example are considered bottom tier mooks in the main canon, and thus have a limited evolution chain, abysmal stats and essentially no personality other than hungry. Since a fair portion of the digimon we have in the spotlight were relatively obscure I think having some leeway to meddle around with their stat caps, evolution chains etc is very welcome. Plus it makes the whole narrative that much more uncertain and interesting :D
Well Verge is considered a mutant digimon, so stats and evolution chains will vary a bit. Plus there are quite a few digimon that will have to diverge from their canon evolution lines/stats due to plot reasons or a lack of information. Our Spideybois for example are considered bottom tier mooks in the main canon, and thus have a limited evolution chain, abysmal stats and essentially no personality other than hungry. Since a fair portion of the digimon we have in the spotlight were relatively obscure I think having some leeway to meddle around with their stat caps, evolution chains etc is very welcome. Plus it makes the whole narrative that much more uncertain and interesting :D
No, I mean...

Like, creating OC species to fill gaps in what we're given about an evolution line, or expanding on the very limited lore and movesets of some species is one thing, but stat caps for evolution are pretty standard for 95% of species it seems. Verge's level of mutant weirdness seems to be somewhat beyond the norm of what Sorcerymon was talking about, which sounds more like a meaningless, benign mutation caused by one or two glitches.
1st-2nd Days Of Light:
[] The Power to take them back.


I'm going to take them back. Lunamon. Thresh. I'll get the power to save you both.

After all:

Because, V_____, I've learned that is what matters above all.


What wakes you up from your deep, fatigue induced slumber is not a sound or a movement. Rather it's a sharp, nearly overwhelming pang of hunger that reverberates down to your very core. In response your remaining eye flutters open and rapidly starts flicking around. The first thing you spot under the shadow of the deep forest is the familiar form of Warren still resting upon your nose, but you ignore the In-Training digimon in favour of looking for something to sate the fire in your gut.

There are no meat plants or fruits around, but that doesn't matter. Bark of the digital tree is entirely digestible for Drimogemon.

Your rapidly revolving claws lash out into the nearest thick tree, gouging out the thick pieces of tough brown data before before carelessly shoving them into your open maw. Teeth, some sharp and some flat, grind and shred the material processing it into edible portions. You doubt you're getting much nutrition, it's better than starving. When the numbness sets back in exactly two-hundred and eighty-seven seconds later, your gums are leaking data and the thick tree you'd been resting under has been deprived of all the covering within your reach.

It's at this moment that you realize two things. The first is that judging from the pressure on your face, the KoDokugumon must have covered your wound again. The second is that you're no longer the only rookie who's awake and alert.

"Nononono, No! I was supposed to wake up!" With a small grunt, you wrench your strangely thin limbs away from the piece of forestry to look at Sparks and are surprised to see him coming towards you. The crazed digimon reaches out with his remaining arm and uses the waxy appendage to grab the thick fur on your chest.

"Tell me this isn't real!"

Your one eye looks down blankly at the fiery digimon, the ensuing silence is answer enough. His despairing wail echoes through the woods, the melancholic cry of a mon who's lost nearly everything.

The Candlemon's grab warps into into a sobbing hug as the rookie buries both of his heads into your fur. The flame and boiling tears are painful, but neither truly register.

"We're... We're all that's left. Just-just you and me. Flamemon, Fu, Gramps. They're all-They're all gone."

I'm going to rip them apart.

Sparks flinches back from your growl, his eyes widening, at first in fear at the sudden bout of aggression. However, this changes to confusion as he peers over towards the right side of your face.

"Verge, your eye. It's-it's different." The younger mon nervously mumbles "Red and… Blank. Verge can-can you hear me?"

Yes. I'm going to save them.

"Yes. I can." You reply, voice flat and entirely harsh.

Sparks flinches again at your answer, then looks down and... His fiery half begins to grin.

"Hehehehehe" A half-mad laugh erupts from his wax mouth "Heroes? Justice? Who were we kidding Verge?! We never had a chance!" The rookie's laugh continues on, eventually breaking off into a series of half-sobs as he hugs you again. It's here in this moment that you realize something. Whatever optimism and heroic beliefs that the rookie had are gone. The only thing that saves you from pain is the ever present fog.

"You're-you're all that's left."

=== Choose One:

[] You agree. Flamemon. Your hero. He failed. He died. The ideal you saw, what Flamemon wanted to be. It was never real. It never was. The justice he spoke of doesn't exist. No, you've been shown all that matters now, if you're going to save your family, is power.

[] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.


"I heard Gramps tell Flamemon where nearest the town was." Sparks' now bitter voice calls out, quiet enough to be easily missed. "We should go there."

"Okay." you nod, not really having a reason to refuse the rookie his wish. After making sure the KoDokugumon are secure, the two of you march away through the woods. Sparks uses the distant mountains as landmarks as he timidly leads the five of you around. He jumps at the occasional shadow, shrieks when he accidentally brushes up against a branch and entirely shuts down the first time a feral rookie cross your path. Despite the fact that the odd lizard digimon runs away the moment after seeing you, Sparks refuses to move on until he's *absolutely sure* that it's gone.

Something about the act is familiar, but through the mental blur you don't care enough to think about what that actually is.

The rest of the day goes by with a few similar incidents and even a portion where you're forced to carry the exhausted Candlemon due to his lack of stamina, but overall passes very quickly. Neither of you talk much; there's nothing pleasant to discuss.

Your hunger continues to grow throughout it all and you try to sate yourself on bark again like the morning. Only this time, the surrounding trees are older, stronger and somehow too tough for your drills to meaningfully pierce. You go to sleep hungry and it's only worse the next morning. Sparks never complains about his own hunger despite his own rumbling stomach, as he seems to be focused entirely on the goal of journeying to the town. You're pretty sure from the occasional lance of pain from your back that Warren and his brothers are consuming bits and pieces of your fur and skin.

During the second day you're lucky enough to come across a single piece of meat growing from the ground. It's not enough to sate the hole in your gut, but at least it stop your limbs from growing any thinner.(Just how long were you asleep before?)

The constant fog hanging around your mind starts to retract, even if if only ever so slightly. The slight leak of emotion that isn't anger brings a deep pain to your core with it, one that simply refuses to go away.

At one point during the later afternoon, the two of you manage to cross out of the ever forest and into a stretch of rocky hills completely free of vegetation of any sort, which leads to Sparks finally proclaiming that the two of you must be close. For the first time in two days you feel a sense of elation, even if only barely.

The two of you continue on into the evening with Sparks in a slightly more cheery mood. Until the two of you spot something horrifying. The rapidly growing shadow of a humanoid figure with wings.



When you come to a minute later, you realize your claws have been spinning very fast without you noticing, causing the rocky ground around you to be torn asunder. More pressingly, Sparks is nowhere in sight. For a brief moment you panic, then a rod of golden metal plants itself in front of you face. After a single blink, the fog returns, leaving you to look up and coldly examine the figure in front of you.

"Greetings travelers!" The angelic figure calls down, sounding somehow giddy of all things. "By the holy lord it looks like the two of you have gone through a lot!" He pauses for a minute as Warren and his two brothers let out hisses. "Hyukhyuk, sorry. Five of you" He peers closer, tilting his head ever so slightly. "I've never seen digimon like you guys before!" He reaches back behind his belt with his free hand and then a moment later brings out a loaf of what looks like travel bread. "Here! You guys look like you're hungry!"

"Who-who are you?" Sparks questions, his voice alerting you to the rookie's position several feet back.

"Me!? I'm Pidmon! Warrior of the Righteous Blessed Hos-!" You lunge forward and open your mouth, a moment later your teeth come flashing down, grabbing the loaf from his hands and yanking it free. The tall angel digimon takes a step back as you devour the offered food, then after a second shrugs. "Hyuk, I'm glad to see you like it! For those that walk in god's light charity is an important virtue!"

Your stomach lets out another pained growl.

"Oh? I-uh. That was all I had..." Piddomon mumbles sadly before letting out an audible cough, his earlier enthusiasm somewhat deflated. "So! Why are you guys here? I mean you're not feral and it's rare to see a champion with a rookie so..."

"He-he's not a champion" Sparks answers, "Our-our.... Our village was destroyed."

"God's divine breath, he's a rookie?" Piddomon questions taken aback by your friends comment. "Oh-crap! And your village was destroyed!"

Yes it was. I'm going to delete the one who did it.

"It was. They deleted or took everyone else." You add in, your one eye coming into focus to glare off into the sky.

I won't let it stand

"Oh that. Wow, that sucks." Pidmon answers, his tone getting weirdly informal for but a brief moment. "Then it is our great god's blessing that I found you this day! The mayor will want to hear about this!" He looks down once again. "I can take you to the town. Madame Frigimon runs a place for rookies like you!"

Sparks answer catches in his throat and he stumbles over actually replying, leaving you to actually answer him.

Yes. I'll find Gnaw. He can help me get stronger so we can save them.


"Great! " He shouts pulling out his rod and moving to slide it onto his belt. "Hmm. By the divine grace of our lord, did a Sorcerymon visit your village? He was supposed to come a few weeks ago, but never showed up!"

Sorcerymon. Yes. He was there. And he never left.

"Count and Repulsa deleted him." you growl.


"That. Holy crap that isn't good!" The champion(?) hastily lunges forward in a burst of speed, wrapping both Sparks and yourself in his arms. Being crushed again is not a pleasant experience, but you can't struggle lest it accidentally squish one of the KoDokugumon. "I have to tell him fast!" With that he launches himself of the ground and begins rapidly flapping his wings.

The following hour allows you to get your first of actual flying, and it's far different from your early memories where Flamemon hung you off the tops of trees. No, this is certainly worse. Even through the mental haze you can't help but feel slightly scared. Sparks is a lot more violent about his fears, screaming himself hoarse and even crying a little before finally choosing to follow your example. The spiderlings choose to barely move, being careful to stay as deeply entrenched in your thick fur as possible.

Still, you privately admit the flight and his speed as a champion allows the digimon to move through ridiculous amounts of space in a short amount of time. When you finally open your eyes, it's to the sight of Piddomon flying down into a sprawling town. Your eyes spot a total of fifty-eight different buildings placed around the cleared off area near the edge of the rocky area, along with a massive wooden wall easily ten times the height and width of what your village had around it. Unfortunately, you're unable to count the sheer quantity of digimon milling about the area.

Piddomon settles down near the edge of the wall in front of the fourth biggest building in town, then takes a deep breath.

"Thank the lord we've arrived. I thought my arm might give out! For someone so skinny you're really heavy!" The angel exclaims and you have a feeling he's not referring to sparks. "Just go through those doors! Frigimon should be somewhere inside. Since you're rookies Madame Frigimon will make sure get food and a proper place to sleep!" With that Piddomon turns around and leaps into the air. "Oh! And god bless you!" The champions voice rapidly begins to fade as gets farther and farther away.

Sparks leans up against, his wax body trembling.

"Can-can we trust him Verge?" Sparks asks timidly. "He said he was part of the-the blessed host?"

... I don't know. They're all going to die.

===Choose One:

[] "Yes." Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.

[] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.


Just as the two of you begin to approach the door, a small very much crying digimon throws the portal open and bursts out.

"Waaaaah! I didn't mean it! Beat! Beat! Help me Beat! Waaaaah!"

She's followed out just a few seconds later by a trio of angry looking rookies. The last of them reminds you strangely of Gnaw's rookie form, albeit quite a bit brighter.

"Get her!"

"Buzz. Teach that Otamamon a lesson Buzz, Buzz"

"Grr. I can't believe you guys fell for it!"

Sparks stops shivering as the four digimon run past, then lets out a disgusted Scoff.

"Hrmph. Come on Verge. Let's go"

=== Choose One:

[] It's not your business. Just go. You have more important things to do.

[] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.

===Stat Gains: Bonus Points. (Special, Strength, Agility) And Regular Endurance.
  • Strength: 114.50->116.25
  • Fortitude: 124.00
  • Endurance: 106.50->108.25
  • Agility: 94.50->96.00
  • Special: 42.25->44.25
  • Spirit: 37.00
Talent Gain: Special F+++->E (X2 Growth)

===Authors Note:

Just a few posts from part 1. Beta'd by @no.
Last edited:
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.

Our idol and hero had fallen. We will carry on their torch. Believe in the Flamemon who believed in us!
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.

[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.

[X] It's not your business. Just go. You have more important things to do.
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.

Truth betold I want to leave the kid alone, but that go against my first choice.

Talent Gain: Special F+++->E (X2 Growth)

Darn it! Dno was right about the choices being stats! How annoying. Hope we don't go for a magic build.
Last edited:
Solid update, I like how you're portraying Sparks. A young rookie who's had his worldview shattered, trying to cope. It is wrong that I'm glad Flamemon died? I feel like it's added a certain gravity to the situation, an emotional weight.

[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.

As we made a promise to our friends, and I will be damned if we let their dream die.

Also, reflex mother bear mode is a go, all the babies will be protected!

Oh gods, are we becoming the shirou of mon?

As now that I look at this votes and our background, a scary amount of similarities crop up, you know?
As now that I look at this votes and our background, a scary amount of similarities crop up, you know?
Not really no. Mainly A. Verge actually cares about his life. B. Verge is very reliant on people. and C. Shirou doesn't have nearly as much Wrath as Verge. Theres others but these were some of the easily noticeable.

Also voters have a tendency to go with save options.
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.

Time to be a hero, a really really scary angry hero.
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
[X] You agree. Flamemon. Your hero. He failed. He died. The ideal you saw, what Flamemon wanted to be. It was never real. It never was. The justice he spoke of doesn't exist. No, you've been shown all that matters now, if you're going to save your family, is power.

Someone photoshop Verge as Verg(e)il.

[X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.

This place strikes me as a town with a dark secret.

[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.

No reason not to I suppose. This would also be a good time to learn the strength of your typical city-born rookie.

What's really odd is that Verge is noted as being thin, something he never remotely was before. I highly doubt it's malnourishment; he was almost certainly not asleep for more than 24 hours after he collapsed, and immediately upon waking up he notes that his limbs are thinner than he's used to, to a point that it's odd. And since no one else was noted as having gotten thinner, it couldn't have been an unnatutally long sleep either.

No, what I think happened is that the trauma of what happened caused Verge to mutate further, hence the Talent-up, and this made him go through an unnatural super-fast growth spurt, and his fat and muscles haven't caught up yet.


Simon the Digger.
Kamina just died

I don't really agree with this. While Flamemon definitely takes a lot of inspiration from Kamina, and Verge with a lesser extent from Simon, what's happening here is quite different than how Simon reacted to Kamina's death.
Last edited:
[X] You agree. Flamemon. Your hero. He failed. He died. The ideal you saw, what Flamemon wanted to be. It was never real. It never was. The justice he spoke of doesn't exist. No, you've been shown all that matters now, if you're going to save your family, is power.
[X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.
[X] It's not your business. Just go. You have more important things to do.

Going on full Vergil here.
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
[X] You agree. Flamemon. Your hero. He failed. He died. The ideal you saw, what Flamemon wanted to be. It was never real. It never was. The justice he spoke of doesn't exist. No, you've been shown all that matters now, if you're going to save your family, is power.
Honestly, with how his heroism ended up getting him killed I can see why most would consider his ideals a failure.

[X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.
Trust is earned, we've just met these people so let's not be hasty here just yet at least.

[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
Behold the common bullies, time to see if we can redirect how things go here :V
[X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
[X] "Yes." Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
[X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Aug 24, 2018 at 12:38 AM, finished with 21 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
    [X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
    [X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
    [X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.
    [X] You agree. Flamemon. Your hero. He failed. He died. The ideal you saw, what Flamemon wanted to be. It was never real. It never was. The justice he spoke of doesn't exist. No, you've been shown all that matters now, if you're going to save your family, is power.
    [X] It's not your business. Just go. You have more important things to do.
    [X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
    [X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
    [X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Aug 24, 2018 at 3:41 AM, finished with 24 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
    [X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
    [X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
    [X] You agree. Flamemon. Your hero. He failed. He died. The ideal you saw, what Flamemon wanted to be. It was never real. It never was. The justice he spoke of doesn't exist. No, you've been shown all that matters now, if you're going to save your family, is power.
    [X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.
    [X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
    [X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
    [X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.
    [X] It's not your business. Just go. You have more important things to do.
    [X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.
    [X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.
    [X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
    [X] You agree. Flamemon. Your hero. He failed. He died. The ideal you saw, what Flamemon wanted to be. It was never real. It never was. The justice he spoke of doesn't exist. No, you've been shown all that matters now, if you're going to save your family, is power.
    [X] "No." We don't know him, or anyone else here.
    [X] It's not your business. Just go. You have more important things to do.
    [X] You disagree. Flamemon fought and died for you, because of you. You'll be damned if you just let that go! Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your promise to him. His ideals were never yours but... They weren't wrong.

    [X] "Yes" Sorcerymon trusted them and he sacrificed himself for us. We should have... Faith.

    [X] Try and chase after them. They could be trying to delete her.
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Aug 24, 2018 at 3:42 AM, finished with 24 posts and 14 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Aug 24, 2018 at 8:34 AM, finished with 25 posts and 15 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Aug 24, 2018 at 4:03 PM, finished with 39 posts and 21 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Aug 24, 2018 at 4:29 PM, finished with 39 posts and 21 votes.
I don't really agree with this. While Flamemon definitely takes a lot of inspiration from Kamina, and Verge with a lesser extent from Simon, what's happening here is quite different than how Simon reacted to Kamina's death.

Its more complex yes. Simon was The Kid, he fell to let everyone else do everything.

Verge is the last teen left of a crew of kids. He can't collapse even if he wanted to.