Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

"Then I'll just quit." You blink at her in shock, and the leader of the Protectorate is caught equally off-guard at that comment. "I'm one of eleven Shaker 9s in North America, and I have four years of experience being a cape. If the Protectorate doesn't want my skills, I'm sure I can find another team that will, and you'd be rid of a troublesome Ward who won't stop complaining about how things are being run. Problem solved."

Chevalier slowly turns to you, and you raise your hands to ward off any accusations. This was not your doing! Not directly, anyway, and not intentionally. It just so happens that you are doing things in the Brockton Bay style as an independent, and that is the lifestyle Missy wants.
...Well then. Missy's dissatisfaction choose an inconvenient moment to finally boil over. Hope that awkward situation we've inadvertently caused can be smoothed over.

"Like literally unmasking him. Bring Coil in in full costume, then pull off the mask to show Calvert's face. It would be hard to argue against that, particularly with both Dragon and myself standing right behind you."
Time to go full Scooby-Doo? :V

[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

Crazy Bomb tinker needs to go first. She could wreck Chicago all by herself if pressed or angered.
[x] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

How much do we want to take her alive?
Slagging her workshop around her and fishing her out of the cooling crater is a legit strategy, right?
My first impulse is to go for Calvert cause I feel that 'Coil' in his base is more likely to be a body double, and I don't want to let him slip away. But SW has said that Coil is going to be dealt with, and since Chevi knows about Coil now he has the opportunity to deal with it on his end.
Also this
Coil doesn't know that we know his civilian identity. As such, the loss of surprise doesn't hurt our ability to ambush him as Calvert. Worse, if we let Bakuda prepare then she'll go bugfuck and kill hundreds of people. We have to get her first.
For how much I want to deal with Coil as quickly as possible, for how much he has a chance of hiding again... Fuck, I don't think that even Coil can fuck up more lives than a Bakuda off her leash.
All of this. Plus I think that fighting Bakuda is what will lead to us unlocking a new spell and I want that.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

Going after Calvert in civilian is bound to cause more problems than is worth, since after that'd it be difficult linking him to his crimes as Coil.

Going after Coil, though, even if he's on the back foot when defending, means to deal with all his cape assets and that's taking into consideration we isolate him with Recursion Field.

The issue with both those options is the chance Bakuda strikes at us from the back the moment Coil gives the call.

Crazy Bomb tinker needs to go first. She could wreck Philly all by herself if pressed or angered.

Bakuda would be the more clear heroic option. Prevent as much damage and casualties as possible. However, Calvert probably'd get away, and even if he lost his position at the PRT he's still got all his other assets and even less preventing him from surprise bombing Taylor. He would be deprived of Bakuda, but he still can do a lot of damage.
[x] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

Coil can't slip away, he doesn't know that we know his identity so if he tries to move, we just need to follow Calvert's tracks.
[x] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

We go after Bakuda, and we still have a good chance for Coil to assume that he's still under the radar.

Bakuda needs to go down hard before she has a chance to let loose. Calvert can wait.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

Coil doesn't know that we know but wouldn't be surprised that we go after bakuda
[X] Calvert – Coil wants to attack you at home when you're out of costume? You can return the favor. Hit him in the one place he isn't looking: his own civilian identity.

Because while Bakuda is a dangerios egomaniac... shes a egomaniac under Coil's thumb. Shes not going to come for us if we cut him out and leave her. Hell, shell probably send us a gift basket... that might not even explode! Shes certainly not going to go ballistic on us for freeing her.
Adhoc vote count started by ChaoticSky on May 28, 2018 at 6:07 PM, finished with 15735 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Calvert – Coil wants to attack you at home when you're out of costume? You can return the favor. Hit him in the one place he isn't looking: his own civilian identity.

Because while Bakuda is a dangerios egomaniac... shes a egomaniac under Coil's thumb. Shes not going to come for us if we cut him out and leave her. Hell, shell probably send us a gift basket... that might not even explode! Shes certainly not going to go ballistic on us for freeing her.
Are you sure? Because she might go for a party popper.
Shes not going to come for us if we cut him out and leave her. Hell, shell probably send us a gift basket... that might not even explode! Shes certainly not going to go ballistic because we freed her from Coil.
Some assumptions here, like her being enslaved. Also, he is a great source of money and material for her to develop new types of bombs, so thinking that she would be thrilled to be cut off from such a provider is in great error imo.
Some assumptions here, like her being enslaved. Also, he is a great source of money and material for her to develop new types of bombs, so thinking that she would be thrilled to be cut off from such a provider is in great error imo.
Personally, the problem with Bakuda is that she is entirely off the rocker. If she gets off of Coil's leash, the only reasonable thing you can expect of her is a huge mess, because she has no darn planning skills of her own. Hell, she'll probably try to assemble her own gang by implanting random people with bombs only a few days after Coil gets taken down.
Because while Bakuda is a dangerios egomaniac... shes a egomaniac under Coil's thumb. Shes not going to come for us if we cut him out and leave her. Hell, shell probably send us a gift basket... that might not even explode! Shes certainly not going to go ballistic on us for freeing her.
Are you sure? Because she might go for a party popper.
Some assumptions here, like her being enslaved. Also, he is a great source of money and material for her to develop new types of bombs, so thinking that she would be thrilled to be cut off from such a provider is in great error imo.
Coil is a much better manipulator than Lung is, a much better long-term planner, and extremely risk-averse. His entire power is to mitigate risk. Why make a dangerous egomaniac an enemy when working as her indulgent patron is so much more profitable (and safer)?
Because while Bakuda is a dangerios egomaniac... shes a egomaniac under Coil's thumb. Shes not going to come for us if we cut him out and leave her. Hell, shell probably send us a gift basket... that might not even explode! Shes certainly not going to go ballistic on us for freeing her.

Coil has more ways to recruit people that aren't kidnapping people. Give her the money and space to build her shit, and Bakuda would prolly work for anyone.

Cutting off that resource would prolly annoy her. Not only that, but she knows Taylor's ID and will know why she went after Calvert, so Bakuda might just decide to do a preemptive attack to get rid of Taylor before they come after her.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

As it's been said Bakuda isn't a paticular strong strategic thinker and I wouldn't put it passed her to do something like kick the entire board over if we leave her alone her to long. Better nip it the bud before she does something like bomb an entire city.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
If we take the larger 'public safety' issues into account, the priority target is
[X] Bakuda
since if we leave her alone, she would have the time and mindset to build bombs that would class as city-busters or all the way up to planet-killer warheads, depending on the amount of time and resources she has access to. Coil/Calvert on the other hand is best dealt with by overloading his timeline splitting ability.
[x] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

tl;dr for my argument: Bakuda is Coil's big stick (at least so far as we know) so first we take away his stick, then we go for the throat. No sense in going for Coil or Calvert for him to trip a failsafe and then we have to have to play with a Bakuda who wants her Coil-sempai released or else she expands Lake Michigan.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on May 30, 2018 at 3:56 PM, finished with 15799 posts and 50 votes.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

Coil/Calvert, as a Thinker, requires resources. Bakuda is going to be one of his biggest resources (besides the PRT itself), and is also one of the most potentially dangerous ones as well.
The Smart choice is Bakuda. But the fun choice is his Civi ID. Though...given his colossal douchyness in cannon, chances are pretty good that capturing him will cause his base to explode and any recalcitrant capes he's wrangling to get squished. So TT and very probably Bakuda.

[x] Calvert – Coil wants to attack you at home when you're out of costume? You can return the favor. Hit him in the one place he isn't looking: his own civilian identity.

If I'm wrong and Bakuda goes free, well, she's NOT subtle. And I know there's no way I can convince anyone to save Tats and keep her around for the Mage Roll, so this works out nicely.
Coil is a much better manipulator than Lung is, a much better long-term planner, and extremely risk-averse. His entire power is to mitigate risk. Why make a dangerous egomaniac an enemy when working as her indulgent patron is so much more profitable (and safer)?
Because HE'S a dangerous Egomaniac who's needlessly cruel for shits and giggles? Granted he typically keeps it to dropped timelines, but often enough he does it in the cannon timeline. Given Bakuda's own particular instabilities, it wouldn't be particularly surprising for them to be antagonistic with a relationship similar to Undersiders Lisa. Only with a tighter collar.
Adhoc vote count started by Solusandra on May 28, 2018 at 7:22 PM, finished with 15746 posts and 20 votes.
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[X] Coil – You may have been hurt by Coil's dirty trick, but there are rules for capes, and you won't stoop to his level. Bring him to his knees and pretend to be surprised about who he really is.

Taking Coil in civilian identity is just futile unless we want to pull an extrajudicial execution.
Taking Bakuda first means Coil will go to ground again and good luck hunting him.
Well... If Calvert is in a meeting, then he might not be able to respond quickly to Bakuda getting taken down.
The thing we have to remember is that Coil has already split the timeline. Whichever we go after, Coil or Calvert, he'll wind up being in the other place. Which will probably work out fine, Calvert doesn't show to the meeting so we crash his base, or he's actually at the meeting thinking he's safe there when we crash his base, not knowing we're on our way there.

As much as I hate to say it, Bakuda's probably the best option. If she's at the base, that'll promt the dropping of the Coil timeline to avoid being caught too, so we narrow his field of escape to 'stayed at the meeting' or 'left early to run'.