Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Tune that down for incompatible capes, I'd assume about 40 capes a pop.
I knew I was forgetting something!

I figure about half of any random sampling of capes would probably fail to be drawn in due to the various restrictions so those numbers should come down to around 36 capes. That's still quite a lot of capes being randomly drawn in. Even if we exclude say ten due to being the actual desired participants (IE: our side + the enemies) that still puts a lot of innocent bystander capes being sucked in.
So with all this statistics-based talk on the side effects of Recursion Field's giant range, the question is..... is that risk meant to be an intentional limiter on its effectiveness, to keep us from using it every time? (Well, it "worked" in that fight vs the Four). And if it is not.... why is it that we are unable to adjust the desired range of the field the way we sometimes adjust other spell variables? Would it be unbalanced if we could create a smaller field if we choose, with that being the maximum range? At the very least adjusting it down to a certain minimum range (even if thats hundreds of feet) to still carry the risk of interfering with on-screen nearby fights (say, the risk involved when Brutes got left behind to face unpowered Mooks when we took down the E88, or similar worries using it versus Purity in the Brockton Breakout) without a worry of affecting "off-screen" people like the statistics talk suggests.
I'm half in favor of calling up Alexandria or Legend (probably Legend since IC he's the highest person on the totem pole that we know), telling them about who Coil is and what he's done (emphasizing the whole tried to assassinate us thing), telling them that we consider the PRT and Protectorate to be guilty parties in letting this bastard go free, probably hint that we consider them personally to blame since they've been in leadership positions since the very start and doubtlessly were aware of the Calvert situation and even if they weren't it still happened under them, telling them that there is a likelihood that this could get nasty thanks to Bakuda, and telling them that we are launching our attack in X minutes with or without official assistance. We're not happy with the PRT and Protectorate at the moment, so Taylor being so aggressive and combative in talking to them is plausible, especially if she considers Legend/Alexandria to hold some personal blame in this. It probably isn't the best idea, however tempting though.

The combination of Coil's connections and Bakuda's involvement means this could get really nasty for us, so having high authority on our side is a must.

I'm still rather annoyed about how we've basically been railroaded by SA into the current situation. We could've started taking action against Coil the minute we figured out it was him who tried to kill us, but instead we sat around doing essentially jack shit in regards to him. All it would've taken is phoning Miss Militia (who doesn't even sleep) and telling her we recovered security footage of Coil's people planting the bomb (and sending the footage to her, she would be familiar with his operations from BB and recognize the mercenaries). Or we could've brought up Coil, an out-of-town-villain, and his deeds at the meeting that was about dealing with out-of-town-villains.
Your fundamentally missing the issue. Note you've established you did put in the types of parahumans that get dragged in. This is the 'Why' and 'How' of 'Who' gets sucked into that field in that FAQ. The paranoia issue is largely with this line:
I would like to point out that you are the first and only person to point out an issue with the range. Not that you're wrong about it, but the other people complaining about confusion were talking about the cape classification.

That said…
So with all this statistics-based talk on the side effects of Recursion Field's giant range, the question is..... is that risk meant to be an intentional limiter on its effectiveness, to keep us from using it every time? (Well, it "worked" in that fight vs the Four). And if it is not.... why is it that we are unable to adjust the desired range of the field the way we sometimes adjust other spell variables? Would it be unbalanced if we could create a smaller field if we choose, with that being the maximum range? At the very least adjusting it down to a certain minimum range (even if thats hundreds of feet) to still carry the risk of interfering with on-screen nearby fights (say, the risk involved when Brutes got left behind to face unpowered Mooks when we took down the E88, or similar worries using it versus Purity in the Brockton Breakout) without a worry of affecting "off-screen" people like the statistics talk suggests.
The range was not meant to be a limiter on its applicability. It was so you would know how big the "arena" you have to fight in is based on how large it appeared to be in canon. The only time it was used to suck everybody in was during the Empire extermination.

A smaller intake field is certainly feasible and kind of what I was doing on my own, come to think of it.
population of Chicago was at 2.705 million and 5% of those have linker cores on average.
Is the assumption that non-capes with dormant/inactive cores get pulled in a valid one though?
Inactive Linker Cores are not affected by Recursion Field. I did that specifically to avoid determining which capes or no capes were potential mages.
In no way serious(like I actually have to say it) Omake:
Oh, Oruzhiye. *shakes head* Good enough for a point, though. Where would you like it?
I'm still rather annoyed about how we've basically been railroaded by SA into the current situation. We could've started taking action against Coil the minute we figured out it was him who tried to kill us, but instead we sat around doing essentially jack shit in regards to him. All it would've taken is phoning Miss Militia (who doesn't even sleep) and telling her we recovered security footage of Coil's people planting the bomb (and sending the footage to her, she would be familiar with his operations from BB and recognize the mercenaries). Or we could've brought up Coil, an out-of-town-villain, and his deeds at the meeting that was about dealing with out-of-town-villains.
You're annoyed that I gave some structure to this mess so you could focus just on the Coil issue? That I provided enough time for it to be feasible that Storm could gather the information and find out where Coil is rather than leaving you to ineffectually scream "Lemme at him, lemme at him, I don't know where he is but I'm gonna kill him"? That I'm giving you a fight with him rather than having her pass the information along to the Protectorate and sit twiddling her thumbs? That I'm avoiding the drama of letting you unmask yourself to the two major villain groups in Philly?

Fine. Be pissed. Whatever.
So would "this dirt Calvert knows may affect some high end capes like the Triumvirate and they may want to shut him up too" be reason enough to run to Alexandria?
Inactive Linker Cores are not affected by Recursion Field. I did that specifically to avoid determining which capes or no capes were potential mages.
aww....thats no fun!

Is this a thing in canon, or is it glossed-over/forgotten-by-the-mangaka?
Adhoc vote count started by Solusandra on May 22, 2018 at 4:23 PM, finished with 15617 posts and 40 votes.
Well, there was a case when Nanoha's muggle friends for some inexplicable reason found themselves inside the field, and so Nanoha and Fate were forced to protect them against rampaging Reinforce...
I would like to point out that you are the first and only person to point out an issue with the range. Not that you're wrong about it, but the other people complaining about confusion were talking about the cape classification.


Ah, yeah, that's both a larger field than I was expecting and a smaller town. When we use the Recursion Field, does it have to be centered on Taylor? Do we have to make it the full 4 mile radius? Also, does it create a dome or a sphere?

I asked more than a year ago, thank you, during the fun with Kaiser.
[X] Dragon
[X] Vista
[X] Cailleach

The way I see it, Dragon is in our corner, and so is Vista.
As for Cailleach, she seems to take the sanctity of one's civilian identity seriously (she unmasked to us without any awareness on our part), and we seem to have a smallish amount of good rapport. She will help us to send a message that civilian identity should not be targeted, and that villains will help with punishing the guilty.
Adhoc vote count started by Faraway-R on May 22, 2018 at 1:30 PM, finished with 119 posts and 37 votes.
[X] Dragon
[X] Chevalier
[X] Miss Militia

Fixing my vote up a bit. I'm still for getting at least some of the protectorate in this, and I trust the GM not to screw everything up for us massively. Only a little bit.
aww....thats no fun!

Is this a thing in canon, or is it glossed-over/forgotten-by-the-mangaka?
Well, there was a case when Nanoha's muggle friends for some inexplicable reason found themselves inside the field, and so Nanoha and Fate were forced to protect them against rampaging Reinforce...
In canon, random people with Linker Cores could be pulled in if Nanoha's friends were any indication. I just decided I didn't want to deal with that wrinkle on top of everything else. :)

I asked more than a year ago, thank you, during the fun with Kaiser.
Alright, yes, you did.
The way I see it, Dragon is in our corner, and so is Vista.
As for Cailleach, she seems to take the sanctity of one's civilian identity seriously (she unmasked to us without any awareness on our part), and we seem to have a smallish amount of good rapport. She will help us to send a message that civilian identity should not be targeted, and that villains will help with punishing the guilty.
Given the enormous lead Vista has, I am wondering as to what the general consensus is wrt Coil: Throwing him into the slammer, or indulging in vengeance and Ending him? Because performing the latter in front of her gives her the ability to call out our hypocrisy. Just a thought.
[X] Dragon
[X] Vista
[X] Cailleach

I'd be prepared to swap dragon out for Tim since I think we should have at least one tech expert and I'm not terribly picky as to who, but aside from that...
I'd just like to remind people of something:
"It was delivered along with this." You hand the note over and let him read through it, continuing only when he looks back up at you. "I found these in my house. More accurately, in my bedroom. I shouldn't have to explain why this is a problem."

There is the look of abject fury you expected. Vista and Kid Win explained the Unwritten Rules to you that time you went on patrol with them, and while you still have issues with how they let villains run free, now that it is your identity that has been violated, you can understand their necessity a little better. Rage burns within you, just waiting for the right target.

After a moment, he shakes his head. "I will get to the bottom of this, Calamity Witch, of that you have my word. It may take some time, though. For anyone to target the two of you in your civilian identities, they are either out of their minds or they have taken steps to protect themselves."
"I suppose that's true. If you change your mind, my door is always open, as I'm sure Miss Militia's is, too." He sends you a serious expression. "We'll find out who this is, Calamity Witch. You have my word on that."
Chevalier was very serious about protecting our secret identity when Epoch showed up. Why are people doubting him now?
Given the enormous lead Vista has, I am wondering as to what the general consensus is wrt Coil: Throwing him into the slammer, or indulging in vengeance and Ending him? Because performing the latter in front of her gives her the ability to call out our hypocrisy. Just a thought.
I am fine with tossing him in jail. Not gonna care a great deal if he catches a case of dead though, he knew what he was doing when he broke the rules so its all on him.
Adhoc vote count started by ChaoticSky on May 22, 2018 at 4:02 PM, finished with 127 posts and 40 votes.
Huh? Why in the world do you think this is a thing? And more importantly, after spending almost 3 months in the same city, don't you think that even if there were an interaction, they would know how to avoid it?

I only mentioned it because some space-warping effects can negatively effect objects that Chevalier has used his powers on resulting in the separation of merged objects, according to the wiki, with Enbringer cores and Lily (Flechette) being cited specifically. Of course, now it occurs to me that if Missy is actually capable of triggering such an effect in this quest, weaponizing it might prove interesting.

Cannonblade shell(beanbag round + tear gas + 10 containment foam grenades + 1 flashbang + 5 lbs of down feathers) + Thomas Calvert's groin / Missy's space warping during impact = X.

I'm not sure what the value of X is, but I'm 78% certain that it involves an injured testicle.
@Silently Watches
Can I vote for only two choices since I have no idea who else we can/should take while leaving the third slot open for the rest of the voters to decide?
[X] Chevalier
[X] Miss Militia
[X] Epoch
[X] If the first two win, I'd recommend getting another protectorate member instead of Vista.
[X] Vista
[X] Have Vista invite other Wards who are also going stir crazy, possibly somebody like Clockblocker, but not limited to him.

We really need to recruit more people, at least enough for a full sentai team + Tim for support.

My problem with the choices is as follows:
  • Cailleach
    Cailleach is a villain, and one we don't really know well. Teaming up with her doesn't seem appropriate.
  • Miss Militia and the rest of the Protectorate
    Miss Militia is a member of the protectorate. She'll want to do things by the book, and that means not going charging in half-cocked but to gather the evidence and get a warrant to search his base.
    The same pretty much applies to the entire protectorate, and that plan to delay and get evidence has been nixed by @Silently Watches.
  • Vista, probably the best choice of the bunch, she is a Ward, the junior Protectorate team. Taking her, especially to another city to essentially break the law is probably going to cause problems. If it was an emergency, such if this were back in Brockton Bay and we just saw Diana Alcott kidnapped and taken to the lair, we might get away with it, but in this case, doing it by the book might be better.
  • Epoch, and the rest of the Adepts.
    We don't really have enough of a report with them yet to ask for a favor. We haven't recruited them yet, though I was in favor of doing so with most of them.
  • TSAB members.
    This is out of their jurisdiction, a strictly local matter, and we don't have a good enough relationship with them to ask for help. The Endbringers are one thing, this is another.
    Especially since we are bypassing the local law enforcement to do it. Again, see the argument for the Protectorate members.
  • Dragon
    Turning Dragon into a device probably removed the geas to always obey the law, but she is still a founding member of The Guild, and thus has the same issues as the Protectorate on following the law and doing things by the book.
  • Other. I can't really think of many others we can call on. Maybe if we take Vista she can get some other Wards to join the assault, like Clockblocker. We just don't have a good enough relationship with anybody else to call upon their aid for something like this.
    If it was "I'm under attack and need backup", or "I found where the kidnapped person is, help me get them back", we could call upon Miss Militia and probably the rest of the Protectorate.
The real problem is that we haven't been recruiting an army of mages, or at least a sentai team, and we're bad at making friends. We really need to focus on getting more allies.
This is actually the first time in a long while where having the Privateers would have been extremely useful. I'd have voted for them if they hadn't just fallen apart.
Seriously, this would have been a perfect use for them.
Although I honestly do not see how we could have used them more than we did, and there just wasn't enough time to manage them.

Also, the thing about doing things by the book is because from the perspective of the law enforcement people, there is no urgency such as an ongoing attack (as opposed to a campaign, which most definitely is ongoing) or a kidnapped person. Thus, they have the time to do things properly so it would stick.
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Can I vote for only two choices since I have no idea who else we can/should take while leaving the third slot open for the rest of the voters to decide?
Of course. You can vote for as many or as few people as you want. I'm going to take the three most popular choices (assuming there are at least three choices who qualify).
I just wanted to be sure my vote would not be "only bring two people" as opposed to "these two, but I can't decide who else to invite".