Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I still don't really get how this whole arc doesn't end up as hanging around PRT HQ in Philly or Chicago (switch it up since we don't know if he just went home for a meeting or not) and the second we find him we blast him in the face, wave the evidence in front of the PRT, sedate him and MRI to check for a Gemma then walk away, I mean unless we actually want him as a paste on the floor and not just a non-lethal takedown.
Because that'd be boring as shit to write? And read? And it doesn't solve the problem of the mad bomber he has in his employ who would still be running around?
As funny as it would be to invite Chevi out for some greasy burgers
...We're in Philly. Cheesesteaks or GET OUT. :p
…You're headed to Chicago. You'd be grabbing some deep-dish pizza. :p
...We're in Philly. Cheesesteaks or GET OUT. :p
Yes, but our character is a native of Brockton Bay where it was traditional for people her age to go for burgers at a place like Fugly Bob's.
With her, Clockblocker, Vista, and Glory Girl, it would be in-character to suggest greasy burgers. I'm not so sure about Miss Militia as she did not grow up in Brockton Bay. Tim, Kurt, and Lacy probably would be the same.
For everybody else, who is a native of Philly, you would be correct.

As for the pizza, I think Due's is underrated. It rarely makes the top 10, only the top 25. Perhaps you can have them try some of that.

I live in the NW suburbs of Chicago, so I don't get to the city proper that much, in spite of living in walking distance of the train line to the Northwest Station.
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it's baby's first vote

[x] Vista
[x] Dragon
[x] Cailleach
[x] Epoch
[x] Chevalier
[x] Miss Militia

A lady of the Calamity Witch's stature should never be without her posse. Epoch at least deserves consideration because more mages == more fun. The (nominal) adults in the Philly cast would be handy for CYA in the cleanup but "oh hey, remember that bit where that one apartment block blew up? Funny story: turns out some dirty SOB supervillian used his pet Thinker to figure out my civilian ID and then used his pet Tinker to blow up my place. Oh, and he's a ranking PRT official, too. I'm headed over to his place to engage in some turnabout, want in?" is probably a little too much for them to absorb in the time frame specified.

...and this is a tangent from the vote but how is it that none of you mooks have done a Dragon-meets-Reinforce omake yet?
actually can we bring back samples from Bakuda's workshop to get Tim a point of inspiration for Exotic Physics >_> ?
Bah, screw the samples. Go big! Bakuda likely HATES working under Calvert (most people do, and she didn't like working under Lung Either) have Dragon and Taylor befriend her!

Here's the pitch! Unlimited resources, the chance to study literally thousands of unique parahumans for their powers to add to the bombs rack, an international reputation for terror, awe and excellence without people worrying too much if you 'break a few eggs' during your new hero career taking out S class threats alongside the Best Tinker In The World. SImurgh excepting, those bombs scared the Endbringers in canon...The heroes may be willing to make allowances...

Dragon gets a weapons supply upgrade for her suits, Bakuda gets her freedom and adoration, we get samples of parahuman powers to study via Exotic Physics! EVERYBODY WINS!

@Silently Watches, Yes? No? Too much?
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The problem with your plan is that Bakuda… doesn't really have great long-term planning skills? From what I remember from canon, and admittedly it's been a while, she wants to be on top right now, and any costs that are incurred are not her concern. It doesn't matter that another way might get her more gratification, she wants it instantly. Between that and her ego, she's the type of villain who is going to cause much more trouble than she's worth and burn herself out, and since she's obviously the smartest person in existence, anyone who tries to tell her otherwise is going to become a test subject for her art.

You might even say that she's… self-destructive. *budum-tish*
I'll show myself out.
You might even say that she's… self-destructive. *budum-tish*
Rofl. I agree with more or less everything you said, but I'm suggesting an AI micromanage her into having that sort of reputation. That's gotta count for something?

Her instant fame can come easily enough during a rebranding as she takes out Nilbog, bypassing the "you can't bomb him because his creatures will always have a group immune to that" by having a dozen different types of super-ripoff-bombs as in canon.
Never mind studying and taking down all sorts of S classes. These are definitely tickets to superstar rep.
Added to my vote given the potential social opportunity.
Adhoc vote count started by ChaoticSky on May 21, 2018 at 9:44 PM, finished with 15582 posts and 32 votes.
You might even say that she's… self-destructive.

Until 30 seconds ago I had enormous respect for you as a writer.:cry:

[x] Dragon
[x] Vista

We need to bring Tim so he can see all the cool toys and then make us some of them. Think of all the awesome things we could do with all those bombs. Also think of how much more adorable Vista would be if she had access to them.:D
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Disclaimer: Please note ahead of time I'm not picking a fight or accuse you of anything, Silently Watches. This is explaining why Recursion Field is paranoia bait. This is to explain a bit of player psychology from this reader of your quest. This is meant to be instructive, not insulting.
No, Solusandra. It's phrased like that because I go into detail about what kinds of capes are and aren't affected IN THE GODDAMN FAQ THAT YOU NEVER FREAKING READ. No effort required.

If this is the reason you still think Recursion Field is random, then it is entirely your own fault. I can't and won't do your thinking for you.
Your fundamentally missing the issue. Note you've established you did put in the types of parahumans that get dragged in. This is the 'Why' and 'How' of 'Who' gets sucked into that field in that FAQ. The paranoia issue is largely with this line:
Recursion Field – Create a dimensional barrier around yourself and nearby mages. Not all parahumans are similarly affected. 4 mile radius.
Recursion Field – 4 mile radius.
What your missing is that recursion field effects a purposefully large area. Having an AoE this large, the problem issue is the 'Where' of things. As in every cape in the target area is going to be sucked in unless they fail said check list. This fundamentally means that unless Taylor gets some kind of very invasive, limited omniscient she would need to brain scan a four mile radius of population invasive or and know the powers of ever parahuman found in said space not to risk getting them involved. Otherwise who gets sucked in accidentally is basically up to factors the player base/Taylor have no information on.

To put this in perspective, Chicago is 234 square miles. A four mile radius circle is pi r^2 (3.14*4*4) 50.4 square miles. Basically over 20% of the city of Chicago is in the recursion field when cast. I'm not going to take a blind stab in the dark about how many people that pass the check list are in the are at any given time, but eventually someone will be sucked in. That's why I said roll a d10 on a 3.

Most of the time the effected are going to end up just kind of popping out of existence spontaneously. Never mind this outing random people at random. Anyone sucked in at the fringes is going to end up suddenly on the set of 'Life After People' for no real reason. For the number of people up for being sucked in:
2011 (RL Earth hell if I know the population of Earth Bet Chicago in 2011) population of Chicago was at 2.705 million and 5% of those have linker cores on average. So that is 135, 250 people that hit that check mark. That means on average 27050 people with linker cores are in the AoE in Chicago at the RL Earth point in history. That is a stupid huge number of people that can be secret cape or secret hedge mage for that matter. Even at a 1% of that %5 linker core population that is 270 people that get checked against the check list for Club: Zone of Calamity.. Even if 1% of these are applicable triggers that means on average 2-3 capes get sucked in at effectively random. Never you mind any random one trick secret hedge mages involve. Lets say that ups the number to 5-6 randoms getting sucked in every time she casts Recursion Zone in Chicago. That is at 1% of 1% of 5% of the population of any city of a million or more people means someone is basically doomed to get sucked in at, what is for them, total random.

Granted most them going to be mostly baffled and freaked out by suddenly walking into a major city being randomly empty like what they did in the original Omega Man movie, but someone at random is statistically going to end up in the Recursion Zone. It'd be playing chicken for the randoms with a second trigger if they take the logical sane action and freak out. Now if they decide to charge at the sound of endless random explosions in the deafening silence of an empty city of millions they will meet Taylor if they can run fast enough. Basically with these kind of numbers you can't avoid people getting sucked in at random. These are very puny numbers... and I'm likely low balling the involved at random realistically. Honestly, with even these kind of odds spamming 'Recursion Zone' in Chicago is going to cause random social links (weighted toward the negative interactions) without GM fiat.... and can only be avoided with omniscience that is not available to the players.

So there, Silently Watches, there is the reason Recursion Field is the random action eating encounter ability to be avoided. It not effectively randomly screwing things up for the players with more social links and avoidable, preventable plot lines to eat actions. The only reason it isn't doing this is GM fiat essentially. You may never use this effect, have intended the effect, or use it at the rate of plot... but its there by design. Keep in mind you once offed Taylor and Sam with a plot spontaneous, seemingly random encounter puzzle boss fight that relied on the players deciding to stop using their preferred combat style and fight LOLrandomly to live through.

Granted it failed to stick,, and was apparently intended to show off your reincarnation rules, but once you pull a 'suddenly cut scene power kills the MC' event that genie is out of the bottle. Any paranoid player (at any level of paranoia) is going to look at Recursion Field and use it only when necessary. That or when they've run out of things to do and want randomness. Add in the 'Guess who is effected?' factor of what kind of powers random capes (never mind grab bag type cape power sets) have and then you need a check list failed group of back up to take out anyone who doesn't get sucked in.

So basically, Recursion Field is of limited use for anything, but:
1. Mages
2. Divide and conquer when you know a para-humans abilities sets apply and your still guessing at unshown powers and random tinker tech equipment.
3. Making escape easier from having less problems gunning for you.
4. Dodging stupid huge attacks that aren't of certain types.
5. Blowing off steam when bored or training.
6. Unimpeded to faster travel in hot zones with lots of aerial combatants and AA fire.

Hope this helps.
Except hes not a fighter, doesnt have any interest in combat, wont beable to build anything while doing this and could well end up dead when we could bring someone who actually knows how to fight.

There is a difference between not being interested in fighting and not being willing to help someone very important to you avenge their attempted murder.

The danger facing them is not combat, just Samantha could take on the forces arrayed against then, its death by tinker. Tim may or may not be able to help with that but he would be more help than a brute.

Depending on how the story plays out we may not be able to get any of the bombs to Tim, so the best chance of getting cool toys after we are done is to bring him along now to fill up on inspiration points.
There is a difference between not being interested in fighting and not being willing to help someone very important to you avenge their attempted murder.

The danger facing them is not combat, just Samantha could take on the forces arrayed against then, its death by tinker. Tim may or may not be able to help with that but he would be more help than a brute.

Depending on how the story plays out we may not be able to get any of the bombs to Tim, so the best chance of getting cool toys after we are done is to bring him along now to fill up on inspiration points.
Why would he need Bakuda's bombs to get cool toys when we are perfectly capable of building and designing our own?
...We're in Philly. Cheesesteaks or GET OUT. :p

…You're headed to Chicago. You'd be grabbing some deep-dish pizza. :p

Yes, but our character is a native of Brockton Bay where it was traditional for people her age to go for burgers at a place like Fugly Bob's.
With her, Clockblocker, Vista, and Glory Girl, it would be in-character to suggest greasy burgers. I'm not so sure about Miss Militia as she did not grow up in Brockton Bay. Tim, Kurt, and Lacy probably would be the same.
For everybody else, who is a native of Philly, you would be correct.
Look upon what you have wrought.
In no way serious(like I actually have to say it) Omake:

Taylor was in a pissy mood.

I just wanted to go out, blow up Coil and maybe get a bite to eat. Do I get that? Nooooo. I get these weird acid bombs going off in my face. Honestly, fuck Bakuda.

Taylor flew up to get some damn visual on the field. Vista was space warping everything and having a grand time putting her shinny new cannon to use. Cailleach was doing her ice thing, looking pretty goo-No! Bad Taylor! Circus was off... somewhere. Probably punching Coil in the dick cause she said they had history and that he totally deserved it cause he's a dick anyway.

Oh and than there was Bakuda laughing like a lunatic in the middle of the wreck that used to be Coil's weird Bond Villain Base. No clue if she was trying to kill Taylor & Co., herself or even Coil cause apparently he was a dick to her too. Wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Screw it! I'm just gonna blast her!

Just as Taylor was about to rain hell and fire down on the Mad Bomber's head, some dude with a staff came out from fucking no where and banished her to the Shadow Realm.

What the shit?

With no more crazy Tinker to fight the battlefield just halted. Taylor touched down to ground and stared at the other cape.

The guy was Tall. Taller than Taylor tall. His brimmed wizard hat upped his height by 6 inches. It was big hat. Wearing a long duster with some basic jeans. If it wasn't for the large wooden staff (Storm is way cooler), hat and being able to fly you would never think they guy was a cape.

"Did this guy steal my schick?" Taylor didn't know if she should be offended or flattered.

Cailleach slided up to Taylor's side. "Calamity? That's Myrddin. You stole his."

What the fuck?

"Uh hello ladies! If it's not to rude, could you answer why your destroying a piece of my fine city?" the magic theme copier asked.

Before Taylor could challenge him to a duel for copyright pick a fight, Vista bounced up front. She knew Myrddin and his weakness. Miss Militia complained about it all the time. That the guy's a sucker for a damsel in distress.

"There was creepy guy named Coil who's been stalking Calamity Witch since Brockton Bay. Apparently he has a thing about forcing young girls into joining him and drugging them up in his fetish dungeon." Catching on to Vista's angle Taylor, Cailleach and Circus, who at some point arrived with a couple of particularity strung out looking girls, proceeded to look righteously victimized.

Myriddin face shifted to rage on their behalf.

"Well if that the case, how about I handle escorting him to custody? Don't worry about the bureaucracy, I got this. You ladies just go get something to eat and try not to let a guy like that ruin your night." Hook, line and sinker.

"Where can we get some burgers around here?" Taylor and Vista having grown up in the only godforsaken town to house the greasy death that is Fugly Bob's Burgers were feeling nostalgic for home.

"The fuck what? No we're getting cheesesteaks." Cailleach, who was born and raised a Philly girl could not, and would not fathom the idea of going for anything less than God-tier cheesy goodness.

"How bout we just get some sushi?" Circus, who really just wanted some lemon dipped raw fish and seaweed, uselessly interjected.

"Whoa, hold on just a minute!" The girls turned to look at Myrddin, who for some reason decided that he had an opinion. "Since you're in Chicago, why not get some pizza? No where else can you get Chicago style pizza done right?''

The girls maintained eye contact and communicated via telepathy known only to women kind.

"Yeah. Pizza sound good."

At the end of the night everyone decided that deep dish pizza was some good shit.


God someone end me. I hate myself.
Why would he need Bakuda's bombs to get cool toys when we are perfectly capable of building and designing our own?
Because theres a limit to what magictech can do, and that limit is extended by being able to study Tinker Tech under the Digital blueprints and Exotic Physics im pretty sure we bought last vote. Bakuda is a tinker expressly known for whipping up Tinkertech based on other peoples Parahuman Powers, so a chance to study those would be a chance to expand the tech library AND expand our spell repertoire...
Because theres a limit to what magictech can do, and that limit is extended by being able to study Tinker Tech under the Digital blueprints and Exotic Physics im pretty sure we bought last vote. Bakuda is a tinker expressly known for whipping up Tinkertech based on other peoples Parahuman Powers, so a chance to study those would be a chance to expand the tech library AND expand our spell repertoire...
I've gotten the impression that it's the opposite, and that Tinkertech is the one that has a limit on what it can do, at least practically, but I could see your point, if still think that it's a waste of time, effort and possibly life.
I've gotten the impression that it's the opposite, and that Tinkertech is the one that has a limit on what it can do, at least practically, but I could see your point, if still think that it's a waste of time, effort and possibly life.
I'll grant you a more stable tinker like Squeeler would probably be better, but we can't just go around stealing capes willy nilly. Since she's already in our warpath....why not take advantage?

Dunno any others that copy powers, and I know, squeelers nuts too.
2011 (RL Earth hell if I know the population of Earth Bet Chicago in 2011) population of Chicago was at 2.705 million and 5% of those have linker cores on average. So that is 135, 250 people that hit that check mark. That means on average 27050 people with linker cores are in the AoE in Chicago at the RL Earth point in history. That is a stupid huge number of people that can be secret cape or secret hedge mage for that matter. Even at a 1% of that %5 linker core population that is 270 people that get checked against the check list for Club: Zone of Calamity..
Is the assumption that non-capes with dormant/inactive cores get pulled in a valid one though?

Keep in mind you once offed Taylor and Sam with a plot spontaneous, seemingly random encounter puzzle boss fight that relied on the players deciding to stop using their preferred combat style and fight LOLrandomly to live through.

Granted it failed to stick,, and was apparently intended to show off your reincarnation rules, but once you pull a 'suddenly cut scene power kills the MC' event that genie is out of the bottle. Any paranoid player (at any level of paranoia) is going to look at Recursion Field and use it only when necessary. That or when they've run out of things to do and want randomness. Add in the 'Guess who is effected?' factor of what kind of powers random capes (never mind grab bag type cape power sets) have and then you need a check list failed group of back up to take out anyone who doesn't get sucked in.

Given that Silently has apologized more than once for that and has said they wouldn't be doing something like that again, this is not a valid concern imo and is somewhat unfair to them.

Because theres a limit to what magictech can do, and that limit is extended by being able to study Tinker Tech under the Digital blueprints and Exotic Physics im pretty sure we bought last vote. Bakuda is a tinker expressly known for whipping up Tinkertech based on other peoples Parahuman Powers, so a chance to study those would be a chance to expand the tech library AND expand our spell repertoire...
Tim does not have Exotic Physics, and even if he did, Bakuda is too unstable and dangerous to risk bringing him into the clusterfuck that is sure to unfold. Maybe (very carefully) salvage any leftover tech of hers if feasible/possible to bring to him for later examination, but she's better off either Birdcage bound or dead.
I've gotten the impression that it's the opposite, and that Tinkertech is the one that has a limit on what it can do, at least practically[...].

Tinkers are limited in terms of the scope of their power, the reliability of the product and production time. Bacuda scores so high in those categories that she needed the insanity just to make things even a little fair.

Tim is only limited by production time and his knowledge of/access to other peoples tech. While his power is technically superior because it has so much potential, giving him access to Bacuda bombs helps him reach it.

I personally think we should be constantly on the look out for tinker tech to be feeding him and don't want to miss this opportunity.
Tim does not have Exotic Physics, and even if he did, Bakuda is too unstable and dangerous to risk bringing him into the clusterfuck that is sure to unfold. Maybe (very carefully) salvage any leftover tech of hers if feasible/possible to bring to him for later examination, but she's better off either Birdcage bound or dead. my proposal, dufus. We wouldn't be bringing her home. Dragon would be managing her for the good of the world, and we'd be getting extra munitions to examine and dissect. And Digital blueprints, which we DO have also allows us to examine and reverse engineer tinkertech, just not as indepth as we might need to extract the powers out fo the bombs, but that can come soon enough.
Adhoc vote count started by Solusandra on May 22, 2018 at 12:36 AM, finished with 15595 posts and 34 votes.
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[x] Vista
[x] Dragon
[x] Epoch

We've gotta bring the world's littlest cyborg with us, if only for heavy weapons support, and having a Unison Device along probably means we could do something horrific and deadly to whoever looks at us funny. As for Epoch, well, every magician needs an assistant. Also I want to see what happens when/if Epoch gets Unison'd.

Edit: adding the others to bump up the numbers and ensure we actually get a third person, though they are all people I'd bring after Epoch:

[x] Cailleach
[x] Chevalier
[x] Miss Militia
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Most of the time the effected are going to end up just kind of popping out of existence spontaneously. Never mind this outing random people at random. Anyone sucked in at the fringes is going to end up suddenly on the set of 'Life After People' for no real reason. For the number of people up for being sucked in:
2011 (RL Earth hell if I know the population of Earth Bet Chicago in 2011) population of Chicago was at 2.705 million and 5% of those have linker cores on average. So that is 135, 250 people that hit that check mark. That means on average 27050 people with linker cores are in the AoE in Chicago at the RL Earth point in history. That is a stupid huge number of people that can be secret cape or secret hedge mage for that matter. Even at a 1% of that %5 linker core population that is 270 people that get checked against the check list for Club: Zone of Calamity.. Even if 1% of these are applicable triggers that means on average 2-3 capes get sucked in at effectively random. Never you mind any random one trick secret hedge mages involve. Lets say that ups the number to 5-6 randoms getting sucked in every time she casts Recursion Zone in Chicago. That is at 1% of 1% of 5% of the population of any city of a million or more people means someone is basically doomed to get sucked in at, what is for them, total random.
I'm pretty sure dormant Linker Cores are irrelevant here. So the real question is how many capes are there? Well according to Director Piggot in a city there is generally one cape for every 8,000 normal humans.

So with Chicago's population of 2.705 million there should be 338 capes within the city at any given time. Spread randomly across the city's 234 square miles of area that results in 1.44 capes per square mile. With Recursion Barrier's 50.4 square mile area that means on any given casting we should expect to pull in 72.8 capes.

Things aren't much different here in Philly since the population while lower at 1.568 million the city itself is smaller at just 134.18 square miles. This results in a population density of 11,685.02 per square mile which in turn converts to 1.46 capes per square mile or 73.6 capes pulled into any given Recursion Barrier.
So with Chicago's population of 2.705 million there should be 338 capes within the city at any given time. Spread randomly across the city's 234 square miles of area that results in 1.44 capes per square mile. With Recursion Barrier's 50.4 square mile area that means on any given casting we should expect to pull in 72.8 capes.
Tune that down for incompatible capes, I'd assume about 40 capes a pop.