Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

...I want Tattletale to die even more. I didn't know that was even possible. I hope she's in Coil's basement.

Also I agree with Alexandria being sent: she is Cauldron now and she wants Taylor as her weapon and doesn't give a damn about Coil so this would be a perfect way to ensure that Coil is gone.
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...I want Tattletale to die even more. I didn't know that was even possible. I hope she's in Coil's basement.

Also I agree with Alexandria being sent: she is Cauldron now and she wants Taylor as her weapon and doesn't give a damn about Coil so this would be a perfect way to ensure that Coil is gone.
Still your people's fault, technically. She was an ass, but that wasn't a reason to go all fuck you.

Hell, I still think that it's possible that she didn't actually intentionally rat us out, and that it was one of Coil's usual alternate timeline torture sessions to get info out. Although it's not like she has any reason whatsoever to keep that info from him because we were an ass to her...
"That much, I think I've figured out on my own," you tell her with a frown. "Something about the whole situation just sounded familiar, so I did some digging. Remember that first time we talked to Dragon? She was working on a report about the bomb Tinker who turned a bunch of students at Cornell into stone. From what I can figure out, that Tinker goes by the name of Bakuda. If her first bomb could do that, glassing a building after having a few months to practice would be relatively simple." You sigh. "What are we going to do about this?"
Betting a dollar we encounter a Pain Bomb or something similar/exotic. Whether or not we get caught in the AoE? Not betting on that.

[X] Dragon
[X] Chevalier

...I want Tattletale to die even more. I hope she's in Coil's basement.
A threat of our own making; it's a shame imo she's likely going to be dead by the time this is finished. *sighs in sadness*
[] Dragon
[] Teana
[] Shipwright

At this point, I'm going with people that have Device connections. We know that having a Device messes with the Simurgh's power, so it's possible, if unlikely, that Coil might not be able to respond fast enough with his timeline add/drop when faced with multiple people like that, since Device interaction is similar to a trigger event where precogs/thinkers are involved.

@Silently Watches Are you allowed to confirm or deny this hypothesis?

EDIT: Different vote in a newer post based on new information.
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I mean Storm gave us Chicago, not 123 Dock Street. It's a big place. I get that Calvert is in the PRT building but flying in there to smash face is just going to get a hero brawl going. We'd have to attack Coil not Calvert if we go the vigilante route.
The search will be… chapter after next? Yeah, chapter after next.
Could we phone up Lauren to hang with us while wrecking a snake's place?
Yes, Cailleach is an option for this, as is Circus.
The second person I'd talk to is Teena. The PRT is mentioned repeatedly. I think if you bring her Storm's report and laid a bit of a guilt trip you could secure her help. Outside help would be good, you know she's not secretly friends with Coil.
…Uh, what? Do you mean Teana of the TSAB? Why is "the PRT is mentioned repeatedly" relevant to this comment, and why would she be allowed to help?

If you want to convince an Enforcer to come along, you need to give me a good in-character reason to persuade them. Right now all the Teana votes are null and void.
Chevalier or Miss Militia, I forget which one ranks higher but to get Dragon's help we'd probably need at least one actual PRT person on board with this.
Chevalier ranks higher than Miss Militia. Neither of them can or need to give Dragon permission to do jack shit. Dragon's a member of the Guild not the Protectorate and, as far as anyone else knows, a grown woman who can do whatever she damn well pleases.
@Silently Watches Are you allowed to confirm or deny this hypothesis?
I can neither confirm nor deny.
[X] Dragon

And there can never be enough-

[X] Mouse Protector

EDIT: Okay just found out mah girls are options. Gotta add

[X] Cailleach
[X] Circus
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Shipwright - no, he's not battleline Tinker like at all.
The Triumvirate - sadly no, too little contact.
Miss Militia/Chevalier - no, they strike me as too Lawful characters to approve the idea "Let's immediately attack the PRT's bigwig because I think he's a villain".
Kurt - ...let's not.

Maclibuin and Epoch - could be a good candidates if they already have Device/spells.
Cailleach - not sure she'll not spill the beans to Jotunn, and I don't want him having such a powerful blackmail against the PRT.

[X] Dragon
Unlike Tim, she did participate in villains takedowns, a well-know and respected hero, and she studied Bakuda's work.

[X] Vista
Useful power to fight bombs, and she needs to take her frustration out on someone.

[?] Circus
She did worked for Coil, after all.

[X] Chevalier
[X] Miss Militia
Just because I think we spend too much time with villains.

...For one moment my mind short-circuited, trying to imagine a kid of Superman and Batman. :confused: :lol
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I didn't mean to imply that they would give Dragon permission to do anything. It was pointed out that Calvert is in good standing with the PRT. Dragon is more likely to consult Armsmaster (if he's alive? I've lost track), or another PRT member to follow procedures relating to compromised personnel. I don't see her jumping on board with the smash and grab option without some PRT consent. Even if she believes and corroborates Storms data 100% she would also be aware of the resources Coil/Calvert can leverage in both identities if he gets desperate. Taking on his Calvert identity as a vigilante would be the no sale for her. If only because she asks the question, "What if he is under cover and this is 90% fake."

Logic for Teena, I decided her as a 3rd after she popped up a couple other times. I was thinking of making a case for Epoch but his resources are pretty much sacked at this point. I thought Vista was still on the recovery list.

From Taylor's perspective: She's an outside source. The PRT came up several times in Storm's report. Taylor isn't exactly BFFs with the organization. Teena is one of the few people she knows that isn't friends with Calvert. With as many times as PRT popped up in that report Taylor could assume that he was Militia's beloved mentor or Chevalier's racquetball buddy. Teena also represents a big lever to pull when your looking for overkill. This really just comes down to how high is the paranoia rating going to land.

From TSAB perspective: They did almost kill her so doing her a favor might not go amiss. Getting in Taylor's good graces wouldn't be enough of a reason to join a fight on Bet against orders. I'd see them offering sanctuary and protection first but Taylor being Taylor would refuse. Recovery and containment of the lost logica is #1 priority. If Taylor dies all bets are off on the Immortal Assimilation Engine remaining docile. It'd probably come down to a dice roll on their threat assessment of Calvert/Coil actually killing Taylor in the action. Teena would probably be incognito for the action mostly there to protect Taylor.
[x] Epoch

Someone else suggested it, and I like it, Epoch still has his time power and can probably mess with Coil's. Add his new and improved shooter, flight and TK, he'll be a useful minion in this at a minimum. I like the idea of including him and keeping up the contact. Mage army HO!
Fuck it. Let's make a Girl's Night out of this.
While I like the idea of taking Epoch and Mac along, we don't know them well enough if they would be cool with picking a fight with some villain they don't know for us.
Cailleach - not sure she'll not spill the beans to Jotunn, and I don't want him having such a powerful blackmail against the PRT.
Why would we need to mention that Coil is actually double timing the PRT?
Taylor: Ayo! Cail! This fucker bombed my place, you wanna hang out and smash his shit with me?
Cailleach: Sounds cool, let's fucking do it!
Vista: Get in the teleport Loser!
Circus: Fuck yeah!
Edit: Vote Changed.
[X] Dragon
[X] Miss Militia
[X] Chevalier
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New vote based on new information (and rethinking my life):
[X] Dragon
[X] Vista
[X] Cailleach

If we can convince Vista and Cailleach to work together, this has the potential of demonstrating the feasibility of the PRT and Winter Hill non-aggression pact as an option.

Taylor doesn't know Circus very well, since their only interaction was at the Maras extermination thing. I don't think Taylor would trust her enough to invite her to something like this.

[X] Chevalier
Adding him to increase our chances of having a third additional person.
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Taylor doesn't know Circus very well, since their only interaction was at the Maras extermination thing. I don't think Taylor would trust her enough to invite her to something like this.
I thought of Circus cause I thought she had connections to Coil while back in BB and she might mention that he's a real Creeper and it's no big deal to fuck his day up.
Still your people's fault, technically. She was an ass, but that wasn't a reason to go all fuck you.
problem with that: I didn't show up here till way after that happened. If I was then I would have Voted for the Option (that probably would have still lost) to get as far from the egotistical dumbass rather then antagonize her and preferable find some way to accidentally kill her if it ever popped up. I'm not going to pointlessly antagonize someone that find talking people into insanity is funny, has little in the way of a survival instinct or long term planning unless it involves revenge, and has a well documented history of manipulation while in the perfect position of someone with resources.
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From TSAB perspective: They did almost kill her so doing her a favor might not go amiss. Getting in Taylor's good graces wouldn't be enough of a reason to join a fight on Bet against orders. I'd see them offering sanctuary and protection first but Taylor being Taylor would refuse. Recovery and containment of the lost logica is #1 priority. If Taylor dies all bets are off on the Immortal Assimilation Engine remaining docile. It'd probably come down to a dice roll on their threat assessment of Calvert/Coil actually killing Taylor in the action. Teena would probably be incognito for the action mostly there to protect Taylor.
No. Just no.
Armsmaster (if he's alive?
He's alive. He moved to Boston after Brockton Bay bit the dust.
If we can convince Vista and Cailleach to work together
That actually wouldn't be a problem at all. You see, Coil didn't just attack Calamity Witch. He attacked Taylor and tried to kill her in her own home. The Unwritten Rules are a Big Deal™ for both of them, so yeah, they'd put aside the hero-villain tension to deal with somebody who clearly has no problems gunning after people's secret IDs.
@Silently Watches
Just to clarify things, cause I think some people are little confused what this vote is for.
No matter who we end up inviting, Taylor is going after Coil tonight. If we invite no one than Taylor is still gonna take down Coil anyway.
So by choosing to invite people all we're doing is picking who we're Socializing with while taking down Coil. Kinda like what we did with choosing which team we were fighting with during the Maras thing.
Is this right?
-Is there anything stopping us from releasing all of the data we gathered? Doing so during or immediately before an attack would give him even more to deal with.-