Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
So, as far as finances go, let's check on the non-embezzlement options available to us- specifically, let's check on the organizational budget shenanigans that we can pull. Bear in mind that the Watch budget is going to be viewed as the new zero point at the end of this turn.

One option, to me, stands out above all others:
[ ] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
Because the new Watch budget is going to be viewed as normal, this is an absolutely perfect moment to shuffle the entire intel budget into the Watch budget. That is effectively increasing the intel budget by hundreds per turn, effective indefinitely, in a way that will attract no additional oversight. If we take any organizational finance option this turn, it should be that one.

This is particularly true because, after we get the treasury of Stirland to cover all our intel expenses, we can then turn around and take moneymaking options to raise our operating budget even further! That sell-EIC-intel option is a great one to take next turn, after the new Elector Count has moved in and accepted the now-massively-increased Watch expenses as normal; we're expecting it to be lucrative so the influx of cash to our budgets will then allow us to use that new windfall to expand. As things stand now it'll do something a lot more like dragging us toward breaking even.

Aside from this, the update mentions this:
Without the burden of the Attachés, you'll be comfortably in the black once more.
We never took the option to shuffle the Attaché expenses into the military budget, so currently Mathilde is thinking that she'll lighten the financial burden on the intel network by dropping the program since she's no longer in need of massive reports on the undead. But, if we're shuffling the entire intel network into the Watch budget and then normalizing that, we don't need to drop the Attaché program in spite of its cost- and I think everyone here can see the benefits of keeping eyes throughout the military and reports on their activities and accomplishments flowing our way. We have dozens of intel officers used to filling out "we killed these undead" reports, we can expand that with some other standard report types (which should be quite accepted; we already have seen "we killed these orcs" jammed into the undead-report form by well-intentioned officers) and effectively have a constant stream of data on exactly what the military is up to- particularly if Gustav stays in charge, since he's unlikely to dispute our right to that activity at this point.

Stirland Watch finances - can be chosen INSTEAD of a selection from the above, will yield an unknown number of Budget Points.
[ ] Set up saltpeter production facilities using the information Jack has gathered. (-1 Budget Point) (NEW)
[ ] Set up saltpeter production facilities using headhunted experts from Nuln. (-2 Budget Points) (NEW)
[ ] Set up saltpeter production facilities and call in favours to bring a dwarvern expert in. (-1 Budget Point, -2 Dwarf Favours) (NEW)
If these drop the income so that we're at the low point- after the infrastructure is built and paid for, but before it's in use and producing income- when the watch budget is normalized, that would be fantastic. If the "yield an unknown number of Budget Points" happens simultaneously with the cost, then these are a much less good idea. @BoneyM, could you clarify?

These are the other available Watch actions with listed net costs:
[ ] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area. (-1 Budget Point)
[ ] Expand the Special Branch into areas already covered by the Watch, so you have an additional pool of manpower you can call upon to supplement the full-time Watchmen. (-1 Budget Point)
Either would be a solid choice. Covering poorer urban areas will improve the quality of the city but probably weaken the thieves' guilds, if we're still looking to those as an option; increasing their numbers increases their abilities to spike manpower when trying to bring down significant opposition, suppress riots in times of unrest, or revolt in the name of Ranald carry out other tasks requiring large numbers.

Overall, I think Special Branch is absolutely essential to take this turn, Trade Delegation should be taken this turn only if Special Branch is not taken as it's simply not as lucrative and the two work at cross-purposes, and saltpeter production should be taken if we won't see income from it yet- otherwise, expand the Watch instead.
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I'm a bit concerned that some people plan to send a dipo 8 wizard to attend elector meet. What capacity will Mathilde be presented as?
Could someone please throw down a Tally - then I'll know what plan's the closest to what I'd be after, and most likely to succeed!
Finally more knowledge of Ulgu is always useful and we should learn it now before our experiences fade.
It has become an important trait that represents our experience from the campaign we lost our best friend and liege in. I don't expect the opportunities said trait gives us to faid away over a couple of turns.

Edit: You forgot to specify which ones are the overwork actions as well.

Beyond the above, I've been considering approval voting the following two. But that also comes with some criticism.
[X] Plan for Abelhelm and Stirland
I don't think that publishing the undead info is a burning issue worth an action of our limited pool right now. Nor do see any reason why we should continue sending stuff to our string puller as long as he doesn't reveal himself. If he wants it he can get it himself, and say hi while doing so.
Instead I would prefer insisting on being part of Van Hal's last mission. Another option would be to capitalize on our war experience before it fades and train martial. Or simply limiting the overwork to +1 action to reduce risk of failure.
Otherwise your plan is pretty neat.
[X] [Plan] Forming a group
I like where your plan is going as well. Again, I would like some Martial training, putting overwork on something with low risk like Financial Jargon. And I feel iffy about Verena due to her opposition to Ranald. But I definitely prefer it to the current top votes.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by LoganBert34 on Mar 13, 2018 at 5:53 PM, finished with 128 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Mistress of Shadows
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government.
    -[X] Verena is the Goddess of Justice. Enshrine her as the patron goddess of the Stirland Watch.
    -[X] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
    --[X] Ranalds Blessing
    -[X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killing reselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
    -[X] Attend the Elector's Meet yourself, to take any opportunity that arises to manipulate events in your favour.
    -[X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you.
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
    -[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
    --[X] Set up saltpeter production facilities using headhunted experts from Nuln. (-2 Budget Points) (NEW)
    -[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    [X] Plan Mistress of Shadows Without the embezzlement
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government.
    -[X] Verena is the Goddess of Justice. Enshrine her as the patron goddess of the Stirland Watch.
    -[X] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
    --[X] Ranalds Blessing
    -[X] Attend the Elector's Meet yourself, to take any opportunity that arises to manipulate events in your favour.
    -[X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you.
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
    -[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
    --[X] Set up saltpeter production facilities using headhunted experts from Nuln. (-2 Budget Points) (NEW)
    --[X][Overwork] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.(-1 Budget Points)
    -[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    [X] Read the Liber Mortis.
    [X] Plan Military Industrial Tycoon
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government. (NEW-ish)
    -[X] Grungni, the principal Dwarf Ancestor God, actually has some following among the Stirlandian populace - and he is their Lawgiver to boot. Bring in a few priests to make it happen. (-1 Dwarf Favour)
    -[X] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly. (does not take an action)
    -[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    -[X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killing reselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
    --[X] Ranalds Blessing
    -[X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you.
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    --[X] Martial
    -[X] Your experience with the so-called Fog of War has given you a lot of ideas for new applications of Ulgu. (NEW)
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
    [X] plan secure our position
    [X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you.
    [X] [Plan] Forming a group
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government.
    -[X] Verena is the Goddess of Justice. Enshrine her as the patron goddess of the Stirland Watch.
    -[X] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
    -[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    -[X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killing reselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
    --[X] Ranalds Blessing
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
    -[X] Spend time with Anton, possibly talking about how good a candidate he would be - local support, known to external powers, and a few powerful friends supporting him, and so forth.
    -[X] Spend time with Wilhelmina. As emptied as the treasury of Stirland was by the campaign, the EIC may be the wealthiest institution in the province.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (does not take an action)
    --[x] Regimand Speiseschrank
    [X] Plan for Abelhelm and Stirland
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government. (NEW-ish)
    -[X] Grungni, the principal Dwarf Ancestor God, actually has some following among the Stirlandian populace - and he is their Lawgiver to boot. Bring in a few priests to make it happen. (-1 Dwarf Favour)
    -[X] (1)As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
    -[X] It may be a moot point, but you can still send off the entirety of information gathered on undead types in Sylvania to your string-pullers. (does not take an action)
    -[X] (2)Concentrate the gathered information on undead types in Sylvania into a single dense tome and publish it. It's likely to be of some use and interest to Morrites and Amethyst Wizards. Not ground-breaking, but a nice feather in your academic cap nonetheless.
    -[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    -[X] (3) Spend time with Anton, possibly talking about how good a candidate he would be - local support, known to external powers, and a few powerful friends supporting him, and so forth.
    -[X] (4)Attend the Elector's Meet yourself, to take any opportunity that arises to manipulate events in your favour. Try to put Anton on the throne.
    -[X] (5)Information Network: Work alongside to Julia to administer the network. Choose another Organizational Action for the Network.
    --[X] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
    -[X] (ADDITIONAL)(6)Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
    --[X] Attempt to hire administrators and clerks from Altdorf and Nuln.
    ---[X]Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (does not take an action) Wilhelmina
    -[X] (ADDITIONAL) (7) Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
    [X] Personal Plan Self-Focus
    -[X] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
    --[X] Ranalds Blessing
    -[X] Concentrate the gathered information on undead types in Sylvania into a single dense tome and publish it. It's likely to be of some use and interest to Morrites and Amethyst Wizards. Not ground-breaking, but a nice feather in your academic cap nonetheless.
    -[X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killing reselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    -[X] Martial
    -[X] Your experience with the so-called Fog of War has given you a lot of ideas for new applications of Ulgu. (NEW)
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (does not take an action)
    --[X] Kasmir
    [X]Plan Oportunity Cost
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government.
    -[X] Set up saltpeter production facilities using headhunted experts from Nuln. (-2 Budget Points)
    -[X] It may be a moot point, but you can still send off the entirety of information gathered on undead types in Sylvania to your string-pullers. (does not take an action)
    -[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    -[X] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
    --[X] Ranalds Blessing
    -[X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killing reselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
    -[X] There's never been less oversight on spending. Embezzlement now would be impossible to trace later. Scrape up whatever funds can still be found in the treasury, and pocket them.
    -[X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you.
    -[X] Attend the Elector's Meet yourself, to take any opportunity that arises to manipulate events in your favour.
    -[X] Spend time with Anton, possibly talking about how good a candidate he would be - local support, known to external powers, and a few powerful friends supporting him, and so forth. (Overwork)
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (does not take an action)
    --[x] Wilhelmina
    [X] Plan: First Things First
    -[X] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
    -[X] Grungni, the principal Dwarf Ancestor God, actually has some following among the Stirlandian populace - and he is their Lawgiver to boot. Bring in a few priests to make it happen. (-1 Dwarf Favour)
    -[X] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
    --[X] Also ask our master if there's any chance he could put his weight behind Anton while we're there. He's a good candidate with love for Stirland.
    --[X] Ranalds Blessing
    -[X] Spend time with Anton, possibly talking about how good a candidate he would be - local support, known to external powers, and a few powerful friends supporting him, and so forth.
    --[X] Make sure both of your loyalties still ultimately lie with House Van Hal.
    -[X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you.
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned.
    --[X] Martial
    --[X] Diplomacy
    -[X] Free actions:
    --[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    --[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Wilhelmina. (does not take an action)
    [X] Plan Morally Grey Wizard:
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government.
    -[X] Verena is the Goddess of Justice. Enshrine her as the patron goddess of the Stirland Watch.
    -[X] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly.
    -[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    -[X] Your debt to Stirland is recorded in a handful of documents in the Archives, and the current Steward is leaving the position. If said documents were to be slightly altered at the right time, nobody would notice in the handover and your debt could evaporate.
    -[X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killing reselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
    -[X] There's never been less oversight on spending. Embezzlement now would be impossible to trace later. Scrape up whatever funds can still be found in the treasury, and pocket them.
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
    -[X] Your experience with the so-called Fog of War has given you a lot of ideas for new applications of Ulgu.
    -[X] Spend time with Anton, possibly talking about how good a candidate he would be - local support, known to external powers, and a few powerful friends supporting him, and so forth. (Overwork)
    -[X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you. (Overwork)
    [X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
    [X] Off the Leash: Let Julia handle the network without your micromanagement from now on.
    [X] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly. (does not take an action)
    [X] Watch-Plan Playing it safe
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government. (NEW-ish)
    -[X] Verena is the Goddess of Justice. Enshrine her as the patron goddess of the Stirland Watch.
    [X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killingreselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
    [X] Your debt to Stirland is recorded in a handful of documents in the Archives, and the current Steward is leaving the position. If said documents were to be slightly altered at the right time, nobody would notice in the handover and your debt could evaporate.
    [X]Verena is the Goddess of Justice. Enshrine her as the patron goddess of the Stirland Watch.
    [X] Set up saltpeter production facilities using the information Jack has gathered. (-1 Budget Point)]
    [X] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
    [X] There's never been less oversight on spending. Embezzlement now would be impossible to trace later. Scrape up whatever funds can still be found in the treasury, and pocket them.
Two council votes for what? I think I missed something.
@Siual Don't think I've seen a council vote. It's not a democracy.

As for owning shares in the EIC- probably the most important thing to do is to ensure we continue as Spymistress. It's arguably justifiable as Spymistress to paint it as an influential information gathering organisation. If we're not Spymistress... what purpose does our part owning it serve, other than Mathildes enrichment? Which is forbidden on pain of death.
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Added talking to Anton to my plan, as we'll already have Wilhelmina and Gustav covered by it. Unless anyone objects or thinks we should talk to someone else?
@Siual I realy like your plan but based on this:
The ones you take personally, though letting things fall victim to creeping Sigmarism because you've taken a hands-free approach might weigh on you.
Not only is there no need to chance the watchs reigion right now but be doin the saltpeter actions personaly you are maximizing the chance it is going to fail, wich is speciay bad since you doin them in overwork, may I sugest using the organization action for that and then using the overwork action for something else, like erasing our debt ?
Also any reason to not use our free action to talk with Wilhelmina? It would synergize with a lot of other things and you aren't using it for anything rigth now.
[X] Plan Morally Grey Wizard:
-[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. Especially likely to work since Wilhelmina will soon be losing her position of power in Stirland's government.
-[X] Verena is the Goddess of Justice. Enshrine her as the patron goddess of the Stirland Watch.

-[X] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly.
-[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)

-[X] Your debt to Stirland is recorded in a handful of documents in the Archives, and the current Steward is leaving the position. If said documents were to be slightly altered at the right time, nobody would notice in the handover and your debt could evaporate.
-- Ranald's Blessing
-[X] Though the Haunted Hills have always technically belonged to the Elector Count, they've suddenly skyrocketed in value. If you could backdate some purchases from the Elector Count, you could make a killing reselling them, and still retain your own slice of prime grazelands.
-[X] There's never been less oversight on spending. Embezzlement now would be impossible to trace later. Scrape up whatever funds can still be found in the treasury, and pocket them.
-[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
-[X] Your experience with the so-called Fog of War has given you a lot of ideas for new applications of Ulgu.
-[X] Spend time with Anton, possibly talking about how good a candidate he would be - local support, known to external powers, and a few powerful friends supporting him, and so forth. (Overwork)
-[X] Spend time with Gustav, securing his subordination to you. (Overwork)
@Warlord D Thoran could you please format your plan in a way that doesn't screw with the tally system?
@Alliterate Since you haven't voted yet and dislike the various embezzlement options that are included in many of the plans, can I interest you in my plan? If you don't want to vote for it, could you criticize it instead?
Not decided yet. Some thoughts: I don't care about Gustav. I doubt our Master has any sway in Elector Count deliberations. I like getting the agents on the Watch budget, but the plan should ideally do more to plump the budget. Anton would be an easily controllable EC if that's what we want. I like some of @DarkLight140 thoughts.

Undecided about doubling our debt to Stirland for the EIC shares, because of the whole personal wealth thing we might have to get rid of our current holdings anyway.

I'm still concerned about justifying our financial actions to the Grey College when going for Magister.
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I like where your plan is going as well. Again, I would like some Martial training, putting overwork on something with low risk like Financial Jargon. And I feel iffy about Verena due to her opposition to Ranald. But I definitely prefer it to the current top votes.

I would have used overwork had Mathilde been a bit healthier, she walked out of the war badly wounded with life changing mental stress; skipping meal and sleep will be terrible now.
So, did we ever learn what went down during our failed charge? I know the Greatswords banzai charged to atone for their mistake, but how the hell did that happen?
I'm not sure about trying to become the elector. Is that why we're going there? Why are we there? We could be inventing new spells, do enchanting, train swordfighting or anything really.

If we are trying to become the new elector, I just disagree with that. The reason this quest is so unique is the advisor part.
I'm not sure about trying to become the elector. Is that why we're going there? Why are we there? We could be inventing new spells, do enchanting, train swordfighting or anything really.

If we are trying to become the new elector, I just disagree with that. The reason this quest is so unique is the advisor part.
I'd imagine it's so we can attempt to ensure our preferred candidate gets it- whether Van Hal's heirs or Anton. And this is the big political meet- the Spymistress should be there, ideally deniably as part of some other capacity. Like, delivering a report on the Purge and destruction of Drachenhof as de facto CIC.

I agree we're a very unlikely EC and have no interest in that myself.
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Spymistress and Knight of Stirland. Known right hand of Van Hal. Destroyer of Drachenhof. It's absolutely appropriate to be there representing the Stirland interim government.

Other counts and Emperor probably only cares about destruction of Drachenhof, but that should suffice. :V Hope GT wouldn't be there, or shenanigans are going to happen.

So, did we ever learn what went down during our failed charge? I know the Greatswords banzai charged to atone for their mistake, but how the hell did that happen?

The 4th wave shattered as Mathilde and An charged. Then the Great Swords got blocked when they try to breakthrough.
If these drop the income so that we're at the low point- after the infrastructure is built and paid for, but before it's in use and producing income- when the watch budget is normalized, that would be fantastic. If the "yield an unknown number of Budget Points" happens simultaneously with the cost, then these are a much less good idea. @BoneyM, could you clarify?

There is a construction and set-up period, so it'll take a while for the proceeds to start flowing in. Timing it so that the expenses are part of the new normal and the profits come after the new Elector Count has settled in would work out nicely.
EIC share increase and debt erasure* are the big personal finance things. With the EIC as our investment vehicle I don't see much need to do personal embezelment or land speculation.

For our office, putting the informant network on the Watch budget, getting Stirland Saltpeter Security inc off the ground so the Watch can afford it, making sure SSS have the monopoly on the Haunted Hills caves - Sylvanian caves need monitoring anyway - and EIC information partnership are the big financial things.

We have dwarven favours - use their expertise where possible, training and satlpeter both. Out lair too.

The magic goop research is getting ever more urgent because we just have so much of the stuff.

*edit: Performance bonus for the the annihilation of Drakenhof from the acting commander of the Purge.
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Voting is open