As before, Trait analysis:
[ ] Artillery is the King of Battle.
Likely Trait: Artillery Commander.
Pros: Bonus to use and acquisition of artillery.
Cons: Artillery nearly irrelevant to Spymaster, Watch Commander, Wizard roles.
[ ] Dwarves are the greatest ally of humanity.
Likely Trait: Friend to Dwarfs(distinct from Dwarf Friend). Bonus to contacting and interacting with dwarfs. Less likely to cause offense to dwarfs.
Pros: Boon to Watch Commander role, for the War Below. Boon to enchanting, dwarf sourced material and equpment may be more expensive, but of reliable quality. Boon to underground construction if we wanted to make palaces even better. Boon to getting gossip and intel out of otherwise close mouthed dwarfs
Cons: Relatively situational, dwarfs do not normally intersect with our routine operations. Maintaining trait likely to involve dangerous and time consuming adventures, for the Dawi don't often ask for help except when things are utterly fucked.
[ ] The Halflings have proven themselves as a worthy neighbour.
Likely Trait: Halfling Sympathizer. Bonus to contacting and interacting with halflings. Less likely to overlook halflings.
Pros: Halflings are everywhere. Likely involved in local thieving and generally offering a largely unnoticed avenue of street level intelligence...if you can get into their insular communities.
Cons: Stirland is the heart of Moot revanchism. This trait would put us squarely in conflict with a lot of the nobility and likely future Electors as well.
[ ] If such rank amateurs could rival the strength of an entire Province, imagine what a skilled hand could do with Dhar.
Likely Trait: Dhar Fascination. Bonus to dark magic research.
Pros: Dhar is a very dangerous field, we'd need all the bonuses if we intend to delve into it.
Cons: Abelhelm will frown most strenously from the afterlife. Against the strictures of Imperial magic. The road to madness.
[ ] The dead of Sylvania's prehistory deserve an undisturbed rest.
Likely Trait: Eternal Rest. Bonus to combating undead and necromancers. Bonus to relations with Morrites(once they notice anyway)
Pros: The undead are the number one enemy in Stirland so this will likely see a lot of future use.
Cons: It doesn't actually involve our job. And as a spymaster, disturbing the quiet undead is going to happen a time or two.
[ ] Magic used recklessly has catastrophic effects; great care must be taken in it's handling.
Likely Trait: Cautious Mage. Bonus to avoiding spell failure. Take more time to perform experimental magic or to learn new magic.
Pros: Magic backlash is the number one threat to any wizard.
Cons: Caution is likely to stunt our progress in magical research. It's been noted that you can actually LOSE Magic rating for being too careful to avoid pushing your limits.
[ ] The best battle is one where the enemy never gets a strike in.
Likely Trait: Coup de Grace. Bonus to actions taken to set up a decisive finish.
Pros: As a Grey Wizard and Spymaster this is right up our alley. Whether its to race rumor to arrive before any enemy can react, or to proceed by stealth to take them unknown, or to drug them to take them helplessly or to set up artillery and archery where you can pound them with impunity. Its our thing.
Cons: Not always the most honorable strategy for a knight, and it hurts when a fight comes at a time not of our choosing.
[ ] The best counterspell is, in fact, a blackpowder projectile to the face.
Likely Trait: Blackpowder Enthusiast. Bonus to acquiring and using gunpowder weaponry.
Pros: Guns are pretty useful. So are cannons.
Cons: The Purge is
not representative of Imperial gunpowder. quality, we rolled amazingly. Expect botching guns to potentially blow off fingers you need to cast spells with.
[ ] The Black Guard of Morr were the most dependable human asset across the entire campaign.
Likely Trait: Morr Sympathies. Bonus to relations with Morrites.
Pros: We're in Stirland, therefore Morrite support is good.
Cons: Morr does not actually get involved much in the affairs of the living. His domain is the dead and dreams. Also we're the spymaster and the court wizard. Not the piety advisor.
[ ] Magic is unreliable, gods are doubly so: always have a mundane solution.
Likely Trait: Supernatural Distrust. Bonus to finding mundane solutions to supernatural problems.
Pros: Less risks with magic. More solutions you can actually use on an organizational level.
Cons: This is how you stunt your magical ability.
[ ] It's not a great hero who carries the day, but a lot of small men working in concert.
Likely Trait: Administrators. Bonus to organizational actions, reduced personal interventions
Pros: We're currently managing two organizations, and looking to take over the thieves guilds SOMEDAY. This will be invaluable.
Cons: Less personal intervention means less chances of master spells and gain traits.
[ ] The fog of war is a bitch, to all involved.
Likely Trait: Mysterious. Bonus to getting information out of chaotic situations. Bonus to misleading enemies.
Pros: This is basically the Grey Wizard/Spymaster thing
Cons: Say hi to another classic +Intrigue -Diplomacy thing
[ ] Expertise matters. And Stirland has precious little of it.
Likely Trait: Human Resources. Bonus to hiring, and recruiting rolls. Bonus to improvement chances of subordinates and apprentices. Potentially allow re-employing secondary options.
Pros: We've had a hell of a time getting good people, and whenever we do so, we let go of usually at least one other talented person. Being better at finding and retaining talent perhaps, might have let us get more wizard the next time we go for help.
Cons: Limited applicability. We do hiring for our organizations, but once they are staffed we'd only use it rarely, until we make Magister and can start looking for apprentices of our own.
[ ] Mathematics is universal.
Likely Trait: Mathematician. Broad based, but minor bonuses to math related stuff, like Practical. Affected areas are logistics, economics, spell research, artillery, ciphers, investigation, cartography. Most likely effect is Stewardship and Learning +1, with circumstantial Intrigue and Martial bonuses.
Pros: Math affects everything we do as a leader and a wizard. Basically everything short of stabbing people in the face, and THAT only because there isn't enough time to calculate a perfect path to face stabbing unless you're an elf or something.
Cons: Well...its math.
[ ] Complex problems, simple solutions.
Likely trait: Very Practical. Everything Practical does, but more so. Narratively lessened severity of botches due to taking less unnecessary risks
Pros: Simplicity is a power of its own. It helps with everything.
Cons: This is going to do our academic and magical career no favors. RIP sence of wonder
[ ] Unity brings Strength, Discord brings Failure.
Likely trait: Coordinator. Bonus to diplomacy, particularly rolls to help bridge rifts or get dissimilar peoples to cooperate.
Pros: It's a diplomacy boosting trait! Those are kind of rare for spymasters and wizards, who get spoopier all the time.
Cons: It's a diplomacy boosting trait. We're going to lose even more diplomacy over time. Is it a good investment?
Note. 100% speculativee. Just drawing on existing traits for comparison, and a lot of the effects are likely narrative rather than statistical.
Yeah, but as far as I understand we won't have any porblems getting a few actions' worth of teaching. We've got a really good rep with them already.
An incredibly good rep. +15!