Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
-[X] Bring shiny new Unison!Dragon along to meet them. They can probably tell her things about her new state that Sextant couldn't, right?
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.
[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[X]Social with classmates
[X]General training with Perfect Storm.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
Gamification demands combat upgrades and party get prioritization. Thus Vista toys and MechaDragon. I want to see Storm's stuff too, but it just doesn't overwrite those priorities this time.
Pff... thats bull. If it were true, everybody would have taken the options to Add Lacy, 13th Hour and the Adepts to the social instead of bothering with Vista's third arm. Upwards of 7 New guardian beasts to play Hero for the Party and potentially 4-5 new mages in a week or two would do alot more for our combat power than Vista's arm, and arguably more than UDDragon, dependent on whether she sticks around and how many build slots she gives.
If we ever want an alternative to killing an Endbringer than Arc-en-Ciel it, then the first one looks like a good bet.
eh... not really. Simurgh would never allow herself to be hit by a stationary weapon except to make a point, Leviathan would dodge it point blank to taunt you, and chances are (because we didn't test this last time) Behemoth would be able to absorb the weapons fire and spit it back at us. Unless the weapon is funny exotic shit rather than some sort of energy blast.
The Nanites would probably work better, actually. On Behemoth and Leviathan at least. may be a bad idea against Simurgh depending on her ability to understand magic nanite mechanics.
Won't she also be phenomenally difficult to kill, being a Device and all?
Not for an Endbringer, who's honestly her most likely attempted murderer.
Nanomachine Distribution Channels (5 points) – Carefully etched grooves and reservoirs filled with nanites give prosthetics the ability to repair themselves after sustaining damage. This process will automatically trigger if the user is unconscious or asleep but otherwise needs to be activated manually.
The Nanites would probably work better, actually. On Behemoth and Leviathan at least. may be a bad idea against Simurgh depending on her ability to understand magic nanite mechanics.
I'd like to see that pansy-ass excuse of a robot stand up to a girl who played U19 Striker* at Fourth Ground Academy! Simurgh wouldn't dare fuck with this general.

No, I am not sorry. Yes, @Silently Watches, I'm asking if this can be a thing.

*Yes, that's an actual thing.
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[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
Been long enough I'm going to tally all this up.

Hmmmmmmm… That's gonna get interesting.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Mar 11, 2018 at 3:32 PM, finished with 13514 posts and 31 votes.
Silently Watches threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Vista Total: 6
6 6
Silently Watches threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Dragon Total: 143
57 57 46 46 40 40
Vista has just 1d10.
It's not about her magic, I presume.
Is it her reaction to the revelation of magic? Or how ludicrous will be her demands for her new arm weaponry?
Also, if Vista doesn't have Linker Core rolls, I presume her mage status was predeterminated.

All three Dragon's rolls are average, the first is the highest.
I presume that is her UD synchronisation with our mages. Average rolls means none of them can be UD!Dragon's true partner, but Unison is possible and it's somewhat easier with Taylor.
...Unless Tim has bonuses thanks to his mage-Tinker status.
I wonder, is it possible for the Unison Device/Mage partnership to be reversed? Because it would be hilarious if Dragon picked up a mage yet ended up the main driving force of the partnership, while the mage just tags along and helps.
Vista has just 1d10.
It's not about her magic, I presume.
Is it her reaction to the revelation of magic? Or how ludicrous will be her demands for her new arm weaponry?
Also, if Vista doesn't have Linker Core rolls, I presume her mage status was predeterminated.
That roll WAS for her magic. I gave her a bit of a bonus on the chances of having a Linker Core.
...Unless Tim has bonuses thanks to his mage-Tinker status.
Unison with Dragon does have a bonus for magi-engineers or Gadgeteers or prior Tinkers, yes.
I wonder, is it possible for the Unison Device/Mage partnership to be reversed? Because it would be hilarious if Dragon picked up a mage yet ended up the main driving force of the partnership, while the mage just tags along and helps.
It's totally possible. That's a matter of personality more than anything else.
All three Dragon's rolls are average, the first is the highest.
I dunno, those look pretty ugly from my perspective. or if not ugly, then meh options like Tim's last roll.
That roll WAS for her magic. I gave her a bit of a bonus on the chances of having a Linker Core.
ooh, then 6 is probably good for a Linker Class C. maybe more. Regardless, FUZZIES!

Not sure what we're going to do with the Long Live The King vote though. Only one person voted for my plan to get Tim and Lacy Guardian beasts and try to make Lacy and Standstill heroes to help out. Our chances of making a difference are improved over last time, but really not very much without this. Unless Vista's going to pull and Adept Recruit and leave the Wards to work with us?
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Might have something to do with that the Privateers aren't exactly big fans of 'becoming' capes right now.
theyre also not fans of survival. Our fault as voters I suppose. RTS and other base/army building themes are tangential to the superhero genre with despite his inversions and subversions, Worm and its fanfiction are.
More like they see playing the same Cops and Robbers game that made their town go to hell as selling out. They have pride in being 'the common man' and telling costumed criminals to GTFO.

Like, that was outright told to us.
Yeah... but its also precarious whether they understand that they were only effective as the common joe because they had supernatural levels of coordination provided by captain and avoided direct confrontation with capes. What they're talking about doing now suggests that such details have gone completely over their heads. What they did with the Maras frame job suggests they at least have some presence of mind. Who knows at this point.