Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

We need to deal with the coming villains and the Privateers ASAP. If Calvert is really looking to set up new grounds then Ramirez and his faction look like prime targets for the slimy bastard to puppet.

As for social? Hmmmmm, I'd say meet up with Tim and Vista and to scan for Linker Cores for the first; for the second, sit down with Sam , Tim and Storm and have that much needed talk about Galea.
Forgot to explain this earlier. The d100 roll I did after the last action vote? That was for how Armsy would respond to Tim's magitech. 1-30, this is dangerously stupid, it can't physically work, Vista take the arm off now. 31-60, okay it's another newbie Tinker, whatever. 61-90, hey this Tinker has some good ideas, I'll keep an eye on him. 91-100, Dragon gets jealous because Armsmaster wants to spend his time making sweet innovation with Tim instead of her.

The roll was 54 IIRC.

:D :lol :rofl:
Damn it, you mean we missed the Tinker LoveTinkering Triangle? Some things just shouldn't be risked on a dice roll.
Main activities:
Any variant is fine with me.

My questions for Enforcers:
1. What were they doing for these three weeks since they found out their mission is pointless? What are they planning to do?
2. What is the status of their ship? Is it capable to fly? To shoot monsters?
3. If they don't plan to leave soon, will they be willing to finally do something useful and join Endbringer fight?
...Do they even know about Endbringers? Considering the Admiral's caginess I wouldn't be surprised to find out he decided they don't need to know.
4. Some information about the TSAB will be appreciated. Number of planets, form of government, do they have different law-enforcement agencies for normals and mages(like police and PRT) or not, their religion, relations with other nations, how do they live their lives, why they have a little girl as a dispatch? Questions like this.

I still unhappy with the fact the first thing we did after establishing reliable communications was to send the TSAB our First Contact package, and all we received in exchange were vague explanations about them being the peacekeepers and even more vague offer 'to be part of a wider society you never knew existed'. I, personally, very much don't want Taylor 'to be part of their society', but I want to know more about it.

Social activities:
- Perfect Storm. Enforcers will most probably feed us with Belkan propaganda (history is written by the victors, after all), so we need to counter it with some Galean propaganda. The same questions I listed in 4. + history of the war from Galean perspective.
- Standstill. I want to know did she managed to return in the Protectorate and what she told them about magic, Adepts and us.
Other variant: Tim, Epoch, Maclibuin and Standstill - let Tim give them a lection about Devices, then talk with Standstill.

And we still need to inform the Triumvirate that 'the weapon' is us and we already in contact with the TSAB black-ops.
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My social desires are:
1) Tim and Vista - Arm Discussion
2) Tim and Adepts - Magic Discussion
3) Tim and Dragon - Unison Device Transfer, in preparation for visiting TSAB
4) Perfect Storm - Talking about the past

The latter two are a prep for TSAB, more or less. Adepts should be taken earlier rather than later, too.

... Fuck you. Fuck. You. Fuck you, fuck your shitty sense of humor, fuck puns in general, and fuck Yang for putting this idea in your head in the first place!:V
Now now, don't be so y-angsty! /teasing
Oooh! I have an idea for how this could work. Taylor and Vista would walk in on Tim and Dragon talking about their conversion plans, and Dragon could stick around while the arm design takes place. Dragon just wouldn't want to talk about true nature in front of Vista, that's all.

1) Tim and Vista - Arm Discussion
3) Tim and Dragon - Unison Device Transfer, in preparation for visiting TSAB
Two of those can be combined see the quote above.
1) Tim and Vista - Arm Discussion
2) Tim and Adepts - Magic Discussion
3) Tim and Dragon - Unison Device Transfer, in preparation for visiting TSAB
Two of those can be combined see the quote above.
The transfer itself cannot be the same activity as the arm talk. My response was to Racoras's question about getting Dragon and Vista in the same scene.
4) Perfect Storm - Talking about the past

The latter two are a prep for TSAB, more or less
Out of curiosity, what information do you think PS will have that's of relevance to a conversation with the TSAB?
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Out of curiosity, what information do you think PS will have that's of relevance to a conversation with the TSAB?

Not the subvote/topic I planned to ask for (I want to hear about the First Calamity Witch... seems interesting, may give hints to development, and potentially foster loyalty or other useful results) , but one idea might be to see if it's got any old Galean secrets that might be worth sharing in trade for help with Endbringers / cushy recruitment and training package / other goodies. Forget if Marriage came before or after , I think after IAE (and pretty sure it will be....derailing, if IAE learns of her ? :p ) , but maybe other Lost Logia to track down in advance? After all, if you can't get a military victory by conquest, why not cultural? victory by working your way up through their power structure till you have influence over them! Or, ya know, its a classic for villain-types to manipulate the good guys to do all the hard work of digging up the lost MacGuffins' for them, to swoop in and grab later. Worked out for Link so it'll be fiiiiine.
I think that the main reason why the TSAB doesn't want to share First Contact info is that, well, they have a non-interference policy. Their mission is getting dangerous stuff out, leaving the remaining harmless magic behind to maybe assist the world in getting up to their level, and leaving.

What do we take from that? We should mass-produce Tims and start up the Magic-Uplifting process of Humanity. At least later, when we'll have time.
This is beyond the intended scope/scale of the quest, I think.
Not necessarily. We don't have to follow through with it personally. Just like alot of the plotlines we don't follow up on, we can kick off the ball and let it happen in the background. Even if that's not the best thing. Epoch would be quite happy to handle it for us, as he noted during the meet and greet.
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Vote 9.9

Before you vote, you might want to refresh yourself on THE RULES.

Here's the selection again. Choose wisely.

Two of these…
[ ] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[ ] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.
[ ] Looking for Trouble – Go on patrol and maybe befriend someone. Or Befriend someone. Same thing, right? Maybe you'll even see someone familiar.

…and two of these.
[ ] Social – This can be hanging out, exploring other worlds, training, whatever.
[ ] Social – This can be hanging out, exploring other worlds, training, whatever.
[x] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[x] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[x] Social: Vista/Tim (?dragon?) Take Vista up on her interest in acquiring a combat arm and use the conversation to scan her for magic. If she has no linker core, fine, friends is friends :D. If she has a linker core, offer her her own Samantha and explain what it means to be a mage with the option of a device open ended. Use the opportunity to catch up with Tim and maybe dragon.

[x] Social: Thirteenth Hour/Tim (?Lacy?) Its time to talk about expanding the group. The recruit you're most keen on is the heroine Standstill, so, see if she's amenable to coming in to talk with you and Tim about her new device. Or failing that, Magical Training Manual and a "Partner". :p With the impending collapse of the Privateers Lacy may also be interested and you she and Tim need to talk about the elephant in the room.

I know Tim's still busy with the 4 slot Dragon Transfer, but social would just be planning phase far as I understand it. Walk in on Tim in the morning to ask him about Vista getting a combat-arm and we learn about their current building project with Dragon, maybe with her there to comment on it. That brings to mind Devices and the privateers, so there's thought about bringing the situation back up with Lacy, thirteenth hour, and since we have our now friend Vista on hand, ask if we could scan her for "further compatibility". We're innocently thinking about Linker cores, Vista assumes something to do with the arm, and explanations come depending on the result. Having Lacy, Standstill/13th Hour, maybe Vista and their Guardian Beasts waiting in the wings will help with Tickets to Gangland even though I don't care to do anything with it (atm)

(Note) 13th hour/lacy social would be something set up for later in the week at the same time. Not sure if I need to clarify. Order would go, Social Vista, close encounters, Social 13th hour lacy, Long live the king.
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[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
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[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3
– After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social- Sit down with Sam, Tim and Storm and try and piece together what you know about Galea.
- Does the name Cassiel sound familiar to any of them?
- Ask Perfect Storm how he's been dealing with the recent revelations about his homeland.
[X] Social Meet up along with Tim with the Adepts (and Standstill) and discuss what they are going to do going forwards.
- Tell them about the TSAB.