@Saotome Nakazawa
It is especially aggravating to see you pop in, offer arguments in contradiction with known IC AND OOC facts and circumstances, directly ignoring QM instructions, then blame the players for being 'evil' and characterizing decisions made in line with
minimizing casualties as a murderboner.
And then claim to be the one mad.
Note the basic facts here:
-The enemy's entire strategy is predicated upon using compromised civilians to buy time for them to raise enough dead to overwhelm us with numbers.
-Four regiments of 2,500 men(total 10k dudes) each have been rendered combat ineffective. That's at least thousands of people dead on our side just taking the gate, including our leader and likely a big chunk of our best fighters.
Our options at present are:
-Risk our best remaining fighters and try to kill skeletons faster than they can march to penetrate the enemy stronghold. This will inevitably kill large numbers of loyal Stirland soldiers and a big chunk of our knights.
-Risk strategic magical assets to try to kill skeletons faster than they can march to penetrate the enemy stronghold. This will inevitably kill large numbers of loyal Stirland soldiers and a chance of losing.
-Spread out and help the enemy kill more Stirland soldiers
-Indiscriminately slaughter civilians to penetrate the enemy stronghold. This will kill both a significant number of loyal Stirland soldiers, and also civilians.
-Use artillery to decapitate enemy leadership and stem the flow of undead from strongpoints. This kills a significant number of Stirland soldiers and no civilians unless they are hanging around the enemy leadership and strongpoints.
-Use fire to burn the whole place. This kills no Stirland soldiers and all civilians.
-Use dragonfire to burn the whole place. This kills no Stirland soldiers and all civilians.
And you have the gall to call this out as being slaughter mad when it's the approach which kills the least people
total which is feasible at all.
You cannot evacuate tens of thousands of people from a city while a tenth of them are trying to kill you.