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Adhoc vote count started by liberty90 on Mar 7, 2018 at 10:48 AM, finished with 1722 posts and 52 votes.
@Cornuthaum knows what he's talking about, but I'm still a bit unsure about claiming more Khyberi territory over developing industry and education in terms of long term goals.

I thought we mainly wanted the coast on the not!Pacific ocean, but Nohon's already got it, and by the time we get there, they'll be fairly entrenched and there's no way we'll be able to dislodge them. We'll have a continent-long supply chain, while they'll be able to ship supplies over a relatively distance from their core territories. At best, we could maybe stoke a rebellion in not!Korea with our kung-fu philosophers, but even then, I don't see the newly independent territories joining us. Especially since we'd probably be stoking nationalism in order to induce a rebellion.
@Cornuthaum knows what he's talking about, but I'm still a bit unsure about claiming more Khyberi territory over developing industry and education in terms of long term goals.
If you mean in regards to actions this turn, it's because developing industry will cost us PW that Kiberia wouldn't. And we need all the PW we can muster for the Constitution.

If you mean his plan to keep expanding, I would like to point out that until railroads become a thing, any fight would be totally meaningless for both sides since there's no real way to meaningfully claim territory, while after railroads, all we have to do is make sure we have extensive enough railroads of our own to hold the territory at least, and then use diplomacy to get the UP and Hung on our side, and maybe even the Sketch to utterly obliterate their fleets, upon which they won't really have the manpower to fight us.
Your TempIC. The amount we can spend is governed by our TempIC, PermIC really comes into play only when temp values iterate. So if we have 1 tempIC, we cannot do -2 tempIC regardless of changes to PermIC. We can do -2+1 Temp, because that leaves us on 0 Temp and no ordering exists.
See, right now we have 1(1) IC. If ordering does not matter, then after DI we have 2(1), as DI gives 1 normal IC, bringing us to 2(2), and takes one temp, bringing us to 2(1). If that is the case, then we can do something else that spends IC, like a Kyberi expansion. What I want to know is whether this is the case, or if the ordering does matter, and we first apply all temp IC expenses, obviously not being able to go into negatives, and add DI IC only after that. @Academia Nut?
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See, right now we have 1(1) IC. If ordering does not matter, then after DI we have 2(1), as DI gives 1 normal IC, bringing us to 2(2), and takes one temp, bringing us to 2(1). If that is the case, then we can do something else that spends IC, like a Kyberi expansion. What I want to know is whether this is the case, or if the ordering does matter, and we first apply all temp IC expenses, obviously not being able to go into negatives, and add DI IC only after that. @Academia Nut?

You cannot expand into Kyberi at the same time as you do an expansion unless you free up IC from elsewhere at the same time.
If you mean his plan to keep expanding, I would like to point out that until railroads become a thing, any fight would be totally meaningless for both sides since there's no real way to meaningfully claim territory,
A doubled width of Nohon's territory would be a manageable expanse even without railroads. The only reason *we* need railroads is because we're expanding way, way away from our center of power and easy transportation.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HanEmpire on Mar 7, 2018 at 1:49 PM, finished with 1743 posts and 57 votes.
If ordering does not matter, then after DI we have 2(1), as DI gives 1 normal IC, bringing us to 2(2), and takes one temp, bringing us to 2(1).
See, this is the part I am unsure of. Does getting +Perm stat also instantly give +Temp stat? It looks like not, otherwise Develop Industry would be eligible for taking infinite times until we run out of Developmemt or PW.
See, this is the part I am unsure of. Does getting +Perm stat also instantly give +Temp stat? It looks like not, otherwise Develop Industry would be eligible for taking infinite times until we run out of Developmemt or PW.
Shouldn't it? It doesn't make sense to develop industry and not end up with more industry in the short term.
Shouldn't it? It doesn't make sense to develop industry and not end up with more industry in the short term.
Not really? Your current factories are busy producing equipment for the new ones, and the new have not begun production in full. It makes sense we have less IC short-term but more long-term.

The Develop industry chain looks strange otherwise. A turn is a finite (and not very long) amount of time. Let's imagine we have enough PW and unused Development to spam factories enough times. Building a new IC point is not instant. Therefore, its production output starts happening later in the turn. The turn is finite, and each new IC happens later in the turn. (because your tempIC boost happens when a new factory comes online)

At some point there is not enough time to fit a new IC deployment. Then either your turn ends, which means you cannot into infinite IC or IC must be deployed so fast to fit an arbitrary number of +IC actions per turn, which contradicts our statement 'a new factory is not instant'.
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