[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Modern Logic (0/20-25?) [Science]
??? The canal that connects our manufacturing core to the Arabian sea means we're actually quite well positioned to participate in a scramble for africa, at least on the east coast.
Of course, whether it's worthwhile when we'll already be investing in exploiting kyberia once we've consumed the remainder and made contact with Nohon...

On second thought, I'd rather not need to kick Nohon off that side quite yet.

While strictly speaking, we have the capacity to do so, it is strategically a tough sell. That port is in and of itself already extremely vulnerable for the time being, surrounded by the Black Sheep on one side, and the Khemetri on the other. Then there is an island that anyone with a respectable navy could blockade the port with(which is at least better than in the Mediterranean and Baltic where you don't even need a navy to close it off, just a bunch of mines or coastal guns), and from then on out, we would also have the Russian problem of having to split a Great Power navy into three separate fleets.

A war with even a secondary power that has a truly modern navy could cut us off from any colonies at a moment's notice.

Also important is what you brought up with already developing Kyberia at that point.
[] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
This option could lead to our very first State Arsenal. Critically, it removes the military's dependence on Guilds to provide for it and gives the Monarch the biggest stick around. Let's see them screw with market liberalization then.
Not to put too fine a point on it, I have a suspicion that handing us players more military to work with in the long run is gonna cause more deaths than using the levy now.

Welllll, the pattern from old thread suggests we weren't as gung ho due to all the fires so~~~ maybe yes maybe no?
Welllll, the pattern from old thread suggests we weren't as gung ho due to all the fires so~~~ maybe yes maybe no?

Eh. Maybe, but the possibilities are still concerning, especially given all the Militancy (albeit temporary) we're going to be racking up.
Since it has come up, if you guys really push for it I could be convinced to allow both an IC and SoL changing option to be used in the Levy choice, but you just don't have the resources to do any other type of combination.
So? What's there that we want?

Very little in all honesty. There is almost certainly nothing there that can't be found in Kyberia. It's mostly a prestige thing with Imperialism, where having faraway colonies is a symbol of power. We kind of make up for it in raw mass, but when most of the other Great Powers have overseas colonies, and you don't, there's always a sort of strange look you get.
Very little in all honesty. There is almost certainly nothing there that can't be found in Kyberia. It's mostly a prestige thing with Imperialism, where having faraway colonies is a symbol of power. We kind of make up for it in raw mass, but when most of the other Great Powers have overseas colonies, and you don't, there's always a sort of strange look you get.
And when those far flung empires tear themselves apart, we can just look right back at them.
[x] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
Left hand: Militancy bad
Right hand: Getting owned because we don't have mens is even worse. This second option in particular allows us to increase our armies for cheaper and by god we will need armies, as well as setting up nationalized armaments production that can lead into the concept of big damn state arsenals.

[] [War] 0 PW - Reform armies, find an advantageous place to force a decisive battle
We have shown a level of staggering incompetence in this war that leads me to believe our Marshals cannot be trusted to command a hundred men, much less a hundred thousand. this is bad.

[x] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
We will almost certainly see another battle in 1807, which I dearly hope will go better than the IRL battle of Friedland .

[] [War] 1 PW - Take advantage of the First Citizen being away from Tortun, order an all out assault in the Styrmyr front while you hold them in Wyrmyn
The time to do military aggression was last war turn. Alas.

[] [War] 3 PW - Draw them into the plains and steppes of Gylruv while burning everything behind you and slowing their advance with harassing tactics, see if they can still fight without food (+1 Militancy, destruction of 1-3 points of active development, randomly lowering IC, SoL, Education, and Innovation to adjust for loss)
Ha haha ha ha haa no. Barclay de Tolly and Kutuzov's campaign of scorched earth might have been what won the Sixth Coalition the war but hoooooly shit no.

New Research Topics Available
[x] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
Take guild
apply knee to back
repeat until it breaks
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[] [War] 1 PW - Take advantage of the First Citizen being away from Tortun, order an all out assault in the Styrmyr front while you hold them in Wyrmyn
The time to do military aggression was last war turn. Alas.
Tbf, we would have had a far more powerful Wyrmyn under Not!Napoleon, so it was probably better that we sent the Patriarch to Wyrmyn. We sure don't need more revolts, and the Patriarch's presence was noted to be what stopped most of the sympathy to the 'free' Wyrmyn.

[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continualproduction and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [Levy] 2 PW - More taxes (-1 SoL, +1 Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)

[X] [War] 0 PW - Reform armies, find an advantageous place to force a decisive battle

[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]

Restrain yourselves from cowardice under pretense of prudence!

Recognize this moment to be seized!

Now is the time to STRIKE!
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Modern Logic (0/20-25?) [Science]
Since it has come up, if you guys really push for it I could be convinced to allow both an IC and SoL changing option to be used in the Levy choice, but you just don't have the resources to do any other type of combination.
What would that option be?
[Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy and increase taxes(-1 Temp SoL, -1 Temp IC, +2 Temp Armies, +2 Temp Militancy) ?

That might make [War] 0 PW - Reform armies, find an advantageous place to force a decisive battle a better choice, but it would be a gamble.
+2 Temp Armies would allow for a crushing victory if the First Citizen considers us defeated and has transferred to a losing border.
[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
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[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continualproduction and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
You accidentally deleted a space between "continual" and "production".

Anyways guys please vote for the State Arsenal option.
-we'll make up for the IC reduction quick by breaking the Guilds and opening up capitalist ventures.
-this option removes the Guilds' influence over the military by giving it state production facilities
-greater Royalist support will give us better leverage during the upcoming Constitutional Reforms.
-SoL reduction will reduce Happiness, which will be absolutely toxic going into Constitutional Reforms. Especially when this is mixed with the +1 Temp Militancy we're about to get.
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[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Taxes (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)

[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds

[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
-we'll make up for the IC reduction quick by breaking the Guilds.
-this option removes the Guilds' influence over the military
-greater Royalist support will give us better leverage during the upcoming Constitutional Reforms.

Source, source, and source?

(not disputing the last point, which is why I'm not voting to raise taxes)
[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
So i finaly could read through the lightning rounds without quiting out of disgust and i must say that could have gone worse.
Could have done without the suicide by mongol though.
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There are a couple of things that have been bugging me since the start of the Not!Napoleonic War.

@Academia Nut

1. Does anyone know who has more soldiers or armies, the Tortun Republic or the Ymaryn-Gylruv Dual Monarchy?
2. How do our military troops compare to the Hespranxer Republic? I only know that we have more land area compared to the two but not the standing military strength of the two enemy nations compared to ours.
3. What is the quality and quantity of Ymaryn soldiers compared to the Gylruv soldiers in the Imperial Army?
4. Are the Qeshyk troops considered special units? Are there any Ymaryn soldiers fighting in the Stymyr battlefield alongside the Gylruv troops?
5. Is it possible to show the current size of the Ymaryn state to the Gylruv state in the Ymaryn-Gylruv Dual Monarchy on the map?
6. Maybe something like state borders?
7. How big is the population of the Tortun and Hespranxer Republics compared to the Ymaryn-Gylruv Dual Monarchy?