[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
Note that Nohon's colonization efforts have begun to kick into high gear, but that they have also split off a significant amount of that effort into North America. We can perhaps use this to gain concessions in Kyberia when we eventually meet by offering diplomatic support to their North American claims if Mahaxia ever decides that they need their own Manifest Destiny, or if that Hespranxan frees itself and decides that those colonies look edible.
Either fortunately or unfortunately, due to our geographic position, we will be highly unlikely to participate in any sort of Scramble for Africa if such a thing ever occurs, which would allow us to take a strong anti colonialist stance, something I honestly expect us to jump on for better or for worse.
As for war, there's no way in hell we should be willing to commit to an OTL solution when its quite clearly not necessary. We have a unique cavalry advantage and should be willing to use it considering the unlikelhood of winning a straight up fight, and as Sivantic pointed out, not the best choice to trade a very sparse IC permanently for a single army point.
Also looks as if Kielmyr's status as a Great Power may come into question if they continue to suffer such devastating losses and do not gain much if/when the Tortuns are defeated.