Don't want to sacrifice permanent IC for armies, atm, unless someone can convince me there will be more wars after this.
To be fair, being ready for war is a decent way to prevent it. And being ready for war means you are ready for war if someone does think they are hard enough to have a go.
Whether or not it's a cost worth paying on the other hand...
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]

Note that Nohon's colonization efforts have begun to kick into high gear, but that they have also split off a significant amount of that effort into North America. We can perhaps use this to gain concessions in Kyberia when we eventually meet by offering diplomatic support to their North American claims if Mahaxia ever decides that they need their own Manifest Destiny, or if that Hespranxan frees itself and decides that those colonies look edible.

Either fortunately or unfortunately, due to our geographic position, we will be highly unlikely to participate in any sort of Scramble for Africa if such a thing ever occurs, which would allow us to take a strong anti colonialist stance, something I honestly expect us to jump on for better or for worse.

As for war, there's no way in hell we should be willing to commit to an OTL solution when its quite clearly not necessary. We have a unique cavalry advantage and should be willing to use it considering the unlikelhood of winning a straight up fight, and as Sivantic pointed out, not the best choice to trade a very sparse IC permanently for a single army point.

Also looks as if Kielmyr's status as a Great Power may come into question if they continue to suffer such devastating losses and do not gain much if/when the Tortuns are defeated.
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[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
1.) Fire the generals responsible for the Wyrmyn disaster. Out of a cannon, optionally.
2.) Buy time to muster the troops of the Second Coalition for a decisive battle
3.) Ideally, don't burn down our country.
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]

These look good for now, gotta reorganize after those combat results.
Also get that early pressure on the guilds as well as some possible prestige due to it being a social tech.

Also a really nice result on that assassination, we thankfully avoided the worst case scenario there.
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[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
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[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Take advantage of the First Citizen being away from Tortun, order an all out assault in the Styrmyr front while you hold them in Wyrmyn
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]

For everyone that is already going on the bandwagon of Devote Industry

We are at temp 1 right now and this will eat into our permanent stats. I really do not want to work with just 1 Industry Capacity when claiming Kyberi Territory, Increasing Standard of Life, and Increasing Industrial capacity all cost 1 temp.

All vital projects that we desperately need done.

Dropping SoL right now also crashes Happiness to the danger zone.
Constitutional Call triggering will redline us. Rather have less IC capacity than crash happiness during Republican revolutions
[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Taxes (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
Dropping SoL right now also crashes Happiness to the danger zone.
Constitutional Call triggering will redline us. Rather have less IC capacity than crash happiness during Republican revolutions

Okay, but consider: we could just spend temporary IC rather than permanent. Like so:

[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)

I can't see a pressing need for these to be permanent armies, we've only been taking temporary losses so far & a permanent Armies of 6 seems entirely adequate.
Either fortunately or unfortunately, due to our geographic position, we will be highly unlikely to participate in any sort of Scramble for Africa if such a thing ever occurs, which would allow us to take a strong anti colonialist stance, something I honestly expect us to jump on for better or for worse.
??? The canal that connects our manufacturing core to the Arabian sea means we're actually quite well positioned to participate in a scramble for africa, at least on the east coast.
Of course, whether it's worthwhile when we'll already be investing in exploiting kyberia once we've consumed the remainder and made contact with Nohon...

On second thought, I'd rather not need to kick Nohon off that side quite yet.
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]

Okay, but consider: we could just spend temporary IC rather than permanent. Like so:

[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)

I can't see a pressing need for these to be permanent armies, we've only been taking temporary losses so far & a permanent Armies of 6 seems entirely adequate.

This sounds rational.
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Taxing the hell out of people right before we liberalize the economy sounds like a bad idea IMO. We can't make a proper transition to a more liberal market if the public doesn't have disposable income to spend.
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
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[X] [Levy] 1 PW - Devote industry to continual production and support (-1 IC, +1 Armies, +1 PW from Royalists, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
Okay, but consider: we could just spend temporary IC rather than permanent. Like so:

[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)

I can't see a pressing need for these to be permanent armies, we've only been taking temporary losses so far & a permanent Armies of 6 seems entirely adequate.

I mean drawing up levy seems like sending good amount of taxpayers to early grave without getting the bang for the buck. Spending industry to get more equipment would reduce human (taxpayer) costs to some extend i think, at least more taxpayer would return to work alive or uncrippled.
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
[X] [Levy] 0 PW - Draw up more from the levy (-1 Temp IC, +1 Temp Armies, +1 Temp Militancy)
[X] [War] 1 PW - Refuse direct battle, use the Qeshyks to make them chase ghosts while you lick your wounds
[X] [Research] Early Market Liberalization (0/25-40?) [Social]
I mean drawing up levy seems like sending good amount of taxpayers to early grave without getting the bang for the buck. Spending industry to get more equipment would reduce human (taxpayer) costs to some extend i think, at least more taxpayer would return to work alive or uncrippled.

We are much more developed than OTL Russia, but we are not truly industrial civ yet. It seems to me that at this stage of development it's better to use our people than industry.
Keep in mind that relying on the military factories may lead to formation of the Military-Industrial Complex. And do they really want to do away with the guilds?

Guilds protect their inventions? Looks good.
Guilds remove competition? Awesome, and we are too vital for the government to pressure.

Recalling levy farmers to fight might also call for mechanisation to sustain food production.
I mean drawing up levy seems like sending good amount of taxpayers to early grave without getting the bang for the buck. Spending industry to get more equipment would reduce human (taxpayer) costs to some extend i think, at least more taxpayer would return to work alive or uncrippled.

Not to put too fine a point on it, I have a suspicion that handing us players more military to work with in the long run is gonna cause more deaths than using the levy now.
Keep in mind that relying on the military factories may lead to formation of the Military-Industrial Complex. And do they really want to do away with the guilds?

Guilds protect their inventions? Looks good.
Guilds remove competition? Awesome, and we are too vital for the government to pressure.
Guilds are also the reason we have a max of 3 IC, and a large part of why we have had no real mechanization.

Guilds need to die, asap, if we don't want to become a backwater nation that has to struggle to even survive.