Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Hey, I spend a lot of time typing up reasoning and debating to get...well a 40% success rate. That's about normal.

Also most people seem to be focused on the waifu wars :p
Sure, you put in the effort, but you can't deny that you also have a lot of name recognition working for you.

Am I just being a downer? Probably. I mean, there's maybe half a dozen people in the thread who even care what actions get chosen. Everyone else is only interested in 'derpwizard' memes and, now, shipping.
The heart of any proper operation security is compartmentalization. Mingling together two assets means that a) it is possible to compromize both in one go b) even if only one is compromised, it has fingers in the clean part of network c) it's fairly hard to play one part against another when we need it. I'm strongly against.
In this case that is true...if we release them from our direct control.

The Watch is fundamentally a reactive and martial organization. it doesn't suffer the same compartmentalization woes because the flow is one way, the, and the informants watch the watchers.
I'd have a lot more doubts about integrating the Thieves Guild the same way(which I would REQUIRE that it expands under our direct control or not at all). Or the EIC(which, granted, will expand by Wilhelmina's actions anyways).

You can't really compromise the informant network by compromising the Watch, though the reverse is true, it is ALREADY true. We have informants threaded throughout the Watch already.
Sure, you put in the effort, but you can't deny that you also have a lot of name recognition working for you.

Am I just being a downer? Probably. I mean, there's maybe half a dozen people in the thread who even care what actions get chosen. Everyone else is only interested in 'derpwizard' memes and, now, shipping.
Brand Recognition from many, many hours of typing. And still only a 40% winrate.
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[X] Plan Broken Heart

[X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
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You can't really compromise the informant network by compromising the Watch
With your vote it's possible. Here's just one angle, an easy one: with watchmen acting as couriers and messengers between informants, there's a number of information denial and man in the middle attacks that are feasible.
I'm pretty sure OPSEC is taught in Grey college, is it, @BoneyM?
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Realistically it's better to keep spy agency apart from regular policing agency, but at this moment derp is dual as there no other "safe" choice.

I would rather keep the connection between Watch to Network single way, so that information are gathered at local level (by watch and network) then sent up the chain (network only). Feasible? Maybe not due to possible friendly fire when Watch is kept separate.
[X][Waifu] None of the above, yet: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her yet.
With your vote it's possible. Here's just one angle, an easy one: with watchmen acting as couriers and messengers between informants, there's a number of information denial and man in the middle attacks that are feasible.
I'm pretty sure OPSEC is taught in Grey college, is it, @BoneyM?
You'd need @BoneyM to elaborate in a convincing manner unfortunately, because I'm not seeing that sort of thing going on.

The watchmen are the informants. The couriers and messenger networks would be running through both Watch and independent channels, because the Watch simply doesn't have the kind of channels to do relaying between cities(City watches rarely communicate between each other in this era beyond routine reports, though I suppose you could bury a cipher in those). But the Watch also serves as convenient dead drop pickups as they have a ready made excuse to be wandering around town on patrols without deviating from routine, they have the tavern listener angle covered. Couple that to where we have the local Watch Sergeant being a spy and whatnot, that gives us the kind of basic network framework we can build off.

The Watch is not intended to be, nor able to serve as the backbone for a deep penetration network. For that we have to expand it separately. But it makes for a good State of Stirland barometer. It's a wide area network to detect if a section is damaged, if there are a sudden uptick in burglaries in glassmakers which cost them a lot of Wizard Chic related profit after Mathilde passes through, if the number of missing persons reports rises or drops, etc.

It's not intended to be complete by itself, but we don't even have the action economy to set up that much without taking up all our time.
And so the Watch watches, and our watchers in the Watch watch for us.
The watchmen are the informants. The couriers and messenger networks would be running through both Watch and independent channels, because the Watch simply doesn't have the kind of channels to do relaying between cities(City watches rarely communicate between each other in this era beyond routine reports, though I suppose you could bury a cipher in those). But the Watch also serves as convenient dead drop pickups as they have a ready made excuse to be wandering around town on patrols without deviating from routine, they have the tavern listener angle covered. Couple that to where we have the local Watch Sergeant being a spy and whatnot, that gives us the kind of basic network framework we can build off.
I think what you are explaining is the default situation, and your vote will make information network to rely on watch channels and resources in great way, great enough to make compromise possible.
I am pretty sure that if you want network-watch integration to use a specific scheme that appeals to you a safe one, you'd have to make a write-in vote, because as of now your vote is, to the letter "interweave your network with the Watch as it expands, so that you can use the Watch to cover your network's communication lines and actions", which is a contrary to your plan, if put succinctly, to "use watch as an independent and non-critical part of information network" .
[X][Waifu] None of the above, yet: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her yet.
[X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
[X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
@BoneyM, since we now have a network, regular reports from our network, and an analyst reading those reports and telling us what they say... could you tell us what they say? I sort of feel like Mathilde is the most ignorant spymaster ever because we take action after action to grow our spy network but none of the spies tell us anything. We constantly strive to get more informants and the informants do nothing whatsoever except take money, unless we have an action that calls upon them to act or touches onto them as part of something we're actively doing.

Now, in-character that might not be true, but we don't get to see most of what's happening in-character. It would be nice to have a rumor mill, report summaries, indications of what is happening in various places where we have agents... anything that would let us actually perform some kind of actual spymastering work where we hear about stuff and tell Van Hal about it, instead of the current situation where we generally hear nothing except when an action explicitly blunders us into it or something happens to come up during the once-per-six-months conversation that we have with our coworkers, and as a result I at least feel like we're flailing around in the dark. That was great flavor when we were new to the job and literally doing everything alone, but that's not the case anymore and hasn't been for years.
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I've been thinking about adding a rumour mill to things, but it requires expanding the scope of the active world immensely for the information in it to be meaningful, all for the sake of a handful of lines at the end of the turn. It's a lot of work for a little flavour, where ideally I want things to be the exact opposite way around.
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
[X] [WAIFU] Van Hal

My great grandparents got married just cause my great grandfather saw his future wife's ankles and Van Hall has seen us in our unmentionables...and seen our knees! Le Scandal! :p:rofl:
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I've been thinking about adding a rumour mill to things, but it requires expanding the scope of the active world immensely for the information in it to be meaningful, all for the sake of a handful of lines at the end of the turn. It's a lot of work for a little flavour, where ideally I want things to be the exact opposite way around.
There's a number of things already going behind the scenes you already keep track of, such as council actions and Van Hal actions. You can roll every turn to determine if it leaks one way or another into our network, and frame it accordingly to the roll. I.e. Schulz makes report to his backer that there are cool trade opportunities ahead -> good roll on informants -> we get a report from watch that there is a lot of new merchants from Talabecland.
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I've been thinking about adding a rumour mill to things, but it requires expanding the scope of the active world immensely for the information in it to be meaningful, all for the sake of a handful of lines at the end of the turn. It's a lot of work for a little flavour, where ideally I want things to be the exact opposite way around.
Well... prefacing the following with a note that I like this quest a lot and don't mean this as some sort of condemnation of what has been, overall, some excellent writing...

The commander of Swartzhafen has been on our informant listings for years and we've never heard anything about what's happening in Swartzhafen, or indeed received any indication that his "informant" status means we're kept informed of anything at all. All those towns that we fought our way into getting people to report to us from might as well not exist for all that we learn about them; are those bureaucrats and headmen being difficult and hiding things, does Mathilde not bother to read any of that stuff they're sending in, or was getting them to become informants simply irrelevant? We paid to put agents in the military and on the Sylvanian border, but the only time we learn about those topics is when Van Hal or another councilmember tells us about them, and the agents that we've been pushing into the Watch don't seem to be telling us much about the attitude of the rank and file Watch personnel to our takeover- we only know that the leader resigned and that was done in person. Indeed, the only time those veterans appear to exist is when they're sucking down our discretionary funds. We've made use of our village connections and the thieves' guild but only when action choices involved making use of them- the only time I can think of that we actually got information out of them without it being directly related to our action choices was when it was mentioned that the thieves said Kasmir was looking for a priest of Ranald (which was great and exactly what I'd like to see more of).

So, I agree that the work:flavor ratio is important. Right now, overall the flavor I'm getting is that Mathilde is throwing tons of cash at building a network but doesn't actually use her network for anything; she has them sending in paperwork and someone reading the paperwork but there's no practical result of all of that effort so it's just spending money on busywork. It wouldn't surprise me if one day it came out that she was getting shamelessly fleeced by a large fraction of the people who supposedly work for her since they can collect paychecks without really doing anything aside from sending the occasional "all boring here" note unless she shows up in person; there's nothing I see in the updates that contradicts this interpretation of her character and performance.

Maybe a rumor mill isn't a work-efficient way to go about changing this, but I don't think that this is the sense you're trying to convey about who Mathilde is and what she's accomplishing. Her job is to be the one who knows things and right now it still feels like she's usually the most clueless one in the room when the topic is anything she hasn't seen with her own eyes. Even dropping a handful of sentences into the updates about what she's hearing from one source or another would make a huge difference.
[X] [WAIFU] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.

[X] Plan Broken Heart
You're not the first to bring it up, and I agree that it is an important part of the world of Mathilde that I do need to find a way to bring to life. I have been working on it in the background, but that work hasn't borne fruit yet. Believe me when I say that it's more frustrating to me than it possibly could be for the reader.

I am going to continue working on it. I do want to find a way to make this quest seem realer, and to bring this very important part of Mathilde's labours to life. In the meantime, all that I ask of you, the reader, is that when I say that the information network is functioning, you take me at my word. I do hope that a little bit of suspension of disbelief is not too much of a price to pay.
Its ok, maybe put the blame at the moment on our still small network? Im sure you'll do wha you think is best and well do what we do bes and enjoy whatever Derp Wizard gets up to next
I would vote for the Van Hall + Anton vote, but I don't think it will win and I don't want the 'no one' vote to win.
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