Unfortunately, since we've been asked to gather information on undead types and density in Sylvania when Stirland sallies, that won't suffice- the Haunted Hills are part of Stirland, not Sylvania, and while studying the undead is useful for categorization and such it's not going to give us information like "thousands of ghouls in the Grim Moor, a bunch of ghosts in Hel Fenn, handful of vampires with around thirty thousand zombies in Castle Drakenhof".
Basically, what our puppetmasters have demanded of us is that we give them the information they need to pull out a map of Sylvania and cover it in notes on the positions, numbers, and types of undead in all the locations labeled on the map and have those notes be as accurate as possible- at least as accurate as Stirland's. That basically mandates either working with the military or somehow ensuring that the information is being centralized somewhere else (our new proposed organization, Van Hal's office, whatever) so that we can make a copy and send it off.
@BoneyM, please correct me if this is not the correct interpretation of their current demand.
[X] Plan Broken Heart
-[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing
-[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
-[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
-[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
-[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
-[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
-[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
-[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
-[X] [Additional] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
-[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
--[X] Julia
-[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
--[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
[X] [WAIFU] Anton Kiesinger II
-[] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
--[] Name: Autopsy Agency
--[] Membership: College
--[] Control: Van Hal
Though the military would be mostly good at counting and positioning, but not a lot of the specifics, so we likely still want the unit(which also helpfully centralizes the information for us to look at).That is what is being asked of you, yes. 'When Stirland sallies' is a point you could use to justify not acting immediately, though - Van Hal's trip to Leicheberg is him exploring whether it is even necessary to sally, and from there preparations will begin if he decides that a sally is required, but considering how much Van Hal wants that road up and running it's questionable whether it's a good idea to not begin working now if you're going to fulfil those orders.
However, depending exactly where it's hooked in to the framework of Stirland's administration, it could be trivial to have the information the military gathers regarding the undead they find during the sally fed through to you.
I feel like adding the reasoning you had for the mages as part of the vote (mages would be very useful but cost political capital) would make the proposal sound better. Also maybe adding a clause that even if we don't command the agency that we remain in the loop so that we can fulfill our mission would be a good idea?Would gladly add more if anyone has suggestions, but the three fields were the minimum.
Also looking at our finances, with the estate personal income we can stop embezzling since it pays for the college fees already.
Cut it for now barring protests, since we're also getting additional budget oversight.
Witch Hunters are the ones typically raising lynch mobs on wizards, and hedge mages of all sorts. Antagonistic to say the least.Chipping in on this, why not have the membership open to both witch hunter and Grey College? It's a mix of field experience and academy knowledge. How testy is the relationship between Witch hunters and MAGIC?
P.S. Undead Research doesn't actually do anything for the mandate. It's studying the literature rather than setting up the organization we'd need to meet the mandate.To anyone concerned that Broken Heart plan was not doing mandated stuff, this is false. See the highlight parts (3) that lists the actions taken for mandate. This plan is my view on well-rounded plan covering most areas. Delegation will be done next turn once we have cemented derp's hold over the watch and information network.
Witch Hunters are the ones typically raising lynch mobs on wizards, and hedge mages of all sorts. Antagonistic to say the least.
Most Witch Hunters don't have a lot of experience with the undead either. Van Hal's former associates aside.
I figure we could get most of those if Van Hal personally takes charge of recruiting.
P.S. Undead Research doesn't actually do anything for the mandate. It's studying the literature rather than setting up the organization we'd need to meet the mandate.
Anton was supposed to be incompetent, but he keeps rolling crits. He started with a 4 in diplomacy! I spent time worrying about whether I was unduly crippling Stirland by having a deadweight Chancellor that couldn't be axed without alienating vassals! This turn isn't even the first time he's rolled a natural 100.
Chipping in on this, why not have the membership open to both witch hunter and Grey College? It's a mix of field experience and academy knowledge. How testy is the relationship between Witch hunters and MAGIC?
Also to be clear, theres no implicit punishment for not doing live captures right? The minimum expected(rather than the technical minimum) is a headcount and analysis of whatever undead we can find, nail down and carve apart?
Amended as below:I feel like adding the reasoning you had for the mages as part of the vote (mages would be very useful but cost political capital) would make the proposal sound better. Also maybe adding a clause that even if we don't command the agency that we remain in the loop so that we can fulfill our mission would be a good idea?
-[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
--[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
--[X] Membership: College
--[X] Control: Van Hal
--[X] The organization would have wizards from the colleges, along with surgeons and hunters to best locate, combat, capture and dissect the undead encountered. The key difficulties will lie in detection, location and capture, where a wizard is best suited to the parts of detection and capture, being able to identify the Dhar at work and also counter or trace any necromancers involved.
--[X] While there may be political costs to a formal expansion of the colleges, the value here in Stirland should be well worth it, and there is the alternative of hiring Journeymen and keeping the control under Van Hal's personal authority if the politics prove stubborn about a formal expansion, as his position makes commanding journeymen wizards simple by law.
--[X] With the information gathered, it'd be helpful to the roles of Gustav, Kasmir and your own office to get the detailed reports. Specific tactics to fighting the unliving would greatly ease the losses on the forces combating the supernatural in the field, while your informants would also greatly benefit from identifying the more subtle forms of undead hidden within the populace or lurking where the people will only report otherwise vague rumors.. Then Kasmir's office to assess if the locals are coerced, duped or in collusion.
Grey Wizards only know about Undead so much as they can sense the magic at work in them. You want Amethysts for specialist undead.What undead knowledge does derp lack that she feels she had to brush upon? It will be really strange to setup a unit to hunt/study undead without actually knowing what undeads are. (Again, filmy knowledge on WHF; so if Grey wizard are really good with undead then let me know.)
Ah...good to know.Witches and Witch Hunters are not and will probably never be friends. But in recent years across the Empire in general, the relationship is more cautious distaste and less 'burn them if you think you can get away with it'.
As for membership, you can open recruitment to various parties at a later date. The current question is 'who should technically be in charge'. I say technically because whoever you choose, Mathilde would be in charge and Van Hal would back that - it'd avoid problems down the road if the organization de jure reports to you as part of their founding charter, rather than just out of inertia, but that would also mean that you don't get the benefits from latching on to whichever organization it latches onto. If it's technically part of the military, manpower would be easier; if it's part of the College, then research materials and magical assistance would be easier, and so on.
Dear god.
The Derp wizard and the Derplomat could get married and have children. I'm not sure if my brain could even deal with that but I'm eager to find out.
Sorry Van Hal. You were a cool dude but this is a golden opportunity and I can't pass this by. Those kids are going to bumble their way into saving the world.
Can we choose more than one person? After all, it's not who we are dating, it's who we like, and people like more than one person all the time.WAIFU VOTE
Who, if anyone, does Mathilde desire a romantic relationship with?
Can we choose more than one person? After all, it's not who we are dating, it's who we like, and people like more than one person all the time.
[X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?Sure. Love triangles are a staple of the books she won't admit to reading.
The heart of any proper operation security is compartmentalization. Mingling together two assets means that a) it is possible to compromize both in one go b) even if only one is compromised, it has fingers in the clean part of network c) it's fairly hard to play one part against another when we need it. I'm strongly against.Of this set, fully interleaving the Watch with the Informants is a good idea. It gives us free actions.